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© by Zane B. Stein


(also includes Ceres)
Farout 2018 VG18
Dee Dee (2014 UZ224)
Unnamed Plutinos
Albion (QB1)
Logos &
(307261) 2002 MS4
(55637) 2002 UX25
(2000 OO67)
(230965) 2004 XA192
(42301) 2001 UR163
(15874) 1996 TL66


Before we explore these new bodies, let's put things in perspective, by talking about distances.
Interstellar Distances - In Perspective


A dwarf planet, as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, (c) has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite.

Currently, there are only five bodies officially considered Dwarf Planets: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea. Check out the Minor Planet Center's DWARF PLANETS page. Some others will be added later, and are already considered by some to be in the same class. Salacia is most likely a Dwarf Planet so I am including it as one, but she was initially classified a Cubewano. I will not be talking about Ceres here, as her orbit is primarily between Mars and Jupiter. And while this page is for Trans_Plutonian bodies, I decided I had to talk at least a little bit about Pluto, the king of the Dwarf Planets.....with all the news on this body that has been coming in daily from New Horizons. For those interested, here is a NASA page on all of the Dwarf Planets

Many astrologers (including yours truly), as well as many astronomers, feel that Dwarf Planets is a misnomer, and that bodies like Pluto and Eris are just as worthy of being called Planets as Mars and Saturn. I am in complete agreement with the following quote, taken from Walter Pullen's Dwarf Planet page:

'Note that a Dwarf planet can and probably should be considered just a type of planet, and not necessarily less significant than a traditional planet (either astronomically or astrologically). In other words, all Dwarf planets are planets! :-) The problem with the name 'Dwarf planet' is that it implies the planet is small in size, when it may not be. Tiny Mercury is smaller than certain planetary moons, but it's still a traditional planet because there's nothing else major in its orbit. Similarly, if a Jupiter sized body were to be discovered way out in the scattered disc, it would only be a "Dwarf planet" because there's other bodies there, when it would be larger than any traditional planet! Therefore, it would make more sense to call traditional planets something like 'lone planets' (because they're by themselves in their orbits), and call Dwarf planets 'linked planets' (because they have many neighbors). That's similar to the 'rocky planet' versus 'gas giant planet' distinction we already have to classify them.'

Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea have also been placed in a special sub-category called "Plutoids", and so far, they are the only ones. (What is a Plutoid? "Plutoids are celestial bodies in orbit around the Sun at a semimajor axis greater than that of Neptune that have sufficient mass for their self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that they assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (near-spherical) shape, and that have not cleared the neighbourhood around their orbit. Satellites of plutoids are not plutoids themselves, even if they are massive enough that their shape is dictated by self-gravity." That's from an IAU Press Release Jun 11, 2008.)

You can read a bit more about this group of bodies here: DWARF PLANETS

Alan Clay has been doing a lot of research on outer bodies and has a website focused on some of these bodies at Dwarf Planet Astrology. You can also find out about his new book, Sedna Consciousness, the Soul's Path of Destiny.


Planet: 1930-2006
Dwarf Planet: 2006-?

Just like most of the astrologers in today's world, I've known Pluto as a planet most of my life, and I felt a huge WRONG was done when the IAU voted in 2006 to demote it to Dwarf Planet. Perhaps in the not too distant future, it may once again be called a planet. Like most of my colleagues, I hope so.

However, I have a theory about why it was demoted, and it has to do with the other bodies it was grouped with.

In 1801, and Ceres was discovered, it was called a planet. But after several other bodies were found in the same area, it was demoted and classified as the largest of a new category: asteroids.

Astrologers for the most part ignored Ceres after that, and it wasn't until 1973-74 that a few farsighted astrologers (led by Ellie Bach), started suggesting we explore it, and a few other asteroids, in charts. Those who did look at Ceres found it quite interesting. But for the most part, it was still ignored by the astrological community.

Pluto, on the other hand, was considered a planet from its beginning, and, while a few astrologers tried to ignore it, most discovered it as a powerful and indespensible astrological tool....and wouldn't think of leaving it out of their charts. So when it was demoted, they continued using it without a pause, not letting the new category change how they used this tool.

But suddenly, Pluto became linked with two other bodies...equals in the new Dwarf Planet group. Since Pluto was so potent, perhaps these bodies also needed to be looked at. And that is what began to happen....a growing number of astrologers started looking at Ceres, and Eris, the other Dwarf Planets.

It didn't hurt that they had a mythological connection. Ceres was the brother of Pluto. And the astronomer who discovered Eris wanted, at first, to name it Persephone....who was Ceres daughter, and who was kidnapped and, some say, raped by Pluto, who later made her queen of the underworld.

The Pluto archetype is very male in nature. But this body, Pluto, seems to have a very complex nature, with many elements deeply feminine. My wife Lynette Malone, also an astrologer, has always seen the basic energy of this astrological force as quite feminine. And long before my time, noted astrologer Isabel Hickey published a booklet asking us to look beyond the body's name. "Pluto or Minerva: The Choice Is Yours" should be a must reading for all astrologers, in my opinion.

In my experience, the sign Scorpio can take one to the darkest depths of the psyche, and to the highest most spiritual perceptions. It is sometimes given multiple symbols with the Scorpion and its poisonous tail, the eagle soaring far and wide, and the dove as symbol of spirit.

Isabel wrote, "Pluto rules Scorpio. Minerva, goddess of wisdom, rules the highest aspect of Pluto. Every growth begins in the darkness and grows toward the light." Talking about the Plutonian side of Pluto, if you will, she wrote: "The energy in us which is unknown on the surface but which works in the depths of our being. It rules the underworld in us, as well as the highest part of us. In its lowest aspect it can be working silently within and unknown under the surface and then erupt with violence." But there is another side. "The highest aspect of Pluto (Minerva, goddess of wisdom), works in a different fashion [than the lowest]. It changes the individual from within and comes imperceptibly like the dawn of a new day. It changes the individual so his is never again in the same state of consciousness. Purged of the dross, he is refined and regenerated."

Thinking about the dark side of Pluto, and how only now, with New Horizons, are we getting a glimpse of what it really looks like, it is intriguing that some of the most frequent news of late is the coming to the surface, and in our face, of things that had always been hidden, not looked at. Take for example all the child abuse by church leaders and celebrities like Rolf Harris, or the sexual abuse charges against women surfacing about Bill Cosby.

Pluto's orbit being so eccentric, it is for a short time closer to us than Neptune ever gets. This happens during the months near its's closest approach to the Sun. The most recent perihelion was 5 September 1989, when its astrological position was about 12 Sco 55. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is "An Inventor Performs A Laboratory Experiment." While the Internet had been around a little while by then, the first text message was sent over the net that year, and the first commercial internet providers emerged which opened access up to just about anyone...with the first commercial dial-up connection. Other interesting events at or near the perihelion: Denmark passed the worlds first law legalizing civil unions between same-sex partners, while in Western Australia homosexual act between consenting adults is decriminalized; the Berlin Wall comes down

I won't explore the astrology of Pluto much here....there is over 80 years of good astrological research on this body

And there is also a growing body of astronomical data on this body, as a result of the New Horizons spacecraft which flew right by Pluto in 2015. For example, we now know that Pluto's diameter 1,473 miles (2,370 kilometers), which makes it a bit larger than was thought, and larger than all other known solar system objects beyond the orbit of Neptune (that's right, larger than Eris.) In comparison, the smallest traditional planet, Mercury, has a diameter 4,880 kilometers. You can read more about the new findings here, and see fantastic photographs: New Horizons

I attended a symposium in 1999 on the status of Pluto. The panel could not agree on whether Pluto should remain a planet or not, but was quite interesting. And I got a chance to meet Alan Stern who is now heading the New Horizon Pluto project that has given us all those great photos. Here is a shot of the panel there that day: IS PLUTO A PLANET?

But I do want to give you a good ephemeris for it. So you can click here for a PLUTO EPHEMERIS, for every 10 days, for 1900-2020.

Zane's Eris symbol Discordian's Eris symbol Discordian's alternate Eris symbol Eris - symbol used in Poland Eris - symbol used in Time Passages

136199 (2003 UB313)

There are five symbols shown for Eris. The one on the left was designed by Zane B Stein as a possible glyph for the this body. The middle two have been used by the Discordians to represent the Hand of Eris, long before this body was discovered. Next was submitted by Bogdan Krusiński, who says it is the symbol being used for Eris by astrologers in Poland. And on the far right is the one that is used for Eris in
Time Passages software.

2003 UB313 had been officially declared the 10th Planet by the IAU, until August 24, 2006. On this date, they voted on an official definition of the word "Planet", and this body was reclassified. It is now one of the three members of a new classification, "Dwarf Planet", along with Pluto, and Ceres. But though they may be 'Dwarf' in size, they are anything but dwarf in significance. It was given an official number, 136199. And, it now has a name!

  From the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory came an official announcement, September 13, 2006, Circular #8747: "Following near-unanimous acceptance by both the Committee on Small-Body Nomenclature and the Working Group on Planetary-System Nomenclature (in consultation with the discovery team), the IAU Executive Committee has now approved the names Eris for (136199) and Dysnomia for its satellite (136199) Eris I [formerly S/2005 (2003 UB313)" More on this in a moment.


On January 5, 2005, the team of Michael Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David Rabinowitz (David, you may remember, discovered Pholus), discovered a very unique body while looking over photographic plates that had been taken Oct 21, 2003. (It's not unusual for photographic plates to sit for months or even years before they are really studied, since so many of them are taken on a daily basis.) Anyway, when they first recognized what they had found, they decided to research it thoroughly before making a a public announcement, which they finally did on July 29, 2005, (the same day as two other large Kuiper Belt objects, 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY9, were also announced.)


This body had been nicknamed 'Xena', as in the television's most famous female warrior, and her moon had been nicknamed 'Gabrielle' after Xena's constant companion.


But now we need to start calling this body by it's official name of Eris (Greek Ἒρις), the Greek mythological goddess personifying strife. Her Latin name is Discordia. And her moon has been officially named 'Dysnomia', a child of the goddess Eris, who often was used to symbolize lawlessness

Mike Brown gives this account on the naming:

"We officially suggested the name on 6 September 2006, and it was accepted and announced on 13 September 2006.

"The satellite of Eris has received the offical name Dysnomia, who in Greek mythology is Eris' daughter and the demon spirit of lawlessness. As Dysnomia is a bit of a mouthful, we tend to simply call the satellite Dy, for short.

"As promised for the past year, the name Xena (and satellite Gabrielle) were simply placeholders while awaiting the IAU's decision on how an official name was to be proposed. As that process dragged on, however, many people got to know Xena and Gabrielle as the real names of these objects and are sad to see them change. We admit to some sadness ourselves.We used the names for almost two years now and are having a hard time swtiching. But for those who miss Xena, look for the obvious nod* in the new name of the moon of Eris."

*And of course, by "obvious nod", Michael was referring to the fact that the moon was named after a spirit of lawlessness, and the television character Xena was played by actress Lucy Lawless.

Mike Brown has a page about Eris with a lot of interesting information. Check out his Eris page.


Brown describes it as the most distant object ever found to be orbiting the Sun. At 9.7 billion miles, Eris is three times farther from the Sun than Pluto, which averages 3.6 billion miles from the Sun. The newly-discovered object is more distant than the mysterious planetoid Sedna discovered in 2003. But that's only right now. Because of its highly elliptical orbit (with an eccentricity of 0.44177), in 280 years, the planet will be as close as the planet Neptune is to Earth.

Not only is its orbit highly elliptical, but it is tilted 44.187 degrees relative to the plane of the solar system. Pluto's orbit is only inclined 17 degrees.

How big is it? The latest size estimate, as of February 2006, is a diameter of 3000 km. To put that in perspective, our Moon is 3500 km, Pluto is 2300 km, and Pluto's moon Charon only 1200 km.

It takes 557 years for the newly-discovered body to orbit the Sun. Right now, it is on the far side of the Solar System, not too far from its farthest point from the Sun.

On September 10, 2005, astronomers discovered that Eris has a moon, and this was provisionally designated S/2005 (2003 UB313). Some mouthful to say! So, since they nicknamed the main body Xena, they decided to nickname its companion Gabrielle (after the TV warrior's constant companion.)

Here is an excellent website for (mostly) astronomical information and updates on 136199: ERIS


Eris comes from Greek mythology, and the name translates as Strife. But it seems there were two different goddesses by that name. Hesiod wrote, in "Works and Days":

"So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature.

For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due.

But the other is the elder daughter of dark Night (Nyx), and the son of Cronus who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbour, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbour vies with his neighbour as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel."

The goddess Hesiod describes who 'fosters evil war and battle' is described as being the sister of Ares (Mars, to the Romans), with Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Ceres) as her parents.

Eris, as daughter of Nyx, has some quite interesting siblings, although the list varies depending upon the author.

Hesiod wrote: "And Nyx (Night) bare hateful Moros (Doom) and black Ker (Violent Death) and Thanatos (Death), and she bare Hypnos (Sleep) and the tribe of Oneiroi (Dreams). And again the goddess murky Nyx, though she lay with none, bare Momos (Blame) and painful Oizys (Misery), and the Hesperides ... Also she bare the Moirai (Fates) and the ruthless avenging Keres (Death-Fates) ... Also deadly Nyx bare Nemesis (Envy) to afflict mortal men, and after her, Apate (Deceit) and Philotes (Friendship) and hateful Geras (Old Age) and hard-hearted Eris (Strife)."

Hyginus wrote: "From Nox (Night) and Erebus: Fatum (Fate), Senectus (Old Age), Mors (Death), Letum (Dissolution), Continentia (Moderation), Somnus (Sleep), Somnia (Dreams), Amor (Love) - that is Lysimeles, Epiphron (Prudence), Porphyrion, Epaphus, Discordia (Discord) [Eris], Miseria (Misery), Petulantia (Wantonness), Nemesis (Envy), Euphrosyne (Good Cheer), Amicitia (Friendship), Misericordia (Compassion), Styx (Hatred); the three Parcae (Fates), namely Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos; the Hesperides."

And Eris herself has been listed of the mother of several other interesting beings, called the Kakodaimones, who were the evil spirits which plagued mankind. The moon of the body Eris has been named after the one listed in bold in the following paragraph from Hesiod:

"But abhorred Eris (Strife) bare painful Ponos (Toil), and Lethe (Forgetfulness), and Limos (Starvation), and the Algea (Pains), full of weeping, the Hysminai (Fightings) and the Makhai (Battles), the Phonoi (Murders) and the Androktasiai (Man-slaughters), the Neikea (Quarrels), the Pseudo-Logoi (Lies), the Amphilogiai (Disputes), and Dysnomia (Lawlessness) and Ate (Ruin), who share one another's natures, and Horkos (Oath) who does more damage than any other to earthly men, when anyone, of his knowledge, swears to a false oath."

There are many stories of Eris in literature, but probably the most famous took place at the marriage of Peleus to Thetis. Eris was not invited to the wedding. (Would you invite Strife to your wedding?) When she found out that she had been snubbed, but Hera (Juno), Athena (Pallas), and Aphrodite (Venus) had been sent invitations (by Chiron, in fact), but she had not been invited, she was enraged, and sought revenge. She decided to go to the wedding anyway. Colluthus wrote:

"And now she bethought her of the golden apples of the Hesperides. Thence Eris took the fruit that should be the harbinger of war, even the apple, and devised the scheme of signal woes. Whirling her arm she hurled into the banquet the primal seed of turmoil and disturbed the choir of goddesses. Hera, glorying to be the spouse and to share the bed of Zeus, rose up amazed, and would fain have seized it. And Kypris [Aphrodite], as being more excellent than all, desired to have the apple, for that it is the treasure of the Erotes (Loves). But Hera would not give it up and Athena would not yield."

Zeus saw the quarrel heating up, and called to Hermes (Mercury) to give escort the goddesses to a shepherd named Paris, and instruct him to give the apple to the goddess he saw as the most beautiful. In this way, he sought to resolve the argument. (Some say that Zeus knew what would happen, and planned the whole thing.)

When Paris was told of his honor by Hermes, each of the goddesses tried to sway his decision by offering him a gift. (Bribing the judge?) Hera said if she were chosen fairest of all women, she would make him king of all men; Athena promised him victory in war; and Aphrodite promised him Helene in marriage.

Paris chose Aphrodite, for Helene was one of the most beautiful, desirable of all women. With Aphrodite's aid Paris seduced queen Helene and abducted her to Troy, and this led to the Trojan War.

There are many, many stories of Eris accompanying her brother Ares onto the battlefield. She is often described as having an insatiable desire for bloodshed. Even after all the other gods had withdrawn from battle, she remained, rejoicing over the slaughter.

But she was also mentioned as responsible for other 'battles.' On more than one occasion, for example, she is listed as the cause of marital strife.

Aesop retold one of the Eris stories which may indeed show us one aspect of Eris' meaning to us:

"Herakles was making his way through a narrow pass. He saw something that looked like an apple lying on the ground and he tried to smash it with his club. After having been struck by the club, the thing swelled up to twice its size. Herakles struck it again with his club, even harder than before, and the thing then expanded to such a size that it blocked Herakles's way. Herakles let go of his club and stood there, amazed. Athena saw him and said, 'O Herakles, don't be so surprised! This thing that has brought about your confusion is Aporia (Contentiousness) and Eris (Strife). If you just leave it alone, it stays small; but if you decide to fight it, then it swells from its small size and grows large."

And yet, with all of this, there is another side to Eris. As Hesiod wrote:

"One [Eris] is Trouble and Fighting. But the other is only Healthy Competition."

The ancient astrologers associated war, as well as healthy competition, with the 7th house, and the 7th sign (Libra). Could Eris, therefore, be associated with Libra?


Today, there is a religion that worships the goddess Eris. Well, sort of. Anyway, the members of this faith call themselves Discordians. (Two of the symbols they have used to represent the Hand of Eris are shown at the top of this page as possible symbols for the planet Eris.)

What is the Discordian view of Eris? For that, I'd like to quote from their 'bible', the Principia Discordia:

"...It was not until they traced the Greek writing on the apple that they discovered the ancient Goddess known to the Greeks as Eris and to the Romans as Discordia. This was on the fifth night, and when they slept that night each had a vivid dream of a splendid woman whose eyes were as soft as feather and as deep as eternity itself, and whose body was the spectacular dance of atoms and universes. Pyrotechnics of pure energy formed her flowing hair, and rainbows manifested and dissolved as she spoke in a warm and gentle voice:
"I have come to tell you that you are free. Many ages ago, My consciousness left man, that he might develop himself. I return to find this development approaching completion, but hindered by fear and by misunderstanding.
"You have built for yourselves psychic suits of armor, and clad in them, your vision is restricted, your movements are clumsy and painful, your skin is bruised, and your spirit is broiled in the sun.
"I am chaos. I am the substance from which your artists and scientists build rhythms. I am the spirit with which your children and clowns laugh in happy anarchy. I am chaos. I am alive, and I tell you that you are free.""


KEYWORDS: If you would like to experiment with some preliminary keywords for Eris, please jump to my Preliminary Keywords page, but keep in mind that it is still early in research, and the keyword list may be modified or expanded upon.

It was at its furthest point from the Sun (aphelion) on March 16, 1977, at 13 Aries 36. (1977 was an interesting year. Six days earlier, rings were discovered around the planet Uranus, shaking up our reality, letting us know Saturn wasn't the only ringed planet. And later in the year, November 1, Chiron was discovered, right between Saturn and Uranus.)

Going back in time, it was closest to the Sun (perihelion) on July 7, 1699, at 8 Libra 53. A planet's perihelion is, in many ways, the beginning of its orbital cycle. What shift took place int he world at the end of the 17th Century, as we entered into the 18th Century? Why have some called the 1700's "The Age of Reason and Change"? Could this be related to the perihelion in Libra, sign of the scales of balance, fairness, law and justice?

Obviously, it is way too soon to list meanings for this planet, but it is not too soon to begin studying it astrologically. Here are a few significant positions for Eris:
Discovery position: 19 Aries 45 R
Position when announced to the world: 21 Aries 05 R


Traditionally astrologers have assigned colors to the planets that seemed to most fit their nature. Mars, planet of passion, for example, was associated with the fiery color red.

So I started wondering if there was a color associated with Eris. What color do you associate with discord?

Maybe instead she rules situations where colors are disturbing, discordant...where the colors clash.

Discordant colours are those that are almost opposite each other on a colour wheel. Complementary colors on the color wheel are opposite each other, such as Yellow and Purple.

But discordant colors are almost, but not quite, opposites. They are like two zodiac signs that are quincunx. For example, Yellow and Maroon (the color between Red and Purple) would be discordant.

Just like you can't ignore a quincunx, as it is always pushing you to make adjustments, you can't ignore discordant colors. They are very good at getting your attention and often there is a visceral reaction.


I have set up a separate page for the positions of 136199 (2003 UB313) to cover 1900-2012. Just click on this link: ERIS EPHEMERIS 1900-2012 And you can purchase an ephemeris for her monthly positions from 1375 to 2050 by clicking here: ERIS EPHEMERIS 1375-2050


Recently, I had occasion to read something that showed me a very positive side to Eris. Astrologer John Halloran posted the following (reprinted with his permission) on alt.astrology.moderated:

Eris - Discord and the Dialectic Process

It appears that the philosopher Hegel saw the evolutionary stage that is beyond Pluto.

Hegel saw the dialectic between thesis and antithesis as a constructive process that leads to a higher synthesis.

There is a discussion of Hegel's ideas excerpted at:

What is the Hegelian Dialectic

Thoughts from this page:

"Dialectic is defined by Hegel as the power (or energy or force) of negativity."

"Dialectic is thus the transition of things, and of knowledge, from potentiality or abstraction to actuality and content, but in such a way that the arising of a fuller determination points beyond itself to a further determination. Every determination is both a result and a new beginning, concrete and abstract, for it occurs within a process of the becoming of a thing (or of knowledge), and hence is concrete relative to the origin of the process but abstract relative to the telos of the whole process. A thing becomes more and more fully developed through this successive dialectic of self-reconstruction."

So discord is part of a constant on-going dialectic process of maturation, of leaving behind one-sided viewpoints and partial truths. It shakes up the status quo and says that a more complete perspective is necessary.


John Halloran
Halloran Software
Windows Astrology Software -

The dialectic is a branch of logic in the art of reasoning and\or disputing. Through the use of it Socrates would lead his adversary to make clear his position on the subject, then, often with the introduction of an absolutely contrary theory, the discussion would end with an admission, on the other side, of an inaccuracy. It was employed to set one theory in opposition with another, and thus to develop a subject in a comprehensive manner. First an idea (a Thesis) was thrown up against another theory (an Antithesis); from this, it was thought, one would advance to a third stage, and the truth would emerge. Often, - though not necessarily - there would come about a combination of both the ideas (a synthesis). From this process, it is thought, one would arrive at the truth of a proposition; this is not to be confused with a negotiation process whereby, usually, a compromise is wrought out.

Henry Alphern wrote (in An Outline History of Philosophy):

"We must analyze everything into what it now is, then analysis will show that it contains its opposite, which in turn will have to be harmonized into something that includes them both. But the resultant synthesis will itself be subject again to a negative element, this then, will be resolved into a still more comprehensive synthesis, which will be subjected once more to the principle of contradiction. The final solution, the ultimate harmony, the last synthesis, the step when it will no longer be necessary to go higher, will constitute the Absolute. The Universe as a whole harmonizes all contradictions, it is the perfect whole, it is the synthesis which we are seeking as our final solution. It, therefore, constitutes the true, the rational, the goal of the dialectic method. The conclusion is that only the whole of reality is rational, because that furnishes a complete view of all things; it is the Absolute, the World, Reason, God."

Hesiod wrote that there were two different Eris goddesses. One of them, the daugher of Nyx (Night) stirred up healthy competiton. Think about the last good, stirring debate you watched. A discussion involving opposing viewpoints, first one side, then the other, at times perhaps getting quite heated. Didn't you come away mentally stimulated, perhaps with your own thoughts galvanized?

Competition comes from the Latin word competere, which means: to strive together, to coincide. The very basis of healthy competition is not to create enmity, but to strive together to come up with something better than existed previously. In a healthy competition, everyone benefits, no matter whoo wins.

President William McKinley was an indefatigable campaigner. He helped rebuild the Republican Party in 1896 by rejecting divisive ethnic issues and promoting pluralism--whereby every group in the nation would prosper and none would be singled out for attack. He once wrote:

"Without competition we would be clinging to the clumsy antiquated processes of farming and manufacture and the methods of business of long ago, and the twentieth would be no further advanced than the eighteenth century."

He was born on January 29, 1843, with Mercury approximately 27 Aquarius 18, closely conjunct Eris at 27 Aquarius 53.

Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey had a mind that quickly grasped complicated issues. He was instrumental in merging two opposing political parties (the Democratic and the Farmer-Labor party), and with their combined backing he was elected Mayor of Minneapolis. He gained a national reputation by his strong stand for civil rights. In fact, in one of the most renowned speeches in American political history, Humphrey told the 1948 Democratic National Convention: "To those who say, my friends, to those who say, that we are rushing this issue of civil rights, I say to them we are 172 years too late! To those who say, this civil rights program is an infringement on states' rights, I say this: the time has arrived in America for the Democratic Party to get out of the shadow of states' rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights!" Humphrey and his allies succeeded; the pro-civil-rights plank was narrowly adopted. But not without causing strife! As a result of the Convention's vote, the Mississippi and one half of the Alabama delegation walked out of the hall. Many Southern Democrats were so enraged that they formed the "Dixiecrat" party and nominated their own presidential candidate.

He once wrote:

"Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate."

Humphrey was born May 27, 1911. This gave him a Mars (25 Pisces 19) conjunct Eris (26 Pisces 39), both square Pluto (26 Gemini 53.)


Because it moves so slowly, this body can take several years to move through one degree. Perhaps that is why some people experience significant events, several years in a row, on a specific date?

  • Research in history should reflect an interesting transition from 1922-1927. Eris was straddling the cusp between Pisces and Aries that whole period:
    • Enters Aries June 3, 1922
    • Retrogrades back into Pisces July 21, 1922
    • Enters Aries April 27, 1923
    • Retrogrades back into Pisces August 28, 1923
    • Enters Aries April 1, 1924
    • Retrogrades back into Pisces September 24, 1924
    • Enters Aries March 9, 1925
    • Retrogrades back into Pisces October 22, 1925
    • Enters Aries February 12, 1926
    • Retrogrades back into Pisces December 5, 1926
    • Enters Aries January 1, 1927 (where it still is to this day)
  • Look especially to 1924 & 1925, when the Spring Equinox occurred only hours away from the Sun/Eris conjunction.
    • 1924: Only a few days after the conjunction in 1924, Greece proclaims itself a Republic. Less than a week after that, Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in jail for his participation in the Beer Hall Putsch.
    • 1925: Shortly before the conjunction, a law was passed in Tennessee that, in effect, forbade the teaching of evolution in schools, or "any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible." This sparked a major furor, putting on trial a teacher (John T. Scopes) in what was to become one of the most famous trials in history. William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow locked horns in what has become known as the Scopes Monkey Trial.


Here follows the dates and times for the exact conjunction of the Sun with Eris for over a century. We can use this data to study this new body in several different ways:

While the above may not be the Tenth Planet astrologers have been seeking for years, it is still an important astrological tool. And there are many other new tools in the astrology toolbox, as well. Here is a taste of the major new bodies out past Pluto. The next two are Dwarf Planets, like Eris:

136108 (2003 EL61)

Haumea was discovered December 28, 2004 by a team led by Michael Brown. She has an orbit of 284.12 years, an eccentricity of 0.19126, an inclinaton of 28.19 degrees, reaches 34.952 AU at perihelion and 51.483 AU at aphelion.

On September 17, 2008,it was officially classified as a dwarf planet (according to this IAU press release), and named Haumea after the Hawaiian goddess of fertility and childbirth.

Michael Brown has a blog about Haumea's discovery and naming: Haumea blog

(Interestingly, it had at first been given the nickname "Santa" because it was discovered just after Christmas.)

Her orbit is 285 years, which is only a little more than that of Pluto, her eccentricity is 0.188 and her inclination is 28.19. It's discovery position is 12 Libra 27.

She has two moons, named after two of Haumea's daughters, Hi'iaka and Namaka.


According to most accounts, she mated with the god Kane Milohai and gave birth to many children, including Hawaii's most famous goddess, the fire goddess Pele. Thus, she is often referred to as the mother of the Hawaiian people as well as the Great Earth Mother, and was the patron goddess of that island. Here is a page dedicated to the Hawaiin goddess: Haumea the Earth Mother.

In one Hawaiian myth, Haumea's children were born by springing forth from various parts of the body of their mother. Hi'iaka sprang from Haumea's mouth. Namaka came from her mother's thigh.

In one myth, Haumea eventually transformed into a breadfruit tree, and so the people saw this tree as sacred.

There is a quite complex treatise on the mythology of Haumea on the Scared Texts website: HAUMEA


Haumea was discovered at 12 Libra 27. The Sabian symbol for this degree is CHILDREN BLOWING SOAP BUBBLES, and Dane Rudhyar says its keynote is "The cultural fantasies through which young minds dream of perfect fulfillment."

Just what will Haumea tell us, astrologically? Obviously, we need to do a lot of research before we can answer that, but a good place to start might be its conjunctions with major planets.

On June 18, 1903, Haumea was exactly conjunct Neptune at 3 Cancer 08. How did this aspect manifest in the lives of these totally unrelated individuals all born around that date: Jeanette MacDonald, Lou Gehrig, Al Hirschfield and John Dillinger.

In April 1861, the US Civil War began with the Confederate army firing on Fort Sumter. It was at that time that transiting Haumea made an exact conjunction to the US Chiron (20 Aries 08, which falls in the US fourth house in the Sibley chart.)

On 18 August 1920, the US passed the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. Haumea was 23 Can 45, applying conjunction to the US Mercury 24 Can 11 R.

The mid-Fifties saw a 3-time Haumean/Pluto conjunction. The dates were September 30, 1954, 25 Leo 59; Feb 19 1955, 25 Leo 28 R; and July 1, 1955, 25 Leo 00.

I know that the USS Nautilus was comissioned. This submarine was the first atomic powered vessel. Also during this period, the Viet Minh took over North Viet Nam, setting the stage for the war to come, President Eisenhower sends the first 'advisors' to South Viet Nam, and the US 7th Fleet helps the Nationalists evacuate Mainland China and go to Taiwan.

What do these individuals have in common, born near these dates? Musician Stevie Ray Vaughan, Reverend Al Sharpton, actor Scott Bakula.

On September 25, 1962, Uranus and Haumea met at 2 Virgo 49.

A border conflict between India and China broke out which led to the Sino-Indian War, and civil war broke out in Yemen. The Environmentalist Movement arose in great part because of the book Rachel Carson published at this time, "Silent Spring". And James Meredith, the first black student to register at the Univ of Mississippi accompanied by Federal Marshals. (Oh, and the Beatles released their first single, "Love Me Do".)

I had an interesting set of personal experiences during the five times Haumea passed back and forth over my seventh house Saturn (and squared my 4th house Sun). At the first conjunction, my car broke down while I was driving and I had to leave it parked on a street until I could come back to have someone work on it...but when I returned, it had been broken into and pretty much stripped. Near the fourth passage, I had my first car accident, and while I was fine, the car was a total loss. And at the final conjunction of Haumea to my Saturn, I was in my car at a red light when a car hit my light from behind damaging the back end, but when I got out of the car to talk to the driver, they drove off and disappeared.

Check out these pages for more insight into Haumea:

Nick Anthony Firenza's Haumea page

Richard Brown's Haumea page

Click here for a HAUMEA EPHEMERIS for 1900-2020.

136472 (2005 FY9)

Makemake is the third-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System. It was discovered on March 31, 2005 by a team led by Michael Brown. In July 2008, (according to this IAU press release) it was officially classified as a Plutoid, which is a sub class of Dwarf Planets which have orits beyond Neptune, joining Pluto and Eris.

On April 26, 2016, the discovery of a Moon around Makemake was announced, and was nicknamed MK2. This moon is about 100 miles wide, and is about 13,000 miles away from Makemake.

Prior to its official naming, it had been lovingly nicknamed "Easterbunny", since it was found right before Easter. In officially naming it Makemake, the astronomers were kind of paying homage to the earlier nickname, because Makemake was the creator of humanity in the myths of the native people of Easter Island.

Michael Brown has a blog about the discovery and naming of Makemake: What's In A Name

Its orbital period is 310 years (compared to Pluto's 248 years). The eccentricity is 0.159, and the inclination is 28.96. It's discovery position is 20 Virgo 16 R


Makemake was the creator of humanity and the god of fertility in the mythology of the South Pacific island of Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island). He was also the chief god of the bird-man cult, and was worshipped in the form of sea birds. Petroglyphs of Makemake, which look like a man with a bird's head, can be found on Rapa Nui. You can see one of these Petroglyphs here: Makemake petroglyph

Maurice Fernandez has an article on his website entitled "The Egg of Creation, and the Threat of Extinction, A Warning from MAKEMAKE" I'd like to quote some of this article here:

"The Rapa Nui Polynesian culture from the Easter Islands worshipped Makemake (pronounced makei makei), the bird God, and their story is entrenched with the existential polarity of new life, sustainability, and termination. As part of this tradition, an important rite of passage consisted of having young men coming of age fetch an egg from bird nests on tall and sharp cliffs; they had to swim back and forth through shark infested waters and carry back the egg in their mouth and deliver it unbroken to their patron. The first to succeed in this mission would be recognized as man of valor and worthy leader for the year."


Makemake was discovered at 20 Vir 15 R, where it made two close aspects to other planets: quincunx to Eris at 20 Aries 18 (the latter near NN 22 Aries), and sextile Saturn at 20 Cancer 28."

Dane Rudhyar gave the Sabian symbol for its discovery position as "A girl's basketball team." He gave the keynote for this degree as "Physical training as a means to inculcate the feeling of participation in a collective culture" and writes "It implies the training for GROUP INTEGRATION of "girls," i.e. of a type of consciousness more specifically receptive to collective forces." The astrological symbol for Makemake was based on the Rapa Nui petroglyphs, and was designed by Denis Moskowitz in collaboration with John T Whelan.

It is of course too early to give specific definitions to Makemake, but a good place to start would be studying major aspects it has made.

On July 1, 1955, Makemake was exactly conjunct Uranus at 26 Cancer 46, so events near that date should be colored by this aspect, and it should have some influence over people born around this time. How does it manifest in the lives of actress Isabelle Adjani, Novelist Lisa Scottoline, or actor Jimmy Smits, all born close to this date? And does Disneyland in any way reflect Makemake conjunct Uranus, since it officially opened very close to this aspect?

Personally I don't have any major aspects to Makemake, but I definitely can trace events in my life to transits it was involved in.

  • During the years 1967-1969, Makemake passed over my natal Venus five times. The first time was when I met and fell head over heels for the girl who became my first love; the second passage, we became intimate together for the first time; I am not certain about the third passage, but the fourth passage saw her breaking up with me, which sent me into serious depression). A few weeks after the breakup, I met a young lady who I connected with. She introduced me to astrology, and we noticed we often saw images from each other’s minds. The fifth Makemake conjunction to my Venus, we arranged to set up a psychic experiment for the next few months: we set aside a time once a week were she would send mental images to me, and I would send mine to her, and we were both amazed at how vividly accurate the impressions I received from her were.
  • For a few years I had been writing an occasional article that was published in the local newspaper. When Chiron passed over my 5th house Makemake, one of the articles I had written was picked up by the Gannette News Service and published in newspapers all over the USA. The article was definitely 5th house, as I wrote about a major effort on the part of the fans of a particular TV show to stop said show from being cancelled by the network.
  • In Jun 2014, Jupiter passed over my Makemake, and a biopsy of my prostate determined that there was cancerous tissue. I had the prostrate removed, but I would say that having the biopsy done was a blessing which probably ended up saving my life.
It IS prominent in the charts of several significant people in my life.

  • My father had Makemake (2 Gem 29) in close conjunction to his Descendant (2 Gem 03), square his 3rd house Venus (4 Pis 46).
  • My ex-wife Alice My ex-wife Alice has Makemake 23 Can 39 R, near her 26 Can 55 Ascendant, and connected to her T-square: Mars 15 Ari 36 conjunct Venus 22 Aries 56 in the 10th, opposing Neptune 23 Lib 33 R conjunct Saturn 26 Lib 48 R in the 4th, square Uranus 14 Can 39 R.
  • Alice and I had two daughters with significant Makemake aspects, each with a square to one of the parental houses:
    • My older daughter Liz has Makemake 14 Leo 54 R conjunct 12 Leo 43 Asc, square Mars 12 Tau 03 in tenth
    • My younger daughter Nathalia has Makemake 23 Leo25 conjunct NN 21 Leo 28 R in 1st, square Uranus 22 Sco 03 R in 4th.
Check out these pages for more insight into Makemake:

Astrograph has an interesting page on it: Makemake in Astrology

Kim Gould writes a good deal about it in her blog: Makemake

Fran Arnet has a good bit about it: Makemake

Great page by the Midlands School of Astrology: MAKEMAKE,GREAT SEA SPIRIT OF EASTER ISLAND

Nick Anthony Firenza's Makemake page

Richard Brown's Makemake page

Alan Clay has co-authored a book on Makemake: Makemake - Uranus' Higher Octave and he also teaches a course on this body at his Dwarf Planet University: Makemake course

Midlands School of Astrology's Makemake, Great Sea Sprit of Easter Island

Benjamin Adamah has written an interesting blog on Makemake, written in Dutch. The following is excerpted from the page using Google Translate: "The collision of technology with nature. Makemake encompasses a lot and getting the essence seems very complex, but comes down to an epicenter role in the process where technology (the artificial) collides with the natural reality. In tantric teaching this is known as the clash between Anrta (the soulless unnatural) on Rta (the natural or divine creation). Carlos Casteneda, expressing the view of the Yaqui Indians, describes this process as the encroachment of inorganic life into the organic world." Here is his blog: . Makemake (in Dutch)

Click here for a MAKEMAKE EPHEMERIS for 1900-2020.

Zane's Salacia symbol

SALACIA 120347 (2004 SB60)

Salacia was discovered on September 22, 2004 by the team of Michael E. Brown, Henry G. Roe and Kristina M. Barkume. While in general her orbit is slightly farther out then Pluto's, Pluto does get further at aphelion, and closer at perihelion. Salcia's aphelion is 46.547 AU, and her perihelion 37.392 AU, with an orbital eccentricity of 0.109071. The orbital inclination is 23.92.

She takes 271.9 years for one cycle.

Salacia has a moon, Actaea.


The Greek god Neptune fell totally in love with Salacia, and wanted to marry her, but she was so overwhelmed by his presence initially that she swam away when he approached. The god of the sea was too smitten to let her go, and sent the dolphin Delphinus after her to try and get her to change her mind, come back, and marry him. Delphinus must have been very persuasive, for she agreed, and became Neptune's wife. (Neptune, so greatful to Delphinus, awarded him by putting him in the heavens as a constellation.) They had three children, one named Actaea.

It may be totally coincidental, but Salacia was discovered in the sign of Pisces, and Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. As Neptune is associated by the Romans with Poseidon, Salacia became associated with Ampitrite.

She was described as goddess of the sea, goddess of salt water, and is usually pictured as a lovely nymph, a crown made of seaweed upon her hair. Sometimes alone, sometimes alongside Neptune, she is often pictured driving a chariot drawn by sea creatures such as dolphins or sea horses.

In addition to the oceans, you may also find it written that she was goddess of mineral springs.

Plant Species

The name Salacia has been given to a species of plants, at least two of which are used in herbal medicine and which are being studied by medical researchers:



June 15, 2011, 8:13:34 PM UT, there was a total eclipse of the Moon at 24 Sagittarius 23. Salacia was 24 Pis 32 (9' away from exact square.)

On July 31, Thailand experiences terrible floods affecting over 12.8 million people, 815 people are killed. 58 of the country's 77 provinces affected.


The planet Uranus has a reputation for shaking things up, even breaking things up. In 2007, Salacia and Uranus began to move near each other, and on March 15, 2008, they were exactly conjunct at 19 Pisces 02. Ten days later, when they had only separated by 17', a 156 square mile chunk of the Wilkins Ice Shelf disintegrated. This huge shelf, 5400 square miles of ice, is located in Antarctica. Sciences start looking more closely at the area, and were surprised to discover the the whole shelf was beginning to break away from the continent, and they watched as, at the end of May, another 62 square miles broke off. By the end of November it was announced that in 2008 alone, the shelf had lost 770 square miles, and in January 2009 that the shelf was only held up by a very thin strip of ice that. If that strip were to break, and the entire shelf (about the size of Jamaica) were to break away, it would be the largest such breakup of artic ice so far, and would result and numerous icebergs with their potential danger to shipping, and the melting giving further rise to the water levels. All during this period, Uranus and Salacia moved in and out of orb of conjunction.

Salacia first moved into Pisces in 1993. That was the year that Professor David Vaughan, a scientist working with the British Antarctic Survey, predicted that the northern part of the Wilkins ice shelf was likely to be lost within 30 years if climate warming on the Peninsula were to continue at the same rate. In 2008 David conceded that his predictions were too conservative, as changes were occurring much more quickly than he had ever imagined.

Interestingly, an article was published in the journal Science, on August 8, 1975, entitled, "Are we on the brink of a pronounced global warming?". This is probably the first use of that term in its modern sense. Salacia was about 5 Aquarius 30, which would make her semi-square to her position later when the scientific community's attention was drawn to the breaking up of the above ice shelf.


When she was discovered in 2004 she was at 13 Pisces 58. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is fitting for a beautiful queen: A young lady from top of coiffure to tip of toes is regal. She displays soft beauty of face above fox furs.

One is tempted to wonder if her name, Salacia, has any connection to the word salacious which is used to describe someone with an excessive interest in sex, as well as books, magazines, and photos of an erotic, bawdy or lewd nature.

  • In 2004, the year of Salacia's discovery, Peter Borg created something he named "Simply Salacious Parties" to provide, as he puts it, "an environment for beautiful souls to come together under the shelter of soulful vocal underground house." Peter says that when you come to his parties, you should "leave your attitude at the door, get ready to dance all night long and make new friends on the dancefloor." They've held parties at many of the 'in' places like Studio 33, and the Ministry of Sound.
  • Also that year, Andrew Read and Micahel Jason started "Salacious Records". Initially created to produce their own music, it evolved into a business to showcase a number of new Indie groups.

Click here for a SALACIA EPHEMERIS for 1900-2020.

Because of the similarity of orbit to Pluto, I wanted to see how many times Salacia was in hard aspect to Pluto. I had to the Fourteenth Century to find a conjunction between them. But look how many squares they made after the opposition:

Plu 	Cnj 	Salacia 	Jun 3 1332
Plu 	Cnj 	Salacia 	Jul 10 1332
Plu 	Cnj 	Salacia 	Mar 31 1333
Plu 	Cnj 	Salacia 	Sep 19 1333
Plu 	Cnj 	Salacia 	Feb 15 1334
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 3 1423
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 11 1423
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jun 14 1424
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 9 1425
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Apr 27 1425
Plu 	Opp 	Salacia 	Oct 13 1478
Plu 	Opp 	Salacia 	Mar 14 1479
Plu 	Opp 	Salacia 	Aug 11 1479
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Mar 15 1790 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Apr 19 1790 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Feb 22 1791 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	May 13 1791 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Feb 9 1792 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	May 28 1792 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 29 1793 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jun 11 1793 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 20 1794 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jun 23 1794 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 12 1795 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jul 4 1795 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 4 1796 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jul 14 1796 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Dec 27 1796 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jul 25 1797 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Dec 20 1797 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 4 1798 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Dec 13 1798 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 15 1799 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Dec 5 1799 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 26 1800 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 27 1800 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Sep 8 1801 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 17 1801 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Sep 26 1802 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 3 1802 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 9 1855 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 5 1856 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Oct 27 1856 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 20 1857 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Oct 16 1857 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Feb 1 1858 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Oct 7 1858 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Feb 13 1859 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Sep 28 1859 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Feb 25 1860 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Sep 19 1860 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Mar 7 1861 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Sep 10 1861 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Mar 19 1862 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 31 1862 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Apr 1 1863 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 21 1863 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Apr 15 1864 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 8 1864 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	May 2 1865 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jul 24 1865 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	May 31 1866 NS
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jun 28 1866 NS
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Dec 22 1995
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Feb 22 1996
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 16 1996
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Apr 3 1997
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Oct 22 1997
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	May 5 1998
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Sep 28 1998
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jun 10 1999
Plu  	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 29 1999

Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Aug 14 2157
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Nov 15 2157
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jun 26 2158
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	Jan 12 2159
Plu 	Sqr 	Salacia 	May 11 2159

Zane's Varda symbol

VARDA 174567 (2003 MW12)

Varda is the name given to this trans-Neptunian object by its discoverer, Jeffrey A. Larsen. It was first sighted on June 21, 2003, and has an orbit of 311.51 years.

Perihelion is 39.622 AU, aphelion is 52.284 AU, and the orbit has an eccentricity of 0.138. It will most likely be classified as a Dwarf Planet.

It was named for Varda, an elf goddess from J.R.R. Tolkein's mythology. According to the Tolkien Gateway, "Varda Elentari, known in Sindarin as Elbereth Gilthoniel, was a Valie , the wife of Manwe (the name given another outer body) and Queen of the Valar. Elves love and revere her most of all the Valar, and they call upon her in their hours of deepest darkness." "Varda is said to be too beautiful for words." Her name means "sublime" or "lofty". "Varda created the stars with the dews from the vats of Telperion, the first of the Two Trees."

It has a moon which was named Ilmare, who was a chief of the Maiar and Varda's handmaiden.

Varda when discovered was 2 Sagittarius 35 R. In its discovery chart it is closely square Mars (1 Pisces 55) and Uranus (2 Pisces 44 R), and quincunx Saturn. The Sabian Symbol for its discovery degree is "Two men playing chess."

Here are some noted individuals with close natal conjunctions to Varda:

The singer who goes by the name Meat Loaf has a close Varda/Venus/Neptune conjunction, so I thought I'd put his chart up here:


These two bodies have an interesting relationship. They can go several centuries without a conjunction.

They began moving close together in 1991, with exact conjunctions three times the following year:

This was a powerful time of change in the world. One of the most dramatic changes occurred with the USSR.

24 August 1991, President Gorbachev resigned as general secretary of the CPSU and ordered all party units in the government dissolved. Pluto 17 Sco 45, Varda 19 Sco 45.

29 August -- Communist rule in the Soviet Union effectively ended when the Supreme Soviet indefinitely suspended all CPSU activities on Soviet territory. Pluto 17 Sco 50, Varda 17 Sco 47

Between August and December, 10 republics declared their independence. The two bodies moved closer and closer, reaching a 1 degree orb on Nov. 5.

1 December, 90% of Ukrainian voters opted for independence. Pluto 21 Sco 00, Varda 21 Sco 33

In the early hours of 25 December, Gorbachev resigned as president of the USSR. The office was declared extinct, and all the powers still vested in it (such as control over the nuclear arsenal) were ceded to Russia's President Yeltsin. Also that day, the SFSR officially changed its name to "Russian Federation". Pluto 21 Sco 52, Varda 22 Sco 03.

26 December 1991, the Council of Republics formally voted both itself and the Soviet Union out of existence. Pluto 21 Sco 54, Varda 22 Sco 04.

Looking at the Secondary Progressed chart for 26 December 1991, we see the MC at 21 Leo 42 and Uranus 22 Aquarius 23. Clearly, Pluto and Varda were hitting those progressed positions.

Moving to 1992, with Pluto and Varda very close together the whole year, several other significant events occurred. A few of these were:

Boris Yeltsin announces that Russia will stop targeting cities of the United States and her allies with Nuclear Weapons. In return George H. W. Bush announces that the United States and her allies will stop targeting Russia and the remaining communist states with nuclear weapons.

White South Africans vote in favour of political reforms which will end the apartheid regime and create a power-sharing multi-racial government

Japan apologizes for forcing Korean women into sexual slavery during World War II.

A report by the World Meteorological Organization reports an unprecedented level of ozone depletion in both the Arctic and Antarctic.

First confirmed detection of extrasolar planets, with the discovery of several terrestrial-mass planets orbiting the pulsar PSR B1257+12

A text-based Web browser is made available to the public; within a few years, millions of people become regular users of the World Wide Web.

The IBM Simon, a touchscreen mobile phone and personal digital assistant considered the first smartphone, is introduced.

Oh, and Pope John Paul II issues an apology, and lifts the edict of the Inquisition against Galileo Galilei.

Click here for a VARDA EPHEMERIS for 1900-2020.

471143 (2010 EK139)

Dziewanna was discovered March 13, 2010.

Dziewanna is a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) and possibly a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. It has an eccentricity of 0.5386, an inclination of 29.444, reaches 32.551 AU at perihelion and out to 108.54 AU at aphelion. It takes 592.51 years to complete one orbit around the Sun.


Dziewanna was a Slavic goddess of forests, wild animals and hunting, and is most often associated with the Roman Diana and the Greek Artemis.

The name Dziewanna (pronounced gee-vanna) means the plant "Mullein". Mullein is a plant said to have great healing properties, and is used by many cultures for aiding respiratory problems. It's long flower stalks were dipped in wax and used as torches. Mullein is said to represent the goddess of spring and summer.

Dziewanna or the woman connected with this goddess, was most powerful during the gathering of herbs at their peak. Our well being as ancient people depended upon the importance of herbs and herbal women and the harvest rituals related to the survival of the tribe honored this is both praise and ceremony.

Also known as Devana (which is actually entymologically related to Diana), you can find many variations on her name (a few such include Dziewica, Dziewitza, Dzydzilelya, Zizilia, Zewena, Ziewonia and Zyzlila). Another name of Devana is Ciza, whose etymology is traced to the Slavic root cic or cec, meaning the mother's breast. She was known as "Mother of the forest", wild and unrestrained. Under the name variations Dzydzilelya, Zizilia or Didilia, she is known as the goddess of love and wedding, fertility and infancy among West Slavs; this name is explained as meaning "she who pampers babies". Her virginity was renewed every spring in a ritual by bathing in the water of the river or a lake and is a symbol of female sexual power and freedom. Apart from being mostly a forest goddess, she is also associated with rivers and lakes. Her trees are a hazel tree and willow.

She was married to the god Veles (or Volos), who was god of earth, waters, forests and the underground, and sometimes of cattle and peasants. He is sometimes equated with the Scandinavian Loki, or with the Greek Hermes, and oft seen as a trickster, with a penchant for mischief such as unexpected storms. The Slavic people would tell this tale: "In the begining, the goddess was opposed to this marriage, however, Veles found a way to placate her. He turned himself into a basil flower and thus soothed a bit wild Devana." The couple's child, Yarilo, was the god of war and anger, but also sexuality and fertility.

It is said she had a twin sister, Marzanna, who symbolized the end of the summer or dying sun. There are references to rituals involving both goddesses, celebrating the cyclic nature of the seasons.

Her sacred animal was a mare, and on Mount Devica, which is connected to Devana, a rock with a picture of a mare was found.

In a recent issue of his newsletter, SkyScraping (which can be found on his website Consider the Whole Sky....., Phil Sedgwick writes "The mythology for Dziewanna is skimpy. Here is a direct cut and paste from NASA's Solar System Dynamics page: "Dziewanna is a Slavic Goddess of the wild nature, forests and the hunt. Gold-haired, young and beautiful, she brings the spring and revitalizes the Earth. Wild yellow mullein flowers (Polish: dziewanna) are her symbol. Dried, they served as torches during her celebrations.""


In the same newsletter Phil also draws some possible preliminary meanings "from an examination of a body's north node and perihelion (both heliocentric positions). Dziewanna holds a north node of 16 Pisces 09 and the perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) lies at 0 Capricorn 24. Think of this body as a practical approach toward expressing sensitivities, sharing emotions and releasing a reactionary head of steam. Perhaps a perspective of applying ones wild nature in social environments and an indicator of what should and should not be posted on the Internet."

Benjamin Adamah has written an interesting blog on Dziewanna in astrology

It's discovery position was 27 Libra 40 R, Dane Rudhyar wrote of the Sabian Symbol for this degree: "A MAN BECOMING AWARE OF SPIRITUAL FORCES SURROUNDING AND ASSISTING HIM - KEYNOTE: The realization, at any level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the "community" - visible or invisible — - is sustaining one's efforts."

On October 14, 2012, only hours after there was an exact conjunct in the sky of Saturn with Dziewanna (0 Sco 50), Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner became the first person to break the sound barrier without any machine assistance. He jumped out of hot air balloon from 24 miles above Roswell, New Mexico, and was freefalling through most of his almost 10 minute dive (only opening a parachute as he got close to earth.) Intriguing that he broke the sound barrier, and barriers are Saturn, with a speed that was clocked at Mach 1.25....that's 1.25 times the speed of sound! I don't have his time, but his birthdate is 20 April 1969, so this conjunction was closely opposed his natal Sun in the first degree of Taurus. And transiting Venus was applying conjunct his natal Dziewanna, exact the next day when he was receiving all the applause and accolades for his daring jump.

My one daughter has Mars 20 Vir 47, Saturn 21 Vir 03, and Dziewanna 21 Vir 50, in her second house. One would assume that this stellium would manifest in relation to money, possessions or earning.
After her divorce, she totally supported herself and her two boys through jobs in retail and fast food (not receiving any support to speak of from her ex). But she also decided to put herself through to school as well. She worked hard and eventually became a nursing assistant, then an LPN, and is now a registered nurse. (Nursing is very fitting an income source for someone with Virgo planets in the 2nd.)

  • Czar Alexander II of Russia had Dziewanna 17 Can 06 conjunct Mars 17 Can 37 in the 12th house.
  • Richard Krafft-Ebing was born with Dziewanna 24 Can 12 conjunct Mars 24 Can 15 in the 5th house.
  • William Kerr had Dziewanna 28 Can 39 conjunct Mars 28 Can 50 in the 11th house.
  • Businessman and politician Cecil John Rhodes had Dziewanna 27 Can 28 conjunct Venus 27 Can 54.
  • Political Activist Emmaline Pankhurst had Dziewanna 29 Can 02 conjunct Mercury 29 Can 07.
  • George M. Cohan had Dziewanna 4 Leo 54 conjunct Mars 6 Leo 57, opposing Jupiter 4 Aqu 51 R, square Chiron 7 Tau 56 and Neptune 9 Tau 23.
  • Violinist and composer Ottorino Respighi had Dziewanna 5 Leo 21 conjunct Mercury 6 Leo 45 in the 3rd.
  • Astrologer Nicholas De Vore had Mars 5 Leo 46 conjunct Dziewanna 5 Leo 52.
  • Journalist and dictator Benito Mussolini had Mercury 5 Leo 31, Sun 6 Leo 01 and Dziewanna 6 Leo 53 in the 9th.
  • Aviator Amelia Earhart had Dziewanna 11 Leo 29 conjunct Mercury 12 Leo 38.
  • Politician Alf Landon had Mars 8 Leo 36 conjunct Dziewanna 8 Leo 40.
  • Comedian Red Skelton had Dziewanna 17 Leo 07 conjunct Mercury 17 Leo 55, square Mars 22 Tau 43 and Ceres 18 Sco 32
  • Politician Milton Shapp had Mars 26 Gem 30 conjunct Dziewanna 27 Gem 52.
  • Ferruccio Lamborghini had Mars 17 Leo 34 conjunct Dziewanna 17 Leo 43 R in the 11th, opposition Uranus 19 Aqu 25.
  • Screenwriter and producer Gene Roddenberry had Dziewanna 20 Leo 38 conjunct Mercury 21 Leo 32, Sun 25 Leo 47, in 2nd house.
  • Actor Robert Shaw had Dziewanna 17 Leo 43 R conjunct Mars 18 Leo 16 in the 2nd, opposition Uranus 19 Aqu 27.
  • Actor Glenn Ford had Dziewanna 17 Leo 43 R conjunct Mars 18 Leo38, opposition Uranus 19 Aqu 29.
  • Actress Ann Blyth has Sun 23 Leo 11, Mercury 23 Leo 18 and Dziewanna 23 Leo 26..
  • General Norman H. Schwarzkopf has Mercury 24 Leo 32, Dziewanna 26 Leo 06 and Sun 28 Leo 33 in 1st house.
  • Arthur Schlesinger Jr had Dziewanna 19 Leo 41 conjunct Mars 19 Leo 47 in the 12th, opposition Uranus 19 Aqu 53 R.
  • Businessman and civil rights activist Vernon Jordan was born with Sun 22 Leo 24, Dziewanna 26 Leo 27 and Mercury 28 Leo 44 in the 4th house, square 29 Tau 52 Asc.
  • Jack Valenti had Dziewanna 20 Leo 52, Pallas 20 Leo 52, and Mars 21 Leo 32 in the 5th house.
  • Journalist John William Chancellor was born with Dziewanna 22 Leo 34, Mars 23 Leo 09 and Neptune 25 Leo 23 in the fourth house.
  • Actress Helen Mirren was born with Mercury 29 Leo 31 conjunct Dziewanna 0 Vir 47, square Mars 1 Gem 49.
  • Puppeteer Jim Henson had Dziewanna 27 Leo 27 conjunct Mars 28 Leo 31 in the 2nd house.
  • Actress Jill St. John was born with Sun 26 Leo 54, Dziewanna 28 Leo 46, and Mars 0 Vir 16 near the 23 Leo 26 Descendant, square Uranus 26 Tau 05.
  • Astrologer John Townley has Mercury 0 Vir 5 R conjunct Dziewanna 1 Vir 06/
  • Astrologer Liz Greene has Dziewanna 1 Vir 53 conjunct Mercury 1 Vir 56.
  • Singer Jose Feliciano has Mercury 0 Vir 19 conjunct Dziewanna 1 Vir 29 in the 11th house.
  • Musician Alice Cooper has Mars 2 Vir 40 R conjunct Dziewanna 2 Vir 43 R in the 11th.
  • Actress Barbara Hershey has Mars 2 Vir 28 R conjunct Dziewanna 2 Vir 43 R in the 5th, opposition Mercury 4 Pis 03.
  • Astrologer Bil Tierney has Dziewanna 4 Vir 9 conjunct Mar 4 Vir 58 in the 5th.
  • Singer Whitney Houston was born with Mercury 10 Vir 15, Dziewanna 10 Vir 42, and Pluto 11 Vir 02, close to the Desc. (8 Vir 24), opposing Chiron 13 Pis 44 R in the 1st.
  • Author and social issues advocate Tipper Gore has Dziewanna 2 Vir 38 conjunct Mercury 3 Vir 38.
  • Singer songwriter Mark Knopfler has Pallas 2 Virgo 52, Dziewanna 3 Vir 02, Mercury 6 Vir 06 and Saturn 7 Vir 00 in the 6th house.
  • Singer Madonna has Mercury 5 Vir 39 R, Dziewanna 7 Vir 55, Asc 8 Virg 14, and Moon 11 Vir 32.
  • Tennis player Evonne Goolagong has Dziewanna 3 Vir 52 conjunct Mercury 4 Vir 04.
  • Elvira Mistress of the Dark (Cassandra Peterson) has Venus 3 Vir 12 R, Dziewanna 4 Vir 37 and Mercury 6 Vir 05.
  • Comedian Steve Martin has Dziewanna 1 Vir 04 conjunct Mercury 2 Vir 11 R in the first
  • Artist Andy Warhol has Dziewanna 23 Leo 17 conjunct Venus 23 Leo 34, Neptune 28 Leo 19.
  • Comedian Steve Carell was born with Pluto 9 Vir 16, Mercury 10 Vir 01 and Dziewanna 10 Vir 13 in the 12th in opposition to Chiron 9 Pis 13 R and Jupiter 9 Pis 38 R.

Oh, and the very first episode of Star Trek appeared on television with the following stellium: Vesta 11 Vir 22, Dziewanna 13 Vir 13, Mercury 14 Vir 51, Sun 15 Vir 58, Pluto 18 Vir 10 and Uranus 19 Vir 45. (8 Sept 1966, 7:30 pm PDT, Los Angeles, CA.

Click here for a DZIEWANNA EPHEMERIS for 1900-2020.

420356 (2012 BX85)

Praamzius was discovered January 23, 2012.

Praamzius is a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) and possibly a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. It has the second-lowest eccentricity of any TNO, after 2003 YN179. Praamzius orbits near the 3:5 resonance with Neptune. It was discovered on 23 January 2012, and officially named on 22 February 2016. It has an orbit of 281.74 years, an eccentricity of 0.00206, and an inclination to the ecliptic of 1.0901 degrees.


The following is from a page on Lithuania at

Lithuanians, as well as other ancient nations, developed in the period of patriarchy an image of the unique supreme God, the creator and lord of the Universe and all life. 'Dievas', the name of God in Lithuanian, has a common root with the words of this meaning in all ide languages. The word 'Dievas' often personifies the shining sky, light, or day. The Lithuanian supreme God, as the myth re tales, had a wife, the primordial Great Mother, the goddess Lada, who had given birth to the first-born twins. God's twin children, in the shape of twin horses, are known from the myths; they are related to the fire of the sky , the Sun, and lighting.

The Lithuanian supreme God was considered to be as well the Master of Fate, the Lord of the world who ruled the Heaven and Earth, while his children assisted him. The names referred by to the supreme and most powerful God varied in Lithuania from region to region during the course of time. In the Highlands of Lithuania as well as in the major part of the Lowlands the word 'Dievas' was used together with personal name Praamzius, in Suvalkija the God's name were Prakurimas, Ikurejas, Sotvaras, while in the west of the Lowlands and in Prussia he was referred to as Ukopirmas. Praamzius is described as the omnipotent ruler of time, the inescapable fate. The sky and the air, water and all live creatures had to obey him, with none exclusion even for other deities. All decisions made by Praamzius are inscribed in stone and thus is no escape from them; while ordering the present, he is aware of both the past and the future. Similar functions are ascribed as well to Prakurimas and Ukopirmas.

The chiefly ritual addressed to the supreme God was performed during the winter solstice. The importance of this ritual especially increased by the time agriculture became known and was cultivated. The rites permeated with archaic totem, animist, symbolic imagery would continue for twelve days associated with the twelve the twelve months of the year. Together with rites addressed to the supreme God, souls of remote ancestors from the other world were paid homage to. In Lithuanian religion, just as it is the case with other religions, the trinity of gods is known: Perkunas, Patrimpas and Pikuolis. The most prominent among these gods was Perkunas, the master of the atmosphere and the "waters" of the sky, as well as the fecundity of flora, human morality and justice. Beside the supreme God, Perkunas occupied perhaps the most important place in the Lithuanian divine pantheon. Under the influence of Christianity the supreme God's image was transformed and Perkunas acquires the position of the Lord of Heaven.

The major imagery representing Perkunas is of zoomorphic character, while later on it becomes anthropomorphic, sometimes retaining certain zoom orphic attributes. Perkunas used to inspire awe and punish people, thus he was often called the "god's scourge". He was supposed to punish by throwing at the culprit his stone axes, that often had symbols of the Sun and lightning. People knew then how to turn away Perkunas's wrath. The second god was Patrimpas. He was supposed to bring the spring, joy, peace, maturity, abundance, as well as to take care of domestic animals, ploughed fields, and crops. Sheaves of corn, amber, vax, etc., were offered to him during the rites. The third member of the Lithuanian divine trinity was Pikuolis, otherwise called Pikulas. He was the god of the underworld, all kinds of evil and death. When presented in a horizontal and vertical lines, the divine, trinity of the Aestii corresponds to the model of universal space, i.e., the sky, the earth and the underworld. The analogy may also be seen with the time recurrence: adolescence, maturity and old age, or otherwise, spring, autumn and winter.


The chart for Australia has Praamzius 12 Pis 27, opposition Mars, square Pluto, Venus and Uranus.

The following people have Praamzius in close conjunction to one or more natal points:

  • Al Pacino: Sun 5 Tau 17, Praamzius 5 Tau 29
  • Bobcat Goldthwait: Sun 4 Gem 34, Praamzius 4 Gem 21
  • Debra Winger: Sun 26 Tau 13, Praamzius 26 Tau 13
  • Jack Nicholson: Sun 2 Tau 06, Praamzius 1 Tau 33
  • Joan Quiqley: Sun 20 Ari 02, Praamzius 22 Ari 18
  • Venus Williams:Sun 26 Gem 47, Praamzius 27 Gem 48
  • Alan Bond: Mercury 0 Tau 46 R, Sun 1 Tau 39, Praamzius 2 Tau 49
  • Ann-Margaret: Sun 7 Tau 27, Venus 9 Tau 45, Praamzius 6 Tau 50
  • Brooke Shields: Praamzius 8 Gem 19, Jupiter 8 Gem 59, Sun 10 Gem 02
  • Marlon Brando: Moon 13 Ari 04, Sun 14 Ari 09, Praamzius 14 Ari 21
  • Pat Nixon: Eris 26 Pis 13, Sun 26 Pis 22, Praamzius 28 Pis 24
  • Denis Leary: Moon 28 Tau 29, Praamzius 29 Tau 31
  • Elton John: Moon 11 Tau 14, Praamzius 13 Tau 42
  • Kylie Minogue: Moon 14 Gem 43, Mars 13 Gem 32, Praamzius 12 Gem 03
  • Dick Gregory: Ascendant 26 Ari 14, Praamzius 26 Ari 46 R
  • Garrison Keillor: MC 9 Tau 22, Praamzius 9 Tau 52
  • Mark Russell: MC 26 Ari 20, Praamzius 26 Ar 34 R, Uranus 23 Ari 08 R
  • Tim Robbins: Praamzius 0 Gem 30 R, MC 0 Gem 36, Mars 2 Gem 16 R
  • Barbara Streisand: Mercury 8 Tau 06, Praamzius 8 Tau 01
  • Bill Meridian: Mercury 17 Tau 11, Praamzius 16 Tau 59
  • Giacomo Puccini: Mercury 16 Cap 01 R, Praamzius 17 Cap 36
  • Reinhold Ebertin: Mercury 14 Pis 09, Praamzius 13 Pis 26
  • Audrey Hepburn: Venus 22 Ari 47 R, Praamzius 21 Ari 34
  • Ian McKellen: Venus 6 Tau 20, Praamzius 4 Tau 57
  • John Pell: Venus 22 Aqu 37, Praamzius 24 Aqu 13
  • William McKinley: Venus 27 Sag 18, Praamzius 27 Sag 56
  • Pat Boone: Praamzius 28 Ari 40, Venus 29 Ari 30, Uranus 29 Ari 47
  • Alan Leo: Mars 20 Cap 10 R, Praamzius 19 Cap 34 R
  • Anne Boleyn: Jupiter 8 Lib 53 R, Praamzius 8 Lib 17 R
  • Captain William Bligh: Jupiter 2 Vir 38, Praamzius 2 Vir 39
  • Earl Warren: Jupiter 2 Pis 38, Praamzius 1 Pis 17
  • Richard Pryor: Praamzius 6 Tau 33 R, Jupiter 7 Tau 07 R, Saturn 9 Tau 12 R
  • Terry Gilliam: Praamzius 6 Tau 43 R, Jupiter 8 Tau 8 R, Saturn 9 Tau 51 R
  • Herbert Hoover: Saturn 10 Aqu 24 R, Praamzius 8 Aqu 27 R
  • Tom Jones: Praamzius 8 Tau 31, Saturn 9 Tau 39
  • Katherine Hepburn: Saturn 24 Pis 48, Praamzius 23 Pis 13
  • Charles Bukowski: Chiron 9 Ari 59 R, Praamzius 10 Ari 36 R
  • Christopher Robin Milne: Chiron 9 Ari 51 R, Praamzius 10 Ari 32 R
  • F. Sims Pounds: Chiron 9 Ari 14 R, Praamzius 10 Ari 16 R
  • Liberace: Chiron 6 Ari 48, Praamzius 8 Ari 56
  • Patrick Macnee: Chiron 10 Ari 26, Praamzius 10 Ari 27
  • Peggy Lee: Chiron 9 Ari 31, Praamzius 10 Ari 26
  • Peter Ustinov: Chiron 10 Ari 50, Praamzius 10 Ari 49
  • Vincent Van Gogh: Praamzius 11 Cap 47, Chiron 12 Cap 50
  • John Dempsey: NN 14 Tau 34 S, Praamzius 16 Tau 09
  • Manuel L. Quezon: NN 13 Aqu 13 R, Praamzius 13 Aqu 44 R
  • Peter Cushing: NN 0 Ari 49 R, Praamzius 1 Ari 16
  • Sean Connery: NN 24 Ari 56 R, Praamzius 23 Ari 52 R
  • Upton Sinclair: NN 12 Aqu 18 S, Praamzius 13 Aqu 11 R
  • W.D. Gann: Praamzius 14 Aqu 56 R, NN 14 Aqu 59 S
  • Billy Crytal: Ceres 14 Tau 39, Praamzius 14 Tau 47, NN 15 Tau 04 S

Click here for a PRAAMZIUS EPHEMERIS for 1900-2050.

Dee Dee (2014 uz224)

Designated 2014 UZ224, this body was discovered August 19, 2014, and has an orbit of 1136.42 years. It's eccentric orbit (0.65136) takes it in as close as 37.97 AU at perihelion, and as far away at aphelion of 180 AU. The inclination to the ecliptic is 26.7851.

When discovered it was located at 11 Tau 53 R.

It's orbit has not been completely determined yet, so it has not been given a minor planet number, and hence, no official name. But the astronomers have nicknamed it DeeDee, short for Distant Dwarf...and the latest study points to it being the newest addition to the Dwarf Planet family.

AstroDienst has provided a provisional ephemeris engine for DeeDee, and the following is based on that (set for 0 hr UT). When a more precise ephemeris is available I will replace this one, so keep in mind that the following may be off a little.

01,Jan,01 11 Ar02'59'' -24 00'48''
01,Feb,01 11 Ar07'27'' -23 55'35''
01,Mar,01 11 Ar17'26'' -23 52'05''
01,Apr,01 11 Ar32'21'' -23 50'35''
01,May,01 11 Ar47'03'' -23 51'49''
01,Jun,01 11 Ar58'51'' -23 55'33''
01,Jul,01 12 Ar04'21'' -24 00'38''
01,Aug,01 12 Ar02'37''R -24 06'08''
01,Sep,01 11 Ar53'57'' -24 10'27''
01,Oct,01 11 Ar41'17'' -24 12'22''
01,Nov,01 11 Ar27'33'' -24 11'28''
01,Dec,01 11 Ar17'34'' -24 08'02''
01,Jan,02 11 Ar13'54''D -24 02'52''
01,Feb,02 11 Ar18'15'' -23 57'37''
01,Mar,02 11 Ar28'12'' -23 54'05''
01,Apr,02 11 Ar43'07'' -23 52'32''
01,May,02 11 Ar57'53'' -23 53'44''
01,Jun,02 12 Ar09'48'' -23 57'27''
01,Jul,02 12 Ar15'23'' -24 02'33''
01,Aug,02 12 Ar13'46''R -24 08'04''
01,Sep,02 12 Ar05'10'' -24 12'25''
01,Oct,02 11 Ar52'31'' -24 14'23''
01,Nov,02 11 Ar38'43'' -24 13'31''
01,Dec,02 11 Ar28'38'' -24 10'06''
01,Jan,03 11 Ar24'52''D -24 04'56''
01,Feb,03 11 Ar29'08'' -23 59'39''
01,Mar,03 11 Ar39'02'' -23 56'05''
01,Apr,03 11 Ar53'57'' -23 54'29''
01,May,03 12 Ar08'47'' -23 55'39''
01,Jun,03 12 Ar20'48'' -23 59'21''
01,Jul,03 12 Ar26'31'' -24 04'27''
01,Aug,03 12 Ar24'59''R -24 10'00''
01,Sep,03 12 Ar16'27'' -24 14'23''
01,Oct,03 12 Ar03'49'' -24 16'24''
01,Nov,03 11 Ar49'58'' -24 15'35''
01,Dec,03 11 Ar39'47'' -24 12'11''
01,Jan,04 11 Ar35'54''D -24 07'00''
01,Feb,04 11 Ar40'05'' -24 01'41''
01,Mar,04 11 Ar50'22'' -23 57'59''
01,Apr,04 12 Ar05'22'' -23 56'26''
01,May,04 12 Ar20'13'' -23 57'40''
01,Jun,04 12 Ar32'10'' -24 01'25''
01,Jul,04 12 Ar37'46'' -24 06'33''
01,Aug,04 12 Ar36'06''R -24 12'07''
01,Sep,04 12 Ar27'26'' -24 16'29''
01,Oct,04 12 Ar14'43'' -24 18'27''
01,Nov,04 12 Ar00'52'' -24 17'34''
01,Dec,04 11 Ar50'46'' -24 14'07''
01,Jan,05 11 Ar47'01''D -24 08'54''
01,Feb,05 11 Ar51'21'' -24 03'35''
01,Mar,05 12 Ar01'19'' -24 00'00''
01,Apr,05 12 Ar16'20'' -23 58'25''
01,May,05 12 Ar31'15'' -23 59'36''
01,Jun,05 12 Ar43'18'' -24 03'20''
01,Jul,05 12 Ar49'01'' -24 08'29''
01,Aug,05 12 Ar47'27''R -24 14'04''
01,Sep,05 12 Ar38'51'' -24 18'29''
01,Oct,05 12 Ar26'08'' -24 20'30''
01,Nov,05 12 Ar12'14'' -24 19'39''
01,Dec,05 12 Ar02'03'' -24 16'13''
01,Jan,06 11 Ar58'10''D -24 11'00''
01,Feb,06 12 Ar02'24'' -24 05'39''
01,Mar,06 12 Ar12'20'' -24 02'02''
01,Apr,06 12 Ar27'21'' -24 00'24''
01,May,06 12 Ar42'19'' -24 01'33''
01,Jun,06 12 Ar54'28'' -24 05'16''
01,Jul,06 13 Ar00'18'' -24 10'25''
01,Aug,06 12 Ar58'51''R -24 16'02''
01,Sep,06 12 Ar50'19'' -24 20'29''
01,Oct,06 12 Ar37'37'' -24 22'33''
01,Nov,06 12 Ar23'39'' -24 21'45''
01,Dec,06 12 Ar13'21'' -24 18'20''
01,Jan,07 12 Ar09'22''D -24 13'06''
01,Feb,07 12 Ar13'30'' -24 07'44''
01,Mar,07 12 Ar23'23'' -24 04'04''
01,Apr,07 12 Ar38'24'' -24 02'23''
01,May,07 12 Ar53'26'' -24 03'31''
01,Jun,07 13 Ar05'42'' -24 07'13''
01,Jul,07 13 Ar11'38'' -24 12'22''
01,Aug,07 13 Ar10'17''R -24 18'00''
01,Sep,07 13 Ar01'49'' -24 22'30''
01,Oct,07 12 Ar49'07'' -24 24'36''
01,Nov,07 12 Ar35'07'' -24 23'50''
01,Dec,07 12 Ar24'43'' -24 20'26''
01,Jan,08 12 Ar20'37'' -24 15'13''
01,Feb,08 12 Ar24'39''D -24 09'48''
01,Mar,08 12 Ar34'55'' -24 06'00''
01,Apr,08 12 Ar50'02'' -24 04'22''
01,May,08 13 Ar05'04'' -24 05'33''
01,Jun,08 13 Ar17'16'' -24 09'18''
01,Jul,08 13 Ar23'06'' -24 14'29''
01,Aug,08 13 Ar21'37''R -24 20'08''
01,Sep,08 13 Ar13'00'' -24 24'37''
01,Oct,08 13 Ar00'13'' -24 26'41''
01,Nov,08 12 Ar46'12'' -24 25'51''
01,Dec,08 12 Ar35'53'' -24 22'24''
01,Jan,09 12 Ar31'55''D -24 17'08''
01,Feb,09 12 Ar36'07'' -24 11'43''
01,Mar,09 12 Ar46'04'' -24 08'02''
01,Apr,09 13 Ar01'11'' -24 06'21''
01,May,09 13 Ar16'17'' -24 07'29''
01,Jun,09 13 Ar28'35'' -24 11'13''
01,Jul,09 13 Ar34'32'' -24 16'25''
01,Aug,09 13 Ar33'10''R -24 22'05''
01,Sep,09 13 Ar24'38'' -24 26'36''
01,Oct,09 13 Ar11'51'' -24 28'43''
01,Nov,09 12 Ar57'47'' -24 27'56''
01,Dec,09 12 Ar47'22'' -24 24'29''
01,Jan,10 12 Ar43'17'' -24 19'13''
01,Feb,10 12 Ar47'22''D -24 13'46''
01,Mar,10 12 Ar57'17'' -24 10'03''
01,Apr,10 13 Ar12'24'' -24 08'19''
01,May,10 13 Ar27'34'' -24 09'25''
01,Jun,10 13 Ar39'59'' -24 13'08''
01,Jul,10 13 Ar46'03'' -24 18'19''
01,Aug,10 13 Ar44'46''R -24 24'01''
01,Sep,10 13 Ar36'19'' -24 28'35''
01,Oct,10 13 Ar23'33'' -24 30'44''
01,Nov,10 13 Ar09'25'' -24 29'59''
01,Dec,10 12 Ar58'55'' -24 26'34''
01,Jan,11 12 Ar54'43'' -24 21'17''
01,Feb,11 12 Ar58'43''D -24 15'49''
01,Mar,11 13 Ar08'35'' -24 12'03''
01,Apr,11 13 Ar23'42'' -24 10'16''
01,May,11 13 Ar38'56'' -24 11'20''
01,Jun,11 13 Ar51'28'' -24 15'02''
01,Jul,11 13 Ar57'39'' -24 20'13''
01,Aug,11 13 Ar56'29''R -24 25'57''
01,Sep,11 13 Ar48'05'' -24 30'33''
01,Oct,11 13 Ar35'20'' -24 32'45''
01,Nov,11 13 Ar21'10'' -24 32'02''
01,Dec,11 13 Ar10'33'' -24 28'38''
01,Jan,12 13 Ar06'14'' -24 23'21''
01,Feb,12 13 Ar10'09''D -24 17'50''
01,Mar,12 13 Ar20'25'' -24 13'56''
01,Apr,12 13 Ar35'37'' -24 12'12''
01,May,12 13 Ar50'52'' -24 13'19''
01,Jun,12 14 Ar03'20'' -24 17'04''
01,Jul,12 14 Ar09'25'' -24 22'18''
01,Aug,12 14 Ar08'07''R -24 28'02''
01,Sep,12 13 Ar59'35'' -24 32'37''
01,Oct,12 13 Ar46'45'' -24 34'46''
01,Nov,12 13 Ar32'34'' -24 34'00''
01,Dec,12 13 Ar22'02'' -24 30'32''
01,Jan,13 13 Ar17'51'' -24 25'13''
01,Feb,13 13 Ar21'56''D -24 19'42''
01,Mar,13 13 Ar31'53'' -24 15'55''
01,Apr,13 13 Ar47'06'' -24 14'08''
01,May,13 14 Ar02'25'' -24 15'13''
01,Jun,13 14 Ar14'59'' -24 18'56''
01,Jul,13 14 Ar21'11'' -24 24'10''
01,Aug,13 14 Ar20'00''R -24 29'56''
01,Sep,13 14 Ar11'33'' -24 34'33''
01,Oct,13 13 Ar58'44'' -24 36'46''
01,Nov,13 13 Ar44'30'' -24 36'02''
01,Dec,13 13 Ar33'52'' -24 32'35''
01,Jan,14 13 Ar29'35'' -24 27'15''
01,Feb,14 13 Ar33'32''D -24 21'43''
01,Mar,14 13 Ar43'27'' -24 17'53''
01,Apr,14 13 Ar58'40'' -24 16'03''
01,May,14 14 Ar14'03'' -24 17'06''
01,Jun,14 14 Ar26'44'' -24 20'48''
01,Jul,14 14 Ar33'03'' -24 26'03''
01,Aug,14 14 Ar31'59''R -24 31'50''
01,Sep,14 14 Ar23'37'' -24 36'30''
01,Oct,14 14 Ar10'48'' -24 38'45''
01,Nov,14 13 Ar56'31'' -24 38'03''
01,Dec,14 13 Ar45'47'' -24 34'38''
01,Jan,15 13 Ar41'23'' -24 29'18''
01,Feb,15 13 Ar45'15''D -24 23'44''
01,Mar,15 13 Ar55'06'' -24 19'52''
01,Apr,15 14 Ar10'20'' -24 17'59''
01,May,15 14 Ar25'46'' -24 19'00''
01,Jun,15 14 Ar38'34'' -24 22'41''
01,Jul,15 14 Ar45'00'' -24 27'55''
01,Aug,15 14 Ar44'02''R -24 33'44''
01,Sep,15 14 Ar35'44'' -24 38'27''
01,Oct,15 14 Ar22'57'' -24 40'44''
01,Nov,15 14 Ar08'37'' -24 40'05''
01,Dec,15 13 Ar57'47'' -24 36'42''
01,Jan,16 13 Ar53'14'' -24 31'21''
01,Feb,16 13 Ar57'01''D -24 25'45''
01,Mar,16 14 Ar07'15'' -24 21'44''
01,Apr,16 14 Ar22'35'' -24 19'54''
01,May,16 14 Ar38'02'' -24 20'58''
01,Jun,16 14 Ar50'46'' -24 24'43''
01,Jul,16 14 Ar57'06'' -24 29'59''
01,Aug,16 14 Ar56'00''R -24 35'49''
01,Sep,16 14 Ar47'33'' -24 40'31''
01,Oct,16 14 Ar34'40'' -24 42'46''
01,Nov,16 14 Ar20'19'' -24 42'04''
01,Dec,16 14 Ar09'33'' -24 38'37''
01,Jan,17 14 Ar05'09'' -24 33'14''
01,Feb,17 14 Ar09'04''D -24 27'37''
01,Mar,17 14 Ar19'00'' -24 23'44''
01,Apr,17 14 Ar34'20'' -24 21'51''
01,May,17 14 Ar49'50'' -24 22'53''
01,Jun,17 15 Ar02'40'' -24 26'36''
01,Jul,17 15 Ar09'07'' -24 31'53''
01,Aug,17 15 Ar08'08''R -24 37'44''
01,Sep,17 14 Ar59'46'' -24 42'29''
01,Oct,17 14 Ar46'53'' -24 44'47''
01,Nov,17 14 Ar32'28'' -24 44'07''
01,Dec,17 14 Ar21'36'' -24 40'41''
01,Jan,18 14 Ar17'04'' -24 35'18''
01,Feb,18 14 Ar20'53''D -24 29'40''
01,Mar,18 14 Ar30'45'' -24 25'44''
01,Apr,18 14 Ar46'04'' -24 23'49''
01,May,18 15 Ar01'38'' -24 24'48''
01,Jun,18 15 Ar14'35'' -24 28'30''
01,Jul,18 15 Ar21'09'' -24 33'47''
01,Aug,18 15 Ar20'16''R -24 39'40''
01,Sep,18 15 Ar11'58'' -24 44'27''
01,Oct,18 14 Ar59'06'' -24 46'48''
01,Nov,18 14 Ar44'37'' -24 46'11''
01,Dec,18 14 Ar33'38'' -24 42'47''
01,Jan,19 14 Ar28'59'' -24 37'23''
01,Feb,19 14 Ar32'41''D -24 31'43''
01,Mar,19 14 Ar42'30'' -24 27'45''
01,Apr,19 14 Ar57'49'' -24 25'46''
01,May,19 15 Ar13'26'' -24 26'43''
01,Jun,19 15 Ar26'29'' -24 30'24''
01,Jul,19 15 Ar33'10'' -24 35'41''
01,Aug,19 15 Ar32'23''R -24 41'36''
01,Sep,19 15 Ar24'09'' -24 46'26''
01,Oct,19 15 Ar11'17'' -24 48'50''
01,Nov,19 14 Ar56'45'' -24 48'15''
01,Dec,19 14 Ar45'40'' -24 44'51''
01,Jan,20 14 Ar40'52'' -24 39'28''
01,Feb,20 14 Ar44'28''D -24 33'45''
01,Mar,20 14 Ar54'40'' -24 29'38''
01,Apr,20 15 Ar10'04'' -24 27'42''
01,May,20 15 Ar25'43'' -24 28'43''
01,Jun,20 15 Ar38'42'' -24 32'27''
01,Jul,20 15 Ar45'16'' -24 37'46''
01,Aug,20 15 Ar44'21''R -24 43'42''
01,Sep,20 15 Ar35'58'' -24 48'31''
01,Oct,20 15 Ar23'00'' -24 50'52''
01,Nov,20 15 Ar08'27'' -24 50'14''
01,Dec,20 14 Ar57'25'' -24 46'47''
01,Jan,21 14 Ar52'45'' -24 41'20''
01,Feb,21 14 Ar56'30''D -24 35'37''
01,Mar,21 15 Ar06'23'' -24 31'38''
01,Apr,21 15 Ar21'48'' -24 29'39''
01,May,21 15 Ar37'30'' -24 30'37''
01,Jun,21 15 Ar50'35'' -24 34'19''
01,Jul,21 15 Ar57'17'' -24 39'39''
01,Aug,21 15 Ar56'28''R -24 45'36''
01,Sep,21 15 Ar48'10'' -24 50'27''
01,Oct,21 15 Ar35'12'' -24 52'52''
01,Nov,21 15 Ar20'35'' -24 52'16''
01,Dec,21 15 Ar09'28'' -24 48'50''
01,Jan,22 15 Ar04'40'' -24 43'23''
01,Feb,22 15 Ar08'19''D -24 37'39''
01,Mar,22 15 Ar18'08'' -24 33'36''
01,Apr,22 15 Ar33'33'' -24 31'34''
01,May,22 15 Ar49'18'' -24 32'30''
01,Jun,22 16 Ar02'31'' -24 36'11''
01,Jul,22 16 Ar09'20'' -24 41'31''
01,Aug,22 16 Ar08'38''R -24 47'29''
01,Sep,22 16 Ar00'24'' -24 52'23''
01,Oct,22 15 Ar47'27'' -24 54'50''
01,Nov,22 15 Ar32'47'' -24 54'17''
01,Dec,22 15 Ar21'33'' -24 50'53''
01,Jan,23 15 Ar16'38'' -24 45'25''
01,Feb,23 15 Ar20'10''D -24 39'39''
01,Mar,23 15 Ar29'57'' -24 35'34''
01,Apr,23 15 Ar45'21'' -24 33'29''
01,May,23 16 Ar01'10'' -24 34'22''
01,Jun,23 16 Ar14'29'' -24 38'02''
01,Jul,23 16 Ar21'26'' -24 43'21''
01,Aug,23 16 Ar20'51''R -24 49'21''
01,Sep,23 16 Ar12'41'' -24 54'18''
01,Oct,23 15 Ar59'46'' -24 56'48''
01,Nov,23 15 Ar45'03'' -24 56'17''
01,Dec,23 15 Ar33'43'' -24 52'54''
01,Jan,24 15 Ar28'41'' -24 47'26''
01,Feb,24 15 Ar32'06''D -24 41'38''
01,Mar,24 15 Ar42'16'' -24 37'24''
01,Apr,24 15 Ar57'47'' -24 35'21''
01,May,24 16 Ar13'38'' -24 36'17''
01,Jun,24 16 Ar26'54'' -24 40'00''
01,Jul,24 16 Ar33'44'' -24 45'22''
01,Aug,24 16 Ar33'02''R -24 51'23''
01,Sep,24 16 Ar24'44'' -24 56'19''
01,Oct,24 16 Ar11'42'' -24 58'46''
01,Nov,24 15 Ar56'58'' -24 58'12''
01,Dec,24 15 Ar45'43'' -24 54'45''
01,Jan,25 15 Ar40'49'' -24 49'15''
01,Feb,25 15 Ar44'24''D -24 43'25''
01,Mar,25 15 Ar54'16'' -24 39'19''
01,Apr,25 16 Ar09'47'' -24 37'13''
01,May,25 16 Ar25'42'' -24 38'07''
01,Jun,25 16 Ar39'05'' -24 41'49''
01,Jul,25 16 Ar46'03'' -24 47'11''
01,Aug,25 16 Ar45'28''R -24 53'13''
01,Sep,25 16 Ar37'15'' -24 58'12''
01,Oct,25 16 Ar24'15'' -25 00'42''
01,Nov,25 16 Ar09'28'' -25 00'10''
01,Dec,25 15 Ar58'07'' -24 56'45''
01,Jan,26 15 Ar53'05'' -24 51'15''
01,Feb,26 15 Ar56'35''D -24 45'23''
01,Mar,26 16 Ar06'23'' -24 41'14''
01,Apr,26 16 Ar21'55'' -24 39'05''
01,May,26 16 Ar37'54'' -24 39'57''
01,Jun,26 16 Ar51'24'' -24 43'37''
01,Jul,26 16 Ar58'30'' -24 48'59''
01,Aug,26 16 Ar58'02''R -24 55'03''
01,Sep,26 16 Ar49'55'' -25 00'04''
01,Oct,26 16 Ar36'56'' -25 02'38''
01,Nov,26 16 Ar22'06'' -25 02'08''
01,Dec,26 16 Ar10'39'' -24 58'45''
01,Jan,27 16 Ar05'30'' -24 53'14''
01,Feb,27 16 Ar08'53''D -24 47'21''
01,Mar,27 16 Ar18'39'' -24 43'09''
01,Apr,27 16 Ar34'11'' -24 40'57''
01,May,27 16 Ar50'14'' -24 41'46''
01,Jun,27 17 Ar03'51'' -24 45'25''
01,Jul,27 17 Ar11'06'' -24 50'48''
01,Aug,27 17 Ar10'45''R -24 56'53''
01,Sep,27 17 Ar02'42'' -25 01'57''
01,Oct,27 16 Ar49'45'' -25 04'33''
01,Nov,27 16 Ar34'53'' -25 04'07''
01,Dec,27 16 Ar23'19'' -25 00'44''
01,Jan,28 16 Ar18'03'' -24 55'14''
01,Feb,28 16 Ar21'20''D -24 49'19''
01,Mar,28 16 Ar31'29'' -24 44'58''
01,Apr,28 16 Ar47'07'' -24 42'49''
01,May,28 17 Ar03'12'' -24 43'41''
01,Jun,28 17 Ar16'46'' -24 47'23''
01,Jul,28 17 Ar23'55'' -24 52'48''
01,Aug,28 17 Ar23'27''R -24 58'55''
01,Sep,28 17 Ar15'16'' -25 03'58''
01,Oct,28 17 Ar02'12'' -25 06'32''
01,Nov,28 16 Ar47'18'' -25 06'02''
01,Dec,28 16 Ar35'49'' -25 02'36''
01,Jan,29 16 Ar30'41'' -24 57'03''
01,Feb,29 16 Ar34'07''D -24 51'07''
01,Mar,29 16 Ar43'57'' -24 46'54''
01,Apr,29 16 Ar59'36'' -24 44'42''
01,May,29 17 Ar15'45'' -24 45'31''
01,Jun,29 17 Ar29'27'' -24 49'12''
01,Jul,29 17 Ar36'43'' -24 54'37''
01,Aug,29 17 Ar36'22''R -25 00'46''
01,Sep,29 17 Ar28'16'' -25 05'51''
01,Oct,29 17 Ar15'14'' -25 08'29''
01,Nov,29 17 Ar00'16'' -25 08'02''
01,Dec,29 16 Ar48'40'' -25 04'37''
01,Jan,30 16 Ar43'25'' -24 59'04''
01,Feb,30 16 Ar46'45''D -24 53'06''
01,Mar,30 16 Ar56'31'' -24 48'51''
01,Apr,30 17 Ar12'09'' -24 46'35''
01,May,30 17 Ar28'22'' -24 47'22''
01,Jun,30 17 Ar42'11'' -24 51'02''
01,Jul,30 17 Ar49'35'' -24 56'27''
01,Aug,30 17 Ar49'21''R -25 02'37''
01,Sep,30 17 Ar41'20'' -25 07'46''
01,Oct,30 17 Ar28'19'' -25 10'26''
01,Nov,30 17 Ar13'19'' -25 10'01''
01,Dec,30 17 Ar01'36'' -25 06'39''
01,Jan,31 16 Ar56'12'' -25 01'05''
01,Feb,31 16 Ar59'25''D -24 55'06''
01,Mar,31 17 Ar09'09'' -24 50'47''
01,Apr,31 17 Ar24'47'' -24 48'29''
01,May,31 17 Ar41'03'' -24 49'13''
01,Jun,31 17 Ar54'58'' -24 52'51''
01,Jul,31 18 Ar02'30'' -24 58'17''
01,Aug,31 18 Ar02'24''R -25 04'28''
01,Sep,31 17 Ar54'27'' -25 09'39''
01,Oct,31 17 Ar41'27'' -25 12'23''
01,Nov,31 17 Ar26'23'' -25 12'01''
01,Dec,31 17 Ar14'35'' -25 08'40''
01,Jan,32 17 Ar09'02'' -25 03'06''
01,Feb,32 17 Ar12'08''D -24 57'05''
01,Mar,32 17 Ar22'14'' -24 52'37''
01,Apr,32 17 Ar37'59'' -24 50'20''
01,May,32 17 Ar54'17'' -24 51'08''
01,Jun,32 18 Ar08'09'' -24 54'50''
01,Jul,32 18 Ar15'35'' -25 00'18''
01,Aug,32 18 Ar15'20''R -25 06'30''
01,Sep,32 18 Ar07'15'' -25 11'41''
01,Oct,32 17 Ar54'08'' -25 14'22''
01,Nov,32 17 Ar39'02'' -25 13'56''
01,Dec,32 17 Ar27'17'' -25 10'31''
01,Jan,33 17 Ar21'52'' -25 04'54''
01,Feb,33 17 Ar25'08''D -24 58'52''
01,Mar,33 17 Ar34'55'' -24 54'32''
01,Apr,33 17 Ar50'40'' -24 52'13''
01,May,33 18 Ar07'02'' -24 52'58''
01,Jun,33 18 Ar21'01'' -24 56'38''
01,Jul,33 18 Ar28'34'' -25 02'06''
01,Aug,33 18 Ar28'27''R -25 08'20''
01,Sep,33 18 Ar20'27'' -25 13'33''
01,Oct,33 18 Ar07'21'' -25 16'17''
01,Nov,33 17 Ar52'12'' -25 15'54''
01,Dec,33 17 Ar40'19'' -25 12'31''
01,Jan,34 17 Ar34'47'' -25 06'54''
01,Feb,34 17 Ar37'56''D -25 00'50''
01,Mar,34 17 Ar47'40'' -24 56'27''
01,Apr,34 18 Ar03'23'' -24 54'04''
01,May,34 18 Ar19'49'' -24 54'47''
01,Jun,34 18 Ar33'55'' -24 58'25''
01,Jul,34 18 Ar41'37'' -25 03'53''
01,Aug,34 18 Ar41'36''R -25 10'08''
01,Sep,34 18 Ar33'41'' -25 15'24''
01,Oct,34 18 Ar20'37'' -25 18'11''
01,Nov,34 18 Ar05'25'' -25 17'52''
01,Dec,34 17 Ar53'26'' -25 14'29''
01,Jan,35 17 Ar47'45'' -25 08'52''
01,Feb,35 17 Ar50'47''D -25 02'46''
01,Mar,35 18 Ar00'27'' -24 58'20''
01,Apr,35 18 Ar16'11'' -24 55'54''
01,May,35 18 Ar32'40'' -24 56'34''
01,Jun,35 18 Ar46'53'' -25 00'11''
01,Jul,35 18 Ar54'42'' -25 05'38''
01,Aug,35 18 Ar54'50''R -25 11'55''
01,Sep,35 18 Ar47'00'' -25 17'14''
01,Oct,35 18 Ar33'56'' -25 20'05''
01,Nov,35 18 Ar18'41'' -25 19'47''
01,Dec,35 18 Ar06'36'' -25 16'27''
01,Jan,36 18 Ar00'47'' -25 10'49''
01,Feb,36 18 Ar03'41''D -25 04'41''
01,Mar,36 18 Ar13'45'' -25 00'05''
01,Apr,36 18 Ar29'35'' -24 57'42''
01,May,36 18 Ar46'07'' -24 58'25''
01,Jun,36 19 Ar00'17'' -25 02'05''
01,Jul,36 19 Ar08'00'' -25 07'35''
01,Aug,36 19 Ar07'59''R -25 13'53''
01,Sep,36 19 Ar00'01'' -25 19'11''
01,Oct,36 18 Ar46'51'' -25 21'59''
01,Nov,36 18 Ar31'33'' -25 21'38''
01,Dec,36 18 Ar19'32'' -25 18'14''
01,Jan,37 18 Ar13'51'' -25 12'34''
01,Feb,37 18 Ar16'55''D -25 06'24''
01,Mar,37 18 Ar26'40'' -25 01'57''
01,Apr,37 18 Ar42'30'' -24 59'30''
01,May,37 18 Ar59'06'' -25 00'10''
01,Jun,37 19 Ar13'23'' -25 03'49''
01,Jul,37 19 Ar21'15'' -25 09'19''
01,Aug,37 19 Ar21'21''R -25 15'38''
01,Sep,37 19 Ar13'28'' -25 20'59''
01,Oct,37 19 Ar00'20'' -25 23'51''
01,Nov,37 18 Ar44'59'' -25 23'33''
01,Dec,37 18 Ar32'51'' -25 20'10''
01,Jan,38 18 Ar27'02'' -25 14'29''
01,Feb,38 18 Ar29'59''D -25 08'18''
01,Mar,38 18 Ar39'40'' -25 03'48''
01,Apr,38 18 Ar55'30'' -25 01'18''
01,May,38 19 Ar12'10'' -25 01'55''
01,Jun,38 19 Ar26'35'' -25 05'32''
01,Jul,38 19 Ar34'35'' -25 11'02''
01,Aug,38 19 Ar34'49''R -25 17'23''
01,Sep,38 19 Ar27'01'' -25 22'47''
01,Oct,38 19 Ar13'54'' -25 25'42''
01,Nov,38 18 Ar58'31'' -25 25'27''
01,Dec,38 18 Ar46'16'' -25 22'06''
01,Jan,39 18 Ar40'18'' -25 16'25''
01,Feb,39 18 Ar43'09''D -25 10'12''
01,Mar,39 18 Ar52'46'' -25 05'39''
01,Apr,39 19 Ar08'36'' -25 03'06''
01,May,39 19 Ar25'19'' -25 03'41''
01,Jun,39 19 Ar39'51'' -25 07'16''
01,Jul,39 19 Ar47'59'' -25 12'46''
01,Aug,39 19 Ar48'22''R -25 19'09''
01,Sep,39 19 Ar40'39'' -25 24'35''
01,Oct,39 19 Ar27'34'' -25 27'33''
01,Nov,39 19 Ar12'07'' -25 27'21''
01,Dec,39 18 Ar59'46'' -25 24'02''
01,Jan,40 18 Ar53'40'' -25 18'21''
01,Feb,40 18 Ar56'23''D -25 12'07''
01,Mar,40 19 Ar06'23'' -25 07'23''
01,Apr,40 19 Ar22'20'' -25 04'52''
01,May,40 19 Ar39'05'' -25 05'31''
01,Jun,40 19 Ar53'34'' -25 09'09''
01,Jul,40 20 Ar01'37'' -25 14'42''
01,Aug,40 20 Ar01'52''R -25 21'06''
01,Sep,40 19 Ar54'00'' -25 26'32''
01,Oct,40 19 Ar40'48'' -25 29'28''
01,Nov,40 19 Ar25'19'' -25 29'13''
01,Dec,40 19 Ar13'00'' -25 25'49''
01,Jan,41 19 Ar07'02'' -25 20'06''
01,Feb,41 19 Ar09'55''D -25 13'50''
01,Mar,41 19 Ar19'37'' -25 09'16''
01,Apr,41 19 Ar35'33'' -25 06'41''
01,May,41 19 Ar52'22'' -25 07'17''
01,Jun,41 20 Ar06'59'' -25 10'54''
01,Jul,41 20 Ar15'10'' -25 16'27''
01,Aug,41 20 Ar15'32''R -25 22'53''
01,Sep,41 20 Ar07'46'' -25 28'22''
01,Oct,41 19 Ar54'36'' -25 31'21''
01,Nov,41 19 Ar39'03'' -25 31'08''
01,Dec,41 19 Ar26'38'' -25 27'47''
01,Jan,42 19 Ar20'31'' -25 22'04''
01,Feb,42 19 Ar23'16''D -25 15'46''
01,Mar,42 19 Ar32'54'' -25 11'08''
01,Apr,42 19 Ar48'50'' -25 08'31''
01,May,42 20 Ar05'42'' -25 09'03''
01,Jun,42 20 Ar20'27'' -25 12'39''
01,Jul,42 20 Ar28'46'' -25 18'12''
01,Aug,42 20 Ar29'16''R -25 24'39''
01,Sep,42 20 Ar21'35'' -25 30'11''
01,Oct,42 20 Ar08'26'' -25 33'14''
01,Nov,42 19 Ar52'50'' -25 33'04''
01,Dec,42 19 Ar40'18'' -25 29'45''
01,Jan,43 19 Ar34'02'' -25 24'01''
01,Feb,43 19 Ar36'40''D -25 17'42''
01,Mar,43 19 Ar46'13'' -25 13'01''
01,Apr,43 20 Ar02'09'' -25 10'20''
01,May,43 20 Ar19'06'' -25 10'50''
01,Jun,43 20 Ar33'57'' -25 14'24''
01,Jul,43 20 Ar42'24'' -25 19'56''
01,Aug,43 20 Ar43'03''R -25 26'25''
01,Sep,43 20 Ar35'27'' -25 32'00''
01,Oct,43 20 Ar22'19'' -25 35'06''
01,Nov,43 20 Ar06'40'' -25 35'00''
01,Dec,43 19 Ar54'02'' -25 31'42''
01,Jan,44 19 Ar47'38'' -25 25'58''
01,Feb,44 19 Ar50'07''D -25 19'37''
01,Mar,44 20 Ar00'03'' -25 14'46''
01,Apr,44 20 Ar16'06'' -25 12'07''
01,May,44 20 Ar33'06'' -25 12'40''
01,Jun,44 20 Ar47'54'' -25 16'18''
01,Jul,44 20 Ar56'16'' -25 21'53''
01,Aug,44 20 Ar56'46''R -25 28'23''
01,Sep,44 20 Ar49'02'' -25 33'58''
01,Oct,44 20 Ar35'47'' -25 37'01''
01,Nov,44 20 Ar20'05'' -25 36'51''
01,Dec,44 20 Ar07'29'' -25 33'29''
01,Jan,45 20 Ar01'13'' -25 27'43''
01,Feb,45 20 Ar03'53''D -25 21'20''
01,Mar,45 20 Ar13'31'' -25 16'37''
01,Apr,45 20 Ar29'33'' -25 13'55''
01,May,45 20 Ar46'36'' -25 14'25''
01,Jun,45 21 Ar01'33'' -25 18'01''
01,Jul,45 21 Ar10'03'' -25 23'36''
01,Aug,45 21 Ar10'41''R -25 30'08''
01,Sep,45 21 Ar03'03'' -25 35'45''
01,Oct,45 20 Ar49'50'' -25 38'52''
01,Nov,45 20 Ar34'05'' -25 38'45''
01,Dec,45 20 Ar21'22'' -25 35'25''
01,Jan,46 20 Ar14'57'' -25 29'38''
01,Feb,46 20 Ar17'29''D -25 23'13''
01,Mar,46 20 Ar27'04'' -25 18'28''
01,Apr,46 20 Ar43'05'' -25 15'42''
01,May,46 21 Ar00'13'' -25 16'09''
01,Jun,46 21 Ar15'17'' -25 19'43''
01,Jul,46 21 Ar23'56'' -25 25'17''
01,Aug,46 21 Ar24'43''R -25 31'51''
01,Sep,46 21 Ar17'09'' -25 37'31''
01,Oct,46 21 Ar03'58'' -25 40'41''
01,Nov,46 20 Ar48'10'' -25 40'37''
01,Dec,46 20 Ar35'21'' -25 37'19''
01,Jan,47 20 Ar28'47'' -25 31'32''
01,Feb,47 20 Ar31'12''D -25 25'05''
01,Mar,47 20 Ar40'43'' -25 20'17''
01,Apr,47 20 Ar56'45'' -25 17'27''
01,May,47 21 Ar13'56'' -25 17'51''
01,Jun,47 21 Ar29'07'' -25 21'23''
01,Jul,47 21 Ar37'55'' -25 26'58''
01,Aug,47 21 Ar38'51''R -25 33'32''
01,Sep,47 21 Ar31'24'' -25 39'15''
01,Oct,47 21 Ar18'14'' -25 42'29''
01,Nov,47 21 Ar02'23'' -25 42'28''
01,Dec,47 20 Ar49'28'' -25 39'12''
01,Jan,48 20 Ar42'46'' -25 33'25''
01,Feb,48 20 Ar45'03''D -25 26'56''
01,Mar,48 20 Ar54'56'' -25 21'56''
01,Apr,48 21 Ar11'06'' -25 19'09''
01,May,48 21 Ar28'20'' -25 19'36''
01,Jun,48 21 Ar43'30'' -25 23'12''
01,Jul,48 21 Ar52'12'' -25 28'49''
01,Aug,48 21 Ar53'00''R -25 35'25''
01,Sep,48 21 Ar45'25'' -25 41'08''
01,Oct,48 21 Ar32'08'' -25 44'19''
01,Nov,48 21 Ar16'15'' -25 44'15''
01,Dec,48 21 Ar03'22'' -25 40'54''
01,Jan,49 20 Ar56'48'' -25 35'04''
01,Feb,49 20 Ar59'16''D -25 28'33''
01,Mar,49 21 Ar08'51'' -25 23'43''
01,Apr,49 21 Ar25'00'' -25 20'52''
01,May,49 21 Ar42'19'' -25 21'16''
01,Jun,49 21 Ar57'37'' -25 24'49''
01,Jul,49 22 Ar06'28'' -25 30'27''
01,Aug,49 22 Ar07'24''R -25 37'04''
01,Sep,49 21 Ar59'55'' -25 42'50''
01,Oct,49 21 Ar46'41'' -25 46'05''
01,Nov,49 21 Ar30'45'' -25 46'03''
01,Dec,49 21 Ar17'46'' -25 42'45''
01,Jan,50 21 Ar11'03'' -25 36'54''
01,Feb,50 21 Ar13'23''D -25 30'22''
01,Mar,50 21 Ar22'54'' -25 25'29''
01,Apr,50 21 Ar39'03'' -25 22'34''
01,May,50 21 Ar56'26'' -25 22'55''
01,Jun,50 22 Ar11'51'' -25 26'27''
01,Jul,50 22 Ar20'52'' -25 32'04''
01,Aug,50 22 Ar21'57''R -25 38'43''
01,Sep,50 22 Ar14'34'' -25 44'31''
01,Oct,50 22 Ar01'21'' -25 47'50''
01,Nov,50 21 Ar45'23'' -25 47'52''
01,Dec,50 21 Ar32'17'' -25 44'35''
01,Jan,51 21 Ar25'26'' -25 38'45''
01,Feb,51 21 Ar27'38''D -25 32'11''
01,Mar,51 21 Ar37'05'' -25 27'14''
01,Apr,51 21 Ar53'14'' -25 24'16''
01,May,51 22 Ar10'41'' -25 24'34''
01,Jun,51 22 Ar26'14'' -25 28'04''
01,Jul,51 22 Ar35'23'' -25 33'41''
01,Aug,51 22 Ar36'38''R -25 40'22''
01,Sep,51 22 Ar29'21'' -25 46'13''
01,Oct,51 22 Ar16'10'' -25 49'35''
01,Nov,51 22 Ar00'08'' -25 49'40''
01,Dec,51 21 Ar46'56'' -25 46'26''
01,Jan,52 21 Ar39'56'' -25 40'36''
01,Feb,52 21 Ar42'00''D -25 34'00''
01,Mar,52 21 Ar51'49'' -25 28'52''
01,Apr,52 22 Ar08'05'' -25 25'56''
01,May,52 22 Ar25'35'' -25 26'17''
01,Jun,52 22 Ar41'07'' -25 29'51''
01,Jul,52 22 Ar50'11'' -25 35'30''
01,Aug,52 22 Ar51'17''R -25 42'13''
01,Sep,52 22 Ar43'51'' -25 48'04''
01,Oct,52 22 Ar30'34'' -25 51'24''
01,Nov,52 22 Ar14'29'' -25 51'26''
01,Dec,52 22 Ar01'18'' -25 48'07''
01,Jan,53 21 Ar54'25'' -25 42'14''
01,Feb,53 21 Ar56'39''D -25 35'37''
01,Mar,53 22 Ar06'11'' -25 30'38''
01,Apr,53 22 Ar22'26'' -25 27'38''
01,May,53 22 Ar39'59'' -25 27'57''
01,Jun,53 22 Ar55'39'' -25 31'28''
01,Jul,53 23 Ar04'52'' -25 37'08''
01,Aug,53 23 Ar06'06''R -25 43'52''
01,Sep,53 22 Ar58'47'' -25 49'46''
01,Oct,53 22 Ar45'31'' -25 53'10''
01,Nov,53 22 Ar29'23'' -25 53'15''
01,Dec,53 22 Ar16'05'' -25 49'58''
01,Jan,54 22 Ar09'02'' -25 44'05''
01,Feb,54 22 Ar11'08''D -25 37'26''
01,Mar,54 22 Ar20'35'' -25 32'24''
01,Apr,54 22 Ar36'49'' -25 29'21''
01,May,54 22 Ar54'26'' -25 29'37''
01,Jun,54 23 Ar10'13'' -25 33'06''
01,Jul,54 23 Ar19'35'' -25 38'45''
01,Aug,54 23 Ar20'58''R -25 45'31''
01,Sep,54 23 Ar13'44'' -25 51'28''
01,Oct,54 23 Ar00'29'' -25 54'55''
01,Nov,54 22 Ar44'18'' -25 55'04''
01,Dec,54 22 Ar30'53'' -25 51'50''
01,Jan,55 22 Ar23'41'' -25 45'57''
01,Feb,55 22 Ar25'38''D -25 39'15''
01,Mar,55 22 Ar35'00'' -25 34'11''
01,Apr,55 22 Ar51'14'' -25 31'03''
01,May,55 23 Ar08'55'' -25 31'16''
01,Jun,55 23 Ar24'48'' -25 34'43''
01,Jul,55 23 Ar34'19'' -25 40'22''
01,Aug,55 23 Ar35'51''R -25 47'09''
01,Sep,55 23 Ar28'43'' -25 53'10''
01,Oct,55 23 Ar15'30'' -25 56'40''
01,Nov,55 22 Ar59'15'' -25 56'53''
01,Dec,55 22 Ar45'43'' -25 53'40''
01,Jan,56 22 Ar38'21'' -25 47'47''
01,Feb,56 22 Ar40'10''D -25 41'04''
01,Mar,56 22 Ar49'53'' -25 35'47''
01,Apr,56 23 Ar06'14'' -25 32'42''
01,May,56 23 Ar23'58'' -25 32'58''
01,Jun,56 23 Ar39'51'' -25 36'29''
01,Jul,56 23 Ar49'16'' -25 42'11''
01,Aug,56 23 Ar50'39''R -25 49'00''
01,Sep,56 23 Ar43'22'' -25 55'00''
01,Oct,56 23 Ar30'01'' -25 58'28''
01,Nov,56 23 Ar13'42'' -25 58'37''
01,Dec,56 23 Ar00'12'' -25 55'20''
01,Jan,57 22 Ar52'57'' -25 49'24''
01,Feb,57 22 Ar54'55''D -25 42'39''
01,Mar,57 23 Ar04'21'' -25 37'31''
01,Apr,57 23 Ar20'41'' -25 34'22''
01,May,57 23 Ar38'29'' -25 34'35''
01,Jun,57 23 Ar54'29'' -25 38'03''
01,Jul,57 24 Ar04'04'' -25 43'45''
01,Aug,57 24 Ar05'35''R -25 50'35''
01,Sep,57 23 Ar58'24'' -25 56'39''
01,Oct,57 23 Ar45'05'' -26 00'11''
01,Nov,57 23 Ar28'44'' -26 00'23''
01,Dec,57 23 Ar15'06'' -25 57'08''
01,Jan,58 23 Ar07'41'' -25 51'11''
01,Feb,58 23 Ar09'31''D -25 44'25''
01,Mar,58 23 Ar18'52'' -25 39'14''
01,Apr,58 23 Ar35'12'' -25 36'01''
01,May,58 23 Ar53'03'' -25 36'10''
01,Jun,58 24 Ar09'11'' -25 39'37''
01,Jul,58 24 Ar18'54'' -25 45'18''
01,Aug,58 24 Ar20'36''R -25 52'10''
01,Sep,58 24 Ar13'30'' -25 58'16''
01,Oct,58 24 Ar00'13'' -26 01'51''
01,Nov,58 23 Ar43'49'' -26 02'07''
01,Dec,58 23 Ar30'04'' -25 58'54''
01,Jan,59 23 Ar22'31'' -25 52'58''
01,Feb,59 23 Ar24'12''D -25 46'09''
01,Mar,59 23 Ar33'28'' -25 40'55''
01,Apr,59 23 Ar49'47'' -25 37'38''
01,May,59 24 Ar07'42'' -25 37'44''
01,Jun,59 24 Ar23'57'' -25 41'08''
01,Jul,59 24 Ar33'50'' -25 46'49''
01,Aug,59 24 Ar35'41''R -25 53'42''
01,Sep,59 24 Ar28'43'' -25 59'51''
01,Oct,59 24 Ar15'28'' -26 03'30''
01,Nov,59 23 Ar59'00'' -26 03'49''
01,Dec,59 23 Ar45'09'' -26 00'39''
01,Jan,60 23 Ar37'26'' -25 54'42''
01,Feb,60 23 Ar38'59''D -25 47'52''
01,Mar,60 23 Ar48'37'' -25 42'25''
01,Apr,60 24 Ar05'04'' -25 39'11''
01,May,60 24 Ar23'03'' -25 39'20''
01,Jun,60 24 Ar39'18'' -25 42'47''
01,Jul,60 24 Ar49'06'' -25 48'31''
01,Aug,60 24 Ar50'48''R -25 55'26''
01,Sep,60 24 Ar43'41'' -26 01'35''
01,Oct,60 24 Ar30'20'' -26 05'12''
01,Nov,60 24 Ar13'49'' -26 05'27''
01,Dec,60 23 Ar59'59'' -26 02'12''
01,Jan,61 23 Ar52'24'' -25 56'13''
01,Feb,61 23 Ar54'07''D -25 49'20''
01,Mar,61 24 Ar03'28'' -25 44'04''
01,Apr,61 24 Ar19'54'' -25 40'45''
01,May,61 24 Ar37'57'' -25 40'50''
01,Jun,61 24 Ar54'20'' -25 44'16''
01,Jul,61 25 Ar04'19'' -25 49'59''
01,Aug,61 25 Ar06'11''R -25 56'55''
01,Sep,61 24 Ar59'10'' -26 03'07''
01,Oct,61 24 Ar45'51'' -26 06'48''
01,Nov,61 24 Ar29'18'' -26 07'07''
01,Dec,61 24 Ar15'21'' -26 03'55''
01,Jan,62 24 Ar07'37'' -25 57'55''
01,Feb,62 24 Ar09'11''D -25 51'01''
01,Mar,62 24 Ar18'28'' -25 45'41''
01,Apr,62 24 Ar34'54'' -25 42'18''
01,May,62 24 Ar53'02'' -25 42'20''
01,Jun,62 25 Ar09'33'' -25 45'44''
01,Jul,62 25 Ar19'41'' -25 51'26''
01,Aug,62 25 Ar21'43''R -25 58'24''
01,Sep,62 25 Ar14'50'' -26 04'39''
01,Oct,62 25 Ar01'33'' -26 08'24''
01,Nov,62 24 Ar44'57'' -26 08'47''
01,Dec,62 24 Ar30'54'' -26 05'36''
01,Jan,63 24 Ar23'00'' -25 59'37''
01,Feb,63 24 Ar24'27''D -25 52'41''
01,Mar,63 24 Ar33'38'' -25 47'18''
01,Apr,63 24 Ar50'04'' -25 43'51''
01,May,63 25 Ar08'16'' -25 43'50''
01,Jun,63 25 Ar24'55'' -25 47'11''
01,Jul,63 25 Ar35'13'' -25 52'53''
01,Aug,63 25 Ar37'25''R -25 59'53''
01,Sep,63 25 Ar30'40'' -26 06'11''
01,Oct,63 25 Ar17'26'' -26 10'00''
01,Nov,63 25 Ar00'47'' -26 10'26''
01,Dec,63 24 Ar46'37'' -26 07'18''
01,Jan,64 24 Ar38'34'' -26 01'19''
01,Feb,64 24 Ar39'52''D -25 54'21''
01,Mar,64 24 Ar49'25'' -25 48'46''
01,Apr,64 25 Ar05'58'' -25 45'21''
01,May,64 25 Ar24'15'' -25 45'23''
01,Jun,64 25 Ar40'55'' -25 48'48''
01,Jul,64 25 Ar51'08'' -25 54'33''
01,Aug,64 25 Ar53'12''R -26 01'35''
01,Sep,64 25 Ar46'18'' -26 07'53''
01,Oct,64 25 Ar32'57'' -26 11'40''
01,Nov,64 25 Ar16'14'' -26 12'03''
01,Dec,64 25 Ar02'06'' -26 08'51''
01,Jan,65 24 Ar54'09'' -26 02'48''
01,Feb,65 24 Ar55'37''D -25 55'48''
01,Mar,65 25 Ar04'54'' -25 50'23''
01,Apr,65 25 Ar21'26'' -25 46'55''
01,May,65 25 Ar39'47'' -25 46'53''
01,Jun,65 25 Ar56'34'' -25 50'16''
01,Jul,65 26 Ar06'58'' -25 56'01''
01,Aug,65 26 Ar09'12''R -26 03'04''
01,Sep,65 26 Ar02'24'' -26 09'25''
01,Oct,65 25 Ar49'06'' -26 13'16''
01,Nov,65 25 Ar32'21'' -26 13'43''
01,Dec,65 25 Ar18'05'' -26 10'33''
01,Jan,66 25 Ar09'58'' -26 04'31''
01,Feb,66 25 Ar11'17''D -25 57'29''
01,Mar,66 25 Ar20'28'' -25 52'01''
01,Apr,66 25 Ar37'00'' -25 48'28''
01,May,66 25 Ar55'25'' -25 48'23''
01,Jun,66 26 Ar12'20'' -25 51'43''
01,Jul,66 26 Ar22'53'' -25 57'28''
01,Aug,66 26 Ar25'18''R -26 04'32''
01,Sep,66 26 Ar18'37'' -26 10'57''
01,Oct,66 26 Ar05'21'' -26 14'52''
01,Nov,66 25 Ar48'32'' -26 15'22''
01,Dec,66 25 Ar34'10'' -26 12'15''
01,Jan,67 25 Ar25'54'' -26 06'13''
01,Feb,67 25 Ar27'03''D -25 59'10''
01,Mar,67 25 Ar36'09'' -25 53'38''
01,Apr,67 25 Ar52'40'' -25 50'01''
01,May,67 26 Ar11'08'' -25 49'52''
01,Jun,67 26 Ar28'12'' -25 53'10''
01,Jul,67 26 Ar38'54'' -25 58'54''
01,Aug,67 26 Ar41'29''R -26 06'00''
01,Sep,67 26 Ar34'56'' -26 12'28''
01,Oct,67 26 Ar21'42'' -26 16'27''
01,Nov,67 26 Ar04'50'' -26 17'01''
01,Dec,67 25 Ar50'20'' -26 13'56''
01,Jan,68 25 Ar41'54'' -26 07'55''
01,Feb,68 25 Ar42'55''D -26 00'49''
01,Mar,68 25 Ar52'21'' -25 55'04''
01,Apr,68 26 Ar09'00'' -25 51'30''
01,May,68 26 Ar27'33'' -25 51'24''
01,Jun,68 26 Ar44'36'' -25 54'46''
01,Jul,68 26 Ar55'15'' -26 00'33''
01,Aug,68 26 Ar57'41''R -26 07'41''
01,Sep,68 26 Ar50'58'' -26 14'09''
01,Oct,68 26 Ar37'37'' -26 18'05''
01,Nov,68 26 Ar20'41'' -26 18'36''
01,Dec,68 26 Ar06'11'' -26 15'27''
01,Jan,69 25 Ar57'52'' -26 09'22''
01,Feb,69 25 Ar59'02''D -26 02'14''
01,Mar,69 26 Ar08'12'' -25 56'39''
01,Apr,69 26 Ar24'50'' -25 53'00''
01,May,69 26 Ar43'26'' -25 52'51''
01,Jun,69 27 Ar00'37'' -25 56'10''
01,Jul,69 27 Ar11'26'' -26 01'56''
01,Aug,69 27 Ar14'03''R -26 09'06''
01,Sep,69 27 Ar07'27'' -26 15'37''
01,Oct,69 26 Ar54'08'' -26 19'38''
01,Nov,69 26 Ar37'09'' -26 20'12''
01,Dec,69 26 Ar22'33'' -26 17'05''
01,Jan,70 26 Ar14'03'' -26 11'01''
01,Feb,70 26 Ar15'03''D -26 03'51''
01,Mar,70 26 Ar24'08'' -25 58'12''
01,Apr,70 26 Ar40'45'' -25 54'29''
01,May,70 26 Ar59'25'' -25 54'16''
01,Jun,70 27 Ar16'44'' -25 57'32''
01,Jul,70 27 Ar27'43'' -26 03'18''
01,Aug,70 27 Ar30'30''R -26 10'29''
01,Sep,70 27 Ar24'02'' -26 17'03''
01,Oct,70 27 Ar10'45'' -26 21'08''
01,Nov,70 26 Ar53'44'' -26 21'46''
01,Dec,70 26 Ar39'00'' -26 18'42''
01,Jan,71 26 Ar30'20'' -26 12'37''
01,Feb,71 26 Ar31'11''D -26 05'25''
01,Mar,71 26 Ar40'10'' -25 59'44''
01,Apr,71 26 Ar56'46'' -25 55'56''
01,May,71 27 Ar15'31'' -25 55'39''
01,Jun,71 27 Ar32'58'' -25 58'53''
01,Jul,71 27 Ar44'07'' -26 04'38''
01,Aug,71 27 Ar47'03''R -26 11'50''
01,Sep,71 27 Ar40'43'' -26 18'27''
01,Oct,71 27 Ar27'30'' -26 22'36''
01,Nov,71 27 Ar10'25'' -26 23'18''
01,Dec,71 26 Ar55'34'' -26 20'17''
01,Jan,72 26 Ar46'44'' -26 14'12''
01,Feb,72 26 Ar47'26''D -26 06'59''
01,Mar,72 26 Ar56'46'' -26 01'03''
01,Apr,72 27 Ar13'30'' -25 57'18''
01,May,72 27 Ar32'19'' -25 57'04''
01,Jun,72 27 Ar49'47'' -26 00'21''
01,Jul,72 28 Ar00'52'' -26 06'09''
01,Aug,72 28 Ar03'41''R -26 13'23''
01,Sep,72 27 Ar57'11'' -26 20'01''
01,Oct,72 27 Ar43'50'' -26 24'08''
01,Nov,72 27 Ar26'42'' -26 24'46''
01,Dec,72 27 Ar11'51'' -26 21'40''
01,Jan,73 27 Ar03'07'' -26 15'32''
01,Feb,73 27 Ar03'59''D -26 08'16''
01,Mar,73 27 Ar13'03'' -26 02'31''
01,Apr,73 27 Ar29'45'' -25 58'41''
01,May,73 27 Ar48'38'' -25 58'24''
01,Jun,73 28 Ar06'15'' -26 01'38''
01,Jul,73 28 Ar17'30'' -26 07'26''
01,Aug,73 28 Ar20'30''R -26 14'41''
01,Sep,73 28 Ar14'08'' -26 21'22''
01,Oct,73 28 Ar00'49'' -26 25'33''
01,Nov,73 27 Ar43'38'' -26 26'16''
01,Dec,73 27 Ar28'41'' -26 23'12''
01,Jan,74 27 Ar19'47'' -26 17'05''
01,Feb,74 27 Ar20'29''D -26 09'47''
01,Mar,74 27 Ar29'26'' -26 03'58''
01,Apr,74 27 Ar46'08'' -26 00'04''
01,May,74 28 Ar05'06'' -25 59'42''
01,Jun,74 28 Ar22'50'' -26 02'55''
01,Jul,74 28 Ar34'16'' -26 08'41''
01,Aug,74 28 Ar37'26''R -26 15'58''
01,Sep,74 28 Ar31'13'' -26 22'42''
01,Oct,74 28 Ar17'57'' -26 26'57''
01,Nov,74 28 Ar00'43'' -26 27'44''
01,Dec,74 27 Ar45'38'' -26 24'43''
01,Jan,75 27 Ar36'34'' -26 18'36''
01,Feb,75 27 Ar37'07''D -26 11'17''
01,Mar,75 27 Ar45'58'' -26 05'25''
01,Apr,75 28 Ar02'38'' -26 01'26''
01,May,75 28 Ar21'40'' -26 01'01''
01,Jun,75 28 Ar39'33'' -26 04'10''
01,Jul,75 28 Ar51'09'' -26 09'56''
01,Aug,75 28 Ar54'30''R -26 17'14''
01,Sep,75 28 Ar48'25'' -26 24'02''
01,Oct,75 28 Ar35'12'' -26 28'21''
01,Nov,75 28 Ar17'55'' -26 29'12''
01,Dec,75 28 Ar02'42'' -26 26'14''
01,Jan,76 27 Ar53'28'' -26 20'08''
01,Feb,76 27 Ar53'51''D -26 12'46''
01,Mar,76 28 Ar03'03'' -26 06'41''
01,Apr,76 28 Ar19'52'' -26 02'44''
01,May,76 28 Ar38'58'' -26 02'22''
01,Jun,76 28 Ar56'52'' -26 05'35''
01,Jul,76 29 Ar08'24'' -26 11'25''
01,Aug,76 29 Ar11'37''R -26 18'45''
01,Sep,76 29 Ar05'22'' -26 25'33''
01,Oct,76 28 Ar52'01'' -26 29'50''
01,Nov,76 28 Ar34'40'' -26 30'38''
01,Dec,76 28 Ar19'28'' -26 27'36''
01,Jan,77 28 Ar10'19'' -26 21'26''
01,Feb,77 28 Ar10'51''D -26 14'02''
01,Mar,77 28 Ar19'47'' -26 08'07''
01,Apr,77 28 Ar36'34'' -26 04'06''
01,May,77 28 Ar55'43'' -26 03'40''
01,Jun,77 29 Ar13'45'' -26 06'50''
01,Jul,77 29 Ar25'28'' -26 12'39''
01,Aug,77 29 Ar28'53''R -26 20'01''
01,Sep,77 29 Ar22'45'' -26 26'52''
01,Oct,77 29 Ar09'27'' -26 31'14''
01,Nov,77 28 Ar52'03'' -26 32'06''
01,Dec,77 28 Ar36'43'' -26 29'07''
01,Jan,78 28 Ar27'23'' -26 22'57''
01,Feb,78 28 Ar27'45''D -26 15'31''
01,Mar,78 28 Ar36'34'' -26 09'33''
01,Apr,78 28 Ar53'20'' -26 05'28''
01,May,78 29 Ar12'33'' -26 04'57''
01,Jun,78 29 Ar30'44'' -26 08'05''
01,Jul,78 29 Ar42'37'' -26 13'53''
01,Aug,78 29 Ar46'12''R -26 21'16''
01,Sep,78 29 Ar40'13'' -26 28'11''
01,Oct,78 29 Ar26'58'' -26 32'37''
01,Nov,78 29 Ar09'31'' -26 33'33''
01,Dec,78 28 Ar54'03'' -26 30'37''
01,Jan,79 28 Ar44'33'' -26 24'28''
01,Feb,79 28 Ar44'44''D -26 17'00''
01,Mar,79 28 Ar53'27'' -26 10'59''
01,Apr,79 29 Ar10'10'' -26 06'48''
01,May,79 29 Ar29'28'' -26 06'14''
01,Jun,79 29 Ar47'47'' -26 09'19''
01,Jul,79 29 Ar59'50'' -26 15'06''
01,Aug,79 0 Ta03'36''R -26 22'31''
01,Sep,79 29 Ar57'45'' -26 29'28''
01,Oct,79 29 Ar44'34'' -26 33'59''
01,Nov,79 29 Ar27'04'' -26 34'59''
01,Dec,79 29 Ar11'28'' -26 32'06''
01,Jan,80 29 Ar01'47'' -26 25'57''
01,Feb,80 29 Ar01'48''D -26 18'28''
01,Mar,80 29 Ar10'51'' -26 12'12''
01,Apr,80 29 Ar27'43'' -26 08'03''
01,May,80 29 Ar47'05'' -26 07'32''
01,Jun,80 0 Ta05'25'' -26 10'40''
01,Jul,80 0 Ta17'26'' -26 16'31''
01,Aug,80 0 Ta21'04''R -26 23'57''
01,Sep,80 0 Ta15'04'' -26 30'56''
01,Oct,80 0 Ta01'43'' -26 35'24''
01,Nov,80 29 Ar44'09'' -26 36'21''
01,Dec,80 29 Ar28'33'' -26 33'23''
01,Jan,81 29 Ar18'57'' -26 27'11''
01,Feb,81 29 Ar19'08''D -26 19'39''
01,Mar,81 29 Ar27'54'' -26 13'34''
01,Apr,81 29 Ar44'45'' -26 09'20''
01,May,81 0 Ta04'12'' -26 08'45''
01,Jun,81 0 Ta22'40'' -26 11'50''
01,Jul,81 0 Ta34'51'' -26 17'40''
01,Aug,81 0 Ta38'42''R -26 25'08''
01,Sep,81 0 Ta32'50'' -26 32'09''
01,Oct,81 0 Ta19'32'' -26 36'42''
01,Nov,81 0 Ta01'55'' -26 37'43''
01,Dec,81 29 Ar46'12'' -26 34'48''
01,Jan,82 29 Ar36'25'' -26 28'36''
01,Feb,82 29 Ar36'26''D -26 21'02''
01,Mar,82 29 Ar45'06'' -26 14'53''
01,Apr,82 0 Ta01'56'' -26 10'35''
01,May,82 0 Ta21'26'' -26 09'55''
01,Jun,82 0 Ta40'03'' -26 12'58''
01,Jul,82 0 Ta52'26'' -26 18'46''
01,Aug,82 0 Ta56'27''R -26 26'15''
01,Sep,82 0 Ta50'45'' -26 33'20''
01,Oct,82 0 Ta37'31'' -26 37'57''
01,Nov,82 0 Ta19'51'' -26 39'03''
01,Dec,82 0 Ta04'00'' -26 36'10''
01,Jan,83 29 Ar54'04'' -26 29'59''
01,Feb,83 29 Ar53'54''D -26 22'23''
01,Mar,83 0 Ta02'28'' -26 16'11''
01,Apr,83 0 Ta19'15'' -26 11'48''
01,May,83 0 Ta38'50'' -26 11'04''
01,Jun,83 0 Ta57'37'' -26 14'03''
01,Jul,83 1 Ta10'10'' -26 19'50''
01,Aug,83 1 Ta14'23''R -26 27'20''
01,Sep,83 1 Ta08'50'' -26 34'28''
01,Oct,83 0 Ta55'41'' -26 39'10''
01,Nov,83 0 Ta37'59'' -26 40'20''
01,Dec,83 0 Ta22'00'' -26 37'30''
01,Jan,84 0 Ta11'53'' -26 31'20''
01,Feb,84 0 Ta11'33''D -26 23'42''
01,Mar,84 0 Ta20'27'' -26 17'14''
01,Apr,84 0 Ta37'24'' -26 12'53''
01,May,84 0 Ta57'05'' -26 12'11''
01,Jun,84 1 Ta15'53'' -26 15'14''
01,Jul,84 1 Ta28'24'' -26 21'05''
01,Aug,84 1 Ta32'31''R -26 28'38''
01,Sep,84 1 Ta26'48'' -26 35'46''
01,Oct,84 1 Ta13'31'' -26 40'26''
01,Nov,84 0 Ta55'44'' -26 41'32''
01,Dec,84 0 Ta39'46'' -26 38'39''
01,Jan,85 0 Ta29'44'' -26 32'24''
01,Feb,85 0 Ta29'34''D -26 24'43''
01,Mar,85 0 Ta38'12'' -26 18'27''
01,Apr,85 0 Ta55'08'' -26 14'01''
01,May,85 1 Ta14'53'' -26 13'15''
01,Jun,85 1 Ta33'50'' -26 16'15''
01,Jul,85 1 Ta46'33'' -26 22'04''
01,Aug,85 1 Ta50'52''R -26 29'38''
01,Sep,85 1 Ta45'18'' -26 36'50''
01,Oct,85 1 Ta32'05'' -26 41'34''
01,Nov,85 1 Ta14'16'' -26 42'45''
01,Dec,85 0 Ta58'11'' -26 39'54''
01,Jan,86 0 Ta47'59'' -26 33'40''
01,Feb,86 0 Ta47'38''D -26 25'58''
01,Mar,86 0 Ta56'09'' -26 19'38''
01,Apr,86 1 Ta13'04'' -26 15'07''
01,May,86 1 Ta32'54'' -26 14'17''
01,Jun,86 1 Ta52'00'' -26 17'13''
01,Jul,86 2 Ta04'54'' -26 23'02''
01,Aug,86 2 Ta09'25''R -26 30'37''
01,Sep,86 2 Ta04'02'' -26 37'52''
01,Oct,86 1 Ta50'53'' -26 42'41''
01,Nov,86 1 Ta33'02'' -26 43'57''
01,Dec,86 1 Ta16'49'' -26 41'09''
01,Jan,87 1 Ta06'26'' -26 34'56''
01,Feb,87 1 Ta05'55''D -26 27'12''
01,Mar,87 1 Ta14'20'' -26 20'48''
01,Apr,87 1 Ta31'12'' -26 16'13''
01,May,87 1 Ta51'06'' -26 15'18''
01,Jun,87 2 Ta10'22'' -26 18'11''
01,Jul,87 2 Ta23'28'' -26 23'59''
01,Aug,87 2 Ta28'11''R -26 31'35''
01,Sep,87 2 Ta22'57'' -26 38'53''
01,Oct,87 2 Ta09'52'' -26 43'47''
01,Nov,87 1 Ta51'59'' -26 45'07''
01,Dec,87 1 Ta35'39'' -26 42'23''
01,Jan,88 1 Ta25'04'' -26 36'11''
01,Feb,88 1 Ta24'22''D -26 28'25''
01,Mar,88 1 Ta33'07'' -26 21'46''
01,Apr,88 1 Ta50'09'' -26 17'12''
01,May,88 2 Ta10'08'' -26 16'20''
01,Jun,88 2 Ta29'26'' -26 19'17''
01,Jul,88 2 Ta42'29'' -26 25'08''
01,Aug,88 2 Ta47'06''R -26 32'47''
01,Sep,88 2 Ta41'42'' -26 40'06''
01,Oct,88 2 Ta28'29'' -26 44'58''
01,Nov,88 2 Ta10'31'' -26 46'16''
01,Dec,88 1 Ta54'10'' -26 43'27''
01,Jan,89 1 Ta43'40'' -26 37'11''
01,Feb,89 1 Ta43'07''D -26 29'22''
01,Mar,89 1 Ta51'35'' -26 22'55''
01,Apr,89 2 Ta08'36'' -26 18'16''
01,May,89 2 Ta28'39'' -26 17'20''
01,Jun,89 2 Ta48'05'' -26 20'14''
01,Jul,89 3 Ta01'20'' -26 26'03''
01,Aug,89 3 Ta06'09''R -26 33'44''
01,Sep,89 3 Ta00'55'' -26 41'06''
01,Oct,89 2 Ta47'46'' -26 46'03''
01,Nov,89 2 Ta29'44'' -26 47'25''
01,Dec,89 2 Ta13'15'' -26 44'40''
01,Jan,90 2 Ta02'34'' -26 38'25''
01,Feb,90 2 Ta01'50''D -26 30'34''
01,Mar,90 2 Ta10'10'' -26 24'03''
01,Apr,90 2 Ta27'09'' -26 19'20''
01,May,90 2 Ta47'16'' -26 18'19''
01,Jun,90 3 Ta06'51'' -26 21'09''
01,Jul,90 3 Ta20'17'' -26 26'58''
01,Aug,90 3 Ta25'18''R -26 34'39''
01,Sep,90 3 Ta20'13'' -26 42'05''
01,Oct,90 3 Ta07'08'' -26 47'07''
01,Nov,90 2 Ta49'04'' -26 48'33''
01,Dec,90 2 Ta32'27'' -26 45'52''
01,Jan,91 2 Ta21'34'' -26 39'37''
01,Feb,91 2 Ta20'38''D -26 31'45''
01,Mar,91 2 Ta28'51'' -26 25'11''
01,Apr,91 2 Ta45'46'' -26 20'22''
01,May,91 3 Ta05'56'' -26 19'16''
01,Jun,91 3 Ta25'41'' -26 22'03''
01,Jul,91 3 Ta39'19'' -26 27'50''
01,Aug,91 3 Ta44'31'' -26 35'33''
01,Sep,91 3 Ta39'37''R -26 43'02''
01,Oct,91 3 Ta26'35'' -26 48'08''
01,Nov,91 3 Ta08'29'' -26 49'40''
01,Dec,91 2 Ta51'43'' -26 47'02''
01,Jan,92 2 Ta40'38'' -26 40'48''
01,Feb,92 2 Ta39'30''D -26 32'54''
01,Mar,92 2 Ta48'02'' -26 26'04''
01,Apr,92 3 Ta05'07'' -26 21'16''
01,May,92 3 Ta25'23'' -26 20'13''
01,Jun,92 3 Ta45'09'' -26 23'04''
01,Jul,92 3 Ta58'45'' -26 28'55''
01,Aug,92 4 Ta03'51''R -26 36'40''
01,Sep,92 3 Ta58'46'' -26 44'10''
01,Oct,92 3 Ta45'36'' -26 49'15''
01,Nov,92 3 Ta27'23'' -26 50'43''
01,Dec,92 3 Ta10'36'' -26 48'00''
01,Jan,93 2 Ta59'35'' -26 41'42''
01,Feb,93 2 Ta58'36''D -26 33'45''
01,Mar,93 3 Ta06'52'' -26 27'07''
01,Apr,93 3 Ta23'55'' -26 22'14''
01,May,93 3 Ta44'14'' -26 21'06''
01,Jun,93 4 Ta04'09'' -26 23'53''
01,Jul,93 4 Ta17'56'' -26 29'42''
01,Aug,93 4 Ta23'15'' -26 37'28''
01,Sep,93 4 Ta18'21''R -26 45'02''
01,Oct,93 4 Ta05'14'' -26 50'11''
01,Nov,93 3 Ta46'59'' -26 51'44''
01,Dec,93 3 Ta30'04'' -26 49'05''
01,Jan,94 3 Ta18'51'' -26 42'48''
01,Feb,94 3 Ta17'41''D -26 34'49''
01,Mar,94 3 Ta25'49'' -26 28'07''
01,Apr,94 3 Ta42'48'' -26 23'09''
01,May,94 4 Ta03'12'' -26 21'56''
01,Jun,94 4 Ta23'16'' -26 24'40''
01,Jul,94 4 Ta37'15'' -26 30'27''
01,Aug,94 4 Ta42'46'' -26 38'14''
01,Sep,94 4 Ta38'02''R -26 45'51''
01,Oct,94 4 Ta25'01'' -26 51'05''
01,Nov,94 4 Ta06'43'' -26 52'43''
01,Dec,94 3 Ta49'40'' -26 50'07''
01,Jan,95 3 Ta38'15'' -26 43'51''
01,Feb,95 3 Ta36'53''D -26 35'50''
01,Mar,95 3 Ta44'54'' -26 29'04''
01,Apr,95 4 Ta01'50'' -26 24'01''
01,May,95 4 Ta22'17'' -26 22'43''
01,Jun,95 4 Ta42'31'' -26 25'23''
01,Jul,95 4 Ta56'42'' -26 31'09''
01,Aug,95 5 Ta02'27'' -26 38'56''
01,Sep,95 4 Ta57'53''R -26 46'36''
01,Oct,95 4 Ta44'56'' -26 51'55''
01,Nov,95 4 Ta26'37'' -26 53'38''
01,Dec,95 4 Ta09'26'' -26 51'06''
01,Jan,96 3 Ta57'49'' -26 44'51''
01,Feb,96 3 Ta56'15''D -26 36'48''
01,Mar,96 4 Ta04'34'' -26 29'46''
01,Apr,96 4 Ta21'41'' -26 24'43''
01,May,96 4 Ta42'15'' -26 23'29''
01,Jun,96 5 Ta02'31'' -26 26'12''
01,Jul,96 5 Ta16'40'' -26 32'01''
01,Aug,96 5 Ta22'19'' -26 39'52''
01,Sep,96 5 Ta17'36''R -26 47'33''
01,Oct,96 5 Ta04'30'' -26 52'50''
01,Nov,96 4 Ta46'06'' -26 54'30''
01,Dec,96 4 Ta28'54'' -26 51'53''
01,Jan,97 4 Ta17'21'' -26 45'34''
01,Feb,97 4 Ta15'56''D -26 37'28''
01,Mar,97 4 Ta23'59'' -26 30'37''
01,Apr,97 4 Ta41'04'' -26 25'30''
01,May,97 5 Ta01'42'' -26 24'10''
01,Jun,97 5 Ta22'08'' -26 26'50''
01,Jul,97 5 Ta36'30'' -26 32'37''
01,Aug,97 5 Ta42'23'' -26 40'29''
01,Sep,97 5 Ta37'51''R -26 48'13''
01,Oct,97 5 Ta24'50'' -26 53'35''
01,Nov,97 5 Ta06'24'' -26 55'20''
01,Dec,97 4 Ta49'04'' -26 52'47''
01,Jan,98 4 Ta37'20'' -26 46'29''
01,Feb,98 4 Ta35'43''D -26 38'22''
01,Mar,98 4 Ta43'38'' -26 31'27''
01,Apr,98 5 Ta00'41'' -26 26'15''
01,May,98 5 Ta21'23'' -26 24'50''
01,Jun,98 5 Ta41'59'' -26 27'25''
01,Jul,98 5 Ta56'34'' -26 33'11''
01,Aug,98 6 Ta02'39'' -26 41'04''
01,Sep,98 5 Ta58'19''R -26 48'51''
01,Oct,98 5 Ta45'24'' -26 54'18''
01,Nov,98 5 Ta26'56'' -26 56'09''
01,Dec,98 5 Ta09'28'' -26 53'39''
01,Jan,99 4 Ta57'33'' -26 47'23''
01,Feb,99 4 Ta55'44''D -26 39'14''
01,Mar,99 5 Ta03'32'' -26 32'16''
01,Apr,99 5 Ta20'31'' -26 26'58''
01,May,99 5 Ta41'17'' -26 25'28''
01,Jun,99 6 Ta02'02'' -26 27'59''
01,Jul,99 6 Ta16'50'' -26 33'44''
01,Aug,99 6 Ta23'10'' -26 41'37''
01,Sep,99 6 Ta19'01''R -26 49'28''
01,Oct,99 6 Ta06'12'' -26 55'00''
01,Nov,99 5 Ta47'43'' -26 56'56''
01,Dec,99 5 Ta30'07'' -26 54'31''
01,Jan,00 5 Ta17'59'' -26 48'16''
01,Feb,00 5 Ta15'57''D -26 40'05''
01,Mar,00 5 Ta24'03'' -26 32'50''
01,Apr,00 5 Ta41'13'' -26 27'33''
01,May,00 6 Ta02'06'' -26 26'06''
01,Jun,00 6 Ta22'55'' -26 28'41''
01,Jul,00 6 Ta37'41'' -26 34'29''
01,Aug,00 6 Ta43'56'' -26 42'25''
01,Sep,00 6 Ta39'38''R -26 50'18''
01,Oct,00 6 Ta26'40'' -26 55'49''
01,Nov,00 6 Ta08'04'' -26 57'42''
01,Dec,00 5 Ta50'27'' -26 55'12''
01,Jan,01 5 Ta38'23'' -26 48'53''
01,Feb,01 5 Ta36'30''D -26 40'39''
01,Mar,01 5 Ta44'20'' -26 33'37''
01,Apr,01 6 Ta01'27'' -26 28'14''
01,May,01 6 Ta22'24'' -26 26'42''
01,Jun,01 6 Ta43'23'' -26 29'13''
01,Jul,01 6 Ta58'22'' -26 35'00''
01,Aug,01 7 Ta04'50'' -26 42'57''
01,Sep,01 7 Ta00'44''R -26 50'53''
01,Oct,01 6 Ta47'51'' -26 56'29''
01,Nov,01 6 Ta29'13'' -26 58'27''
01,Dec,01 6 Ta11'28'' -26 56'01''
01,Jan,02 5 Ta59'12'' -26 49'44''
01,Feb,02 5 Ta57'06''D -26 41'28''
01,Mar,02 6 Ta04'48'' -26 34'22''
01,Apr,02 6 Ta21'51'' -26 28'54''
01,May,02 6 Ta42'52'' -26 27'17''
01,Jun,02 7 Ta04'00'' -26 29'44''
01,Jul,02 7 Ta19'13'' -26 35'29''
01,Aug,02 7 Ta25'55'' -26 43'26''
01,Sep,02 7 Ta21'59''R -26 51'26''
01,Oct,02 7 Ta09'13'' -26 57'07''
01,Nov,02 6 Ta50'34'' -26 59'11''
01,Dec,02 6 Ta32'40'' -26 56'49''
01,Jan,03 6 Ta20'10'' -26 50'33''
01,Feb,03 6 Ta17'52''D -26 42'16''
01,Mar,03 6 Ta25'25'' -26 35'06''
01,Apr,03 6 Ta42'25'' -26 29'32''
01,May,03 7 Ta03'29'' -26 27'50''
01,Jun,03 7 Ta24'47'' -26 30'12''
01,Jul,03 7 Ta40'13'' -26 35'55''
01,Aug,03 7 Ta47'09'' -26 43'54''
01,Sep,03 7 Ta43'25''R -26 51'57''
01,Oct,03 7 Ta30'44'' -26 57'43''
01,Nov,03 7 Ta12'03'' -26 59'52''
01,Dec,03 6 Ta54'01'' -26 57'34''
01,Jan,04 6 Ta41'19'' -26 51'20''
01,Feb,04 6 Ta38'47''D -26 43'01''
01,Mar,04 6 Ta46'37'' -26 35'33''
01,Apr,04 7 Ta03'48'' -26 30'01''
01,May,04 7 Ta24'59'' -26 28'20''
01,Jun,04 7 Ta46'20'' -26 30'47''
01,Jul,04 8 Ta01'45'' -26 36'33''
01,Aug,04 8 Ta08'36'' -26 44'34''
01,Sep,04 8 Ta04'43''R -26 52'38''
01,Oct,04 7 Ta51'52'' -26 58'24''
01,Nov,04 7 Ta33'04'' -27 00'30''
01,Dec,04 7 Ta15'00'' -26 58'08''
01,Jan,05 7 Ta02'21'' -26 51'48''
01,Feb,05 6 Ta59'58''D -26 43'26''
01,Mar,05 7 Ta07'32'' -26 36'11''
01,Apr,05 7 Ta24'40'' -26 30'33''
01,May,05 7 Ta45'55'' -26 28'47''
01,Jun,05 8 Ta07'26'' -26 31'09''
01,Jul,05 8 Ta23'04'' -26 36'53''
01,Aug,05 8 Ta30'09'' -26 44'55''
01,Sep,05 8 Ta26'29''R -26 53'02''
01,Oct,05 8 Ta13'44'' -26 58'53''
01,Nov,05 7 Ta54'54'' -27 01'04''
01,Dec,05 7 Ta36'41'' -26 58'47''
01,Jan,06 7 Ta23'49'' -26 52'29''
01,Feb,06 7 Ta21'14''D -26 44'05''
01,Mar,06 7 Ta28'39'' -26 36'46''
01,Apr,06 7 Ta45'42'' -26 31'02''
01,May,06 8 Ta07'01'' -26 29'10''
01,Jun,06 8 Ta28'43'' -26 31'28''
01,Jul,06 8 Ta44'33'' -26 37'10''
01,Aug,06 8 Ta51'53'' -26 45'12''
01,Sep,06 8 Ta48'24''R -26 53'23''
01,Oct,06 8 Ta35'46'' -26 59'18''
01,Nov,06 8 Ta16'55'' -27 01'35''
01,Dec,06 7 Ta58'34'' -26 59'21''
01,Jan,07 7 Ta45'29'' -26 53'05''
01,Feb,07 7 Ta42'40''D -26 44'39''
01,Mar,07 7 Ta49'57'' -26 37'16''
01,Apr,07 8 Ta06'57'' -26 31'27''
01,May,07 8 Ta28'18'' -26 29'30''
01,Jun,07 8 Ta50'09'' -26 31'42''
01,Jul,07 9 Ta06'14'' -26 37'22''
01,Aug,07 9 Ta13'49'' -26 45'25''
01,Sep,07 9 Ta10'32''R -26 53'39''
01,Oct,07 8 Ta58'00'' -26 59'39''
01,Nov,07 8 Ta39'09'' -27 02'02''
01,Dec,07 8 Ta20'40'' -26 59'52''
01,Jan,08 8 Ta07'22'' -26 53'38''
01,Feb,08 8 Ta04'18''D -26 45'10''
01,Mar,08 8 Ta11'51'' -26 37'29''
01,Apr,08 8 Ta29'02'' -26 31'40''
01,May,08 8 Ta50'32'' -26 29'45''
01,Jun,08 9 Ta12'27'' -26 32'01''
01,Jul,08 9 Ta28'31'' -26 37'44''
01,Aug,08 9 Ta36'02'' -26 45'50''
01,Sep,08 9 Ta32'37''R -26 54'06''
01,Oct,08 9 Ta19'55'' -27 00'05''
01,Nov,08 9 Ta00'56'' -27 02'25''
01,Dec,08 8 Ta42'25'' -27 00'11''
01,Jan,09 8 Ta29'10'' -26 53'51''
01,Feb,09 8 Ta26'16''D -26 45'21''
01,Mar,09 8 Ta33'33'' -26 37'52''
01,Apr,09 8 Ta50'41'' -26 31'57''
01,May,09 9 Ta12'15'' -26 29'57''
01,Jun,09 9 Ta34'20'' -26 32'08''
01,Jul,09 9 Ta50'38'' -26 37'49''
01,Aug,09 9 Ta58'23'' -26 45'56''
01,Sep,09 9 Ta55'11''R -26 54'14''
01,Oct,09 9 Ta42'37'' -27 00'19''
01,Nov,09 9 Ta23'37'' -27 02'44''
01,Dec,09 9 Ta04'57'' -27 00'35''
01,Jan,10 8 Ta51'30'' -26 54'17''
01,Feb,10 8 Ta48'22''D -26 45'45''
01,Mar,10 8 Ta55'30'' -26 38'13''
01,Apr,10 9 Ta12'33'' -26 32'12''
01,May,10 9 Ta34'10'' -26 30'06''
01,Jun,10 9 Ta56'26'' -26 32'12''
01,Jul,10 10 Ta12'58'' -26 37'51''
01,Aug,10 10 Ta20'58'' -26 45'58''
01,Sep,10 10 Ta17'59''R -26 54'20''
01,Oct,10 10 Ta05'32'' -27 00'29''
01,Nov,10 9 Ta46'32'' -27 03'01''
01,Dec,10 9 Ta27'44'' -27 00'56''
01,Jan,11 9 Ta14'02'' -26 54'41''
01,Feb,11 9 Ta10'40''D -26 46'07''
01,Mar,11 9 Ta17'39'' -26 38'31''
01,Apr,11 9 Ta34'38'' -26 32'24''
01,May,11 9 Ta56'19'' -26 30'12''
01,Jun,11 10 Ta18'44'' -26 32'14''
01,Jul,11 10 Ta35'30'' -26 37'50''
01,Aug,11 10 Ta43'47'' -26 45'58''
01,Sep,11 10 Ta41'01''R -26 54'23''
01,Oct,11 10 Ta28'40'' -27 00'38''
01,Nov,11 10 Ta09'39'' -27 03'15''
01,Dec,11 9 Ta50'43'' -27 01'15''
01,Jan,12 9 Ta36'48'' -26 55'02''
01,Feb,12 9 Ta33'11''D -26 46'27''
01,Mar,12 9 Ta40'24'' -26 38'32''
01,Apr,12 9 Ta57'35'' -26 32'26''
01,May,12 10 Ta19'24'' -26 30'16''
01,Jun,12 10 Ta41'53'' -26 32'22''
01,Jul,12 10 Ta58'39'' -26 38'01''
01,Aug,12 11 Ta06'51'' -26 46'12''
01,Sep,12 11 Ta03'57''R -26 54'39''
01,Oct,12 10 Ta51'27'' -27 00'53''
01,Nov,12 10 Ta32'18'' -27 03'28''
01,Dec,12 10 Ta13'19'' -27 01'24''
01,Jan,13 9 Ta59'26'' -26 55'06''
01,Feb,13 9 Ta55'57''D -26 46'28''
01,Mar,13 10 Ta02'55'' -26 38'46''
01,Apr,13 10 Ta20'01'' -26 32'34''
01,May,13 10 Ta41'53'' -26 30'18''
01,Jun,13 11 Ta04'33'' -26 32'19''
01,Jul,13 11 Ta21'32'' -26 37'56''
01,Aug,13 11 Ta30'00'' -26 46'07''
01,Sep,13 11 Ta27'19''R -26 54'37''
01,Oct,13 11 Ta14'56'' -27 00'57''
01,Nov,13 10 Ta55'46'' -27 03'39''
01,Dec,13 10 Ta36'38'' -27 01'39''
01,Jan,14 10 Ta22'31'' -26 55'23''
01,Feb,14 10 Ta18'48''D -26 46'43''
01,Mar,14 10 Ta25'36'' -26 38'58''
01,Apr,14 10 Ta42'36'' -26 32'40''
01,May,14 11 Ta04'31'' -26 30'18''
01,Jun,14 11 Ta27'21'' -26 32'14''
01,Jul,14 11 Ta44'35'' -26 37'49''
01,Aug,14 11 Ta53'18'' -26 46'00''
01,Sep,14 11 Ta50'50''R -26 54'33''
01,Oct,14 11 Ta38'34'' -27 00'59''
01,Nov,14 11 Ta19'23'' -27 03'46''
01,Dec,14 11 Ta00'07'' -27 01'51''
01,Jan,15 10 Ta45'45'' -26 55'37''
01,Feb,15 10 Ta41'47''D -26 46'56''
01,Mar,15 10 Ta48'25'' -26 39'07''
01,Apr,15 11 Ta05'20'' -26 32'43''
01,May,15 11 Ta27'17'' -26 30'15''
01,Jun,15 11 Ta50'17'' -26 32'05''
01,Jul,15 12 Ta07'45'' -26 37'37''
01,Aug,15 12 Ta16'45'' -26 45'49''
01,Sep,15 12 Ta14'30''R -26 54'25''
01,Oct,15 12 Ta02'22'' -27 00'56''
01,Nov,15 11 Ta43'10'' -27 03'49''
01,Dec,15 11 Ta23'45'' -27 02'00''
01,Jan,16 11 Ta09'10'' -26 55'48''
01,Feb,16 11 Ta04'55''D -26 47'05''
01,Mar,16 11 Ta11'47'' -26 38'57''
01,Apr,16 11 Ta28'54'' -26 32'33''
01,May,16 11 Ta51'00'' -26 30'07''
01,Jun,16 12 Ta14'04'' -26 32'00''
01,Jul,16 12 Ta31'33'' -26 37'36''
01,Aug,16 12 Ta40'28'' -26 45'50''
01,Sep,16 12 Ta38'06''R -26 54'29''
01,Oct,16 12 Ta25'48'' -27 00'59''
01,Nov,16 12 Ta06'28'' -27 03'50''
01,Dec,16 11 Ta46'59'' -27 01'56''
01,Jan,17 11 Ta32'26'' -26 55'39''
01,Feb,17 11 Ta28'19''D -26 46'53''
01,Mar,17 11 Ta34'56'' -26 38'58''
01,Apr,17 11 Ta51'58'' -26 32'28''
01,May,17 12 Ta14'07'' -26 29'55''
01,Jun,17 12 Ta37'23'' -26 31'43''
01,Jul,17 12 Ta55'05'' -26 37'16''
01,Aug,17 13 Ta04'17'' -26 45'30''
01,Sep,17 13 Ta02'09''R -26 54'12''
01,Oct,17 12 Ta49'59'' -27 00'47''
01,Nov,17 12 Ta30'38'' -27 03'44''
01,Dec,17 12 Ta11'01'' -27 01'55''


On 19 October 2007, astronomers at Palomar Observatory in California discovered a Trans-Neptunian body with an orbit of 620.17 years. Provisionally designated 2007 UK126, when its orbit was confirmed it was given the minor planet number 229762 and given the name G!kun||'homdima.

It was at 25 Tau 44 R when discovered. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is "A SPANISH GALLANT SERENADES HIS BELOVED" and Rudhyar says the keynote is "The ritualization of individual desires." This position was in a Yod aspect with Sun at 25 Libra 53 and Pluto at 26 Sagittarius 45.

Michael Brown, one of the discoverers, feels that this body will most likely be designated a Dwarf Planet.

From the Minor Planet circular: "G!kun||'homdima is the beautiful aardvark girl of Jul'hoan mythology who sometimes appears in stories as a python and sometimes as an elephant. She defends her people and punishes wrongdoers using spines, a raincloud full of hail, and her magical oryx horn G!o'e !Hu. The satellite is being named G!o'e !Hu"

These names are from the myths of the Jul'hoan people of Namibia. The language uses click sounds, and is the first minor planet to be given a name with such sounds.

To find out how to pronounce this body's name, click here: G!kun||'homdima

And here is how to pronounce the name of the satellite: G!o'e !Hu

G!kun||'homdima has an orbital eccentricity of 04843, an inclination of 23.378, with a perihelion distance of 37.502 AU (which it will reach in 2046) and an aphelion distance of 107.94 AU.

Its satellite G!o'e !Hu is extremely red, one of the reddest known bodies out past Pluto.

Here is a monthly ephemeris for 1900-2050, positions for 0 HR GMT

01,01,1900 08 Pi06' 01,01,1976 19 Ar04'
01,01,1901 08 Pi28' 01,01,1977 19 Ar55'
01,01,1902 08 Pi50' 01,01,1978 20 Ar47'
01,01,1903 09 Pi12' 01,01,1979 21 Ar39'
01,01,1904 09 Pi34' 01,01,1980 22 Ar32'
01,01,1905 09 Pi57' 01,01,1981 23 Ar26'
01,01,1906 10 Pi19' 01,01,1982 24 Ar21'
01,01,1907 10 Pi42' 01,01,1983 25 Ar17'
01,01,1908 11 Pi04' 01,01,1984 26 Ar14'
01,01,1909 11 Pi28' 01,01,1985 27 Ar12'
01,01,1910 11 Pi51' 01,01,1986 28 Ar11'
01,01,1911 12 Pi14' 01,01,1987 29 Ar11'
01,01,1912 12 Pi38' 01,01,1988 00 Ta12'
01,01,1913 13 Pi02' 01,01,1989 01 Ta14'
01,01,1914 13 Pi26' 01,01,1990 02 Ta17'
01,01,1915 13 Pi50' 01,01,1991 03 Ta21'
01,01,1916 14 Pi15' 01,01,1992 04 Ta26'
01,01,1917 14 Pi40' 01,01,1993 05 Ta32'
01,01,1918 15 Pi05' 01,01,1994 06 Ta39'
01,01,1919 15 Pi30' 01,01,1995 07 Ta47'
01,01,1920 15 Pi55' 01,01,1996 08 Ta56'
01,01,1921 16 Pi21' 01,01,1997 10 Ta06'
01,01,1922 16 Pi46' 01,01,1998 11 Ta18'
01,01,1923 17 Pi12' 01,01,1999 12 Ta31'
01,01,1924 17 Pi38' 01,01,2000 13 Ta46'
01,01,1925 18 Pi05' 01,01,2001 15 Ta01'
01,01,1926 18 Pi32' 01,01,2002 16 Ta18'
01,01,1927 18 Pi59' 01,01,2003 17 Ta36'
01,01,1928 19 Pi26' 01,01,2004 18 Ta55'
01,01,1929 19 Pi54' 01,01,2005 20 Ta15'
01,01,1930 20 Pi22' 01,01,2006 21 Ta36'
01,01,1931 20 Pi50' 01,01,2007 22 Ta59'
01,01,1932 21 Pi19' 01,01,2008 24 Ta23'
01,01,1933 21 Pi48' 01,01,2009 25 Ta48'
01,01,1934 22 Pi17' 01,01,2010 27 Ta15'
01,01,1935 22 Pi46' 01,01,2011 28 Ta43'
01,01,1936 23 Pi16' 01,01,2012 00 Ge12'
01,01,1937 23 Pi46' 01,01,2013 01 Ge42'
01,01,1938 24 Pi16' 01,01,2014 03 Ge13'
01,01,1939 24 Pi47' 01,01,2015 04 Ge46'
01,01,1940 25 Pi18' 01,01,2016 06 Ge20'
01,01,1941 25 Pi50' 01,01,2017 07 Ge54'
01,01,1942 26 Pi21' 01,01,2018 09 Ge31'
01,01,1943 26 Pi53' 01,01,2019 11 Ge08'
01,01,1944 27 Pi26' 01,01,2020 12 Ge46'
01,01,1945 27 Pi59' 01,01,2021 14 Ge25'
01,01,1946 28 Pi32' 01,01,2022 16 Ge05'
01,01,1947 29 Pi05' 01,01,2023 17 Ge47'
01,01,1948 29 Pi39' 01,01,2024 19 Ge30'
01,01,1949 00 Ar14' 01,01,2025 21 Ge13'
01,01,1950 00 Ar49' 01,01,2026 22 Ge57'
01,01,1951 01 Ar24' 01,01,2027 24 Ge43'
01,01,1952 02 Ar00' 01,01,2028 26 Ge29'
01,01,1953 02 Ar37' 01,01,2029 28 Ge15'
01,01,1954 03 Ar14' 01,01,2030 00 Cn02'
01,01,1955 03 Ar51' 01,01,2031 01 Cn50'
01,01,1956 04 Ar28' 01,01,2032 03 Cn38'
01,01,1957 05 Ar06' 01,01,2033 05 Cn26'
01,01,1958 05 Ar45' 01,01,2034 07 Cn15'
01,01,1959 06 Ar24' 01,01,2035 09 Cn05'
01,01,1960 07 Ar03' 01,01,2036 10 Cn55'
01,01,1961 07 Ar44' 01,01,2037 12 Cn45'
01,01,1962 08 Ar24' 01,01,2038 14 Cn36'
01,01,1963 09 Ar06' 01,01,2039 16 Cn27'
01,01,1964 09 Ar48' 01,01,2040 18 Cn18'
01,01,1965 10 Ar31' 01,01,2041 20 Cn07'
01,01,1966 11 Ar14' 01,01,2042 21 Cn58'
01,01,1967 11 Ar58' 01,01,2043 23 Cn49'
01,01,1968 12 Ar43' 01,01,2044 25 Cn40'
01,01,1969 13 Ar28' 01,01,2045 27 Cn29'
01,01,1970 14 Ar14' 01,01,2046 29 Cn19'
01,01,1971 15 Ar00' 01,01,2047 01 Le08'
01,01,1972 15 Ar47' 01,01,2048 02 Le58'
01,01,1973 16 Ar35' 01,01,2049 04 Le46'
01,01,1974 17 Ar24' R 01,01,2050 06 Le35'
01,01,1975 18 Ar13' xxx xxx

FAROUT (2018 VG18)

On November 10, 2018, astronomers were searching the outer reaches of our solar system for any Trans-Neptunian bodies that might turn out to be gravitationally influenced by a possible major planet, when they discovered an object that was quite large. In fact it may turn out to be the largest TNO. (I read somewhere it is around the size of Japan.)

When the astronomers realized how far away this body was from us (it can reach as far as 125.01 AU from the Sun), they gave it the nickname Farout, but it was given the provisional designation of 2018 VG18.

It has a very eccentric orbit. As far out as it gets at aphelion, it comes as close as 38.91 AU at perihelion. That is an eccentricity of 0.5253 (with 0 being a circle and 1 being a straight line.) Compare that to Pluto with an eccentricity of 0.25.

It takes 741.96 years to circle our Sun, and we have not had a lot of chances to compute its whole orbit as yet. (When it was discovered it was 123 AU from the Sun, so moving fairly slowly.) As I write this (April 2024), they have only been able to identify it on photo plates 34 times, the furthest back November 2003, the most recent January 2020. What that means is that, until they get a larger number of sightings, we can only be sure of the accuracy of its orbit for a few years, so later on this page I will have an ephemeris for it from 2018-2024. I will expand that in the future when the astronomers expand their findings.

Saturn in Pisces makes three squares with Farout in Gemini in 2024

April 4, 13 deg 58 min
September 23, 14 deg 54 min
December 29, 14 deg 19 min
Let's watch the news around these three dates and see if there are any connections between them.

This will give you an idea of its orbit.

But because it is moving so slowly we can get a fairly good approximation of its position back a few centuries. More on that in a bit.

We can tell you its discovery position was 13 Gemini 36 R, in close square to Neptune 13 Pisces 45 R., and making it a T-square to Mercury at 11 Sagittarius 02. I am sure that aspect pattern will be an important part of its meaning as we get to know this body.

The Sabian Symbol for the 14th degree of Gemini, from Dane Rudhyar, is BRIDGING PHYSICAL SPACE AND SOCIAL DISTINCTIONS, TWO MEN COMMUNICATE TELEPATHICALLY, and he says its keynote is The capacity to transcend the limitations of bodily existence. James Burgess expands on this by adding At higher levels of consciousness non-ordinary techniques can be accessed at will. I am guessing that is also going to be very telling as to the nature of this body.

While it has not been officially categorized as a Dwarf Planet, that is what most astronomers are calling this body. I suspect they want to wait until it gets an official name before they make its make its dwarf status official.

About those approximate positions

Farout was last at perihelion (closest to the Sun) around May 23, 1697. It would have been around 16 Sagittarius. A few events from 1697 that may have a connection to this body:
A man was executed for blasphemy in Great Britain, but this was the last time anyone in that country would be executed for that crime
Five people were executed for witchcraft in Western Europe, but this would be the final execution for that crime in that part of the world
The Treaty of Ryswick is signed by France and the Grand Alliance, to end both the Nine Years War and King Williams War
Chinese troops complete their conquest of Mongolia
Farout will next reach perihelion around June 22, 2438, at around 3 Capricorn.

One technique astrologers use to start getting a handle on a newly discovered body is to look at some of the major news stories around the time of that discovery. Here are a few the year Farout was identified

  • Scientists in China report the creation of the first monkey clones using somatic cell nuclear transfer.
  • A research group in China generated viable baby mice from two female parents using stem cells and CRISPR technology
  • China's government approves a constitutional change that removes term limits for its leaders, granting Xi Jinping the status of President for Life.
  • Scientists report the presence of a subglacial lake on Mars, with the ice being up to 100 meters thick in some places. And it is reachable, which means it could be used as a resource for us when we land humans on Mars.
  • 15 year old Swedish pupil Greta Thunberg starts to stay out of school in an attempt to give attention to the climate change issue, starting a worldwide movement.
  • The International Telecommunication Union reports that, by the end of 2018, more than half, a full 51.2 percent, of the world population are now using the Internet
  • Scientists figure out how to tell where neutrinos (aka Ghost Particles) originate.
  • A scientist in China claims he used CRISPR to delete a gene in human embryos resulting in seemingly healthy babies. While the intent is to delete genes to give babies resistance to HIV, the announcement raised a lot of arguments about Gene-editing babies.
  • In another Chinese research facility progress was made in creating cells which could be injected into humans which would delete Alzheimers Disease

Here follows a daily ephemeris for Farout for 2018-2024, all times are 0hr UT

Jan 1 2018 "13°Ge02'50''" "-03°28'29''"
Jan 2 2018 "13°Ge02'26''" "-03°28'28''"
Jan 3 2018 "13°Ge02'02''" "-03°28'28''"
Jan 4 2018 "13°Ge01'38''" "-03°28'28''"
Jan 5 2018 "13°Ge01'14''" "-03°28'28''"
Jan 6 2018 "13°Ge00'51''" "-03°28'28''"
Jan 7 2018 "13°Ge00'28''" "-03°28'28''"
Jan 8 2018 "13°Ge00'05''" "-03°28'27''"
Jan 9 2018 "12°Ge59'42''" "-03°28'27''"
Jan 10 2018 "12°Ge59'20''" "-03°28'27''"
Jan 11 2018 "12°Ge58'58''" "-03°28'26''"
Jan 12 2018 "12°Ge58'36''" "-03°28'26''"
Jan 13 2018 "12°Ge58'15''" "-03°28'26''"
Jan 14 2018 "12°Ge57'54''" "-03°28'25''"
Jan 15 2018 "12°Ge57'33''" "-03°28'25''"
Jan 16 2018 "12°Ge57'13''" "-03°28'24''"
Jan 17 2018 "12°Ge56'53''" "-03°28'24''"
Jan 18 2018 "12°Ge56'34''" "-03°28'23''"
Jan 19 2018 "12°Ge56'14''" "-03°28'23''"
Jan 20 2018 "12°Ge55'56''" "-03°28'22''"
Jan 21 2018 "12°Ge55'37''" "-03°28'22''"
Jan 22 2018 "12°Ge55'19''" "-03°28'21''"
Jan 23 2018 "12°Ge55'01''" "-03°28'21''"
Jan 24 2018 "12°Ge54'44''" "-03°28'20''"
Jan 25 2018 "12°Ge54'27''" "-03°28'19''"
Jan 26 2018 "12°Ge54'10''" "-03°28'19''"
Jan 27 2018 "12°Ge53'54''" "-03°28'18''"
Jan 28 2018 "12°Ge53'38''" "-03°28'17''"
Jan 29 2018 "12°Ge53'23''" "-03°28'17''"
Jan 30 2018 "12°Ge53'08''" "-03°28'16''"
Jan 31 2018 "12°Ge52'54''" "-03°28'15''"
Feb 1 2018 "12°Ge52'40''" "-03°28'14''"
Feb 2 2018 "12°Ge52'27''" "-03°28'14''"
Feb 3 2018 "12°Ge52'13''" "-03°28'13''"
Feb 4 2018 "12°Ge52'01''" "-03°28'12''"
Feb 5 2018 "12°Ge51'48''" "-03°28'11''"
Feb 6 2018 "12°Ge51'37''" "-03°28'10''"
Feb 7 2018 "12°Ge51'25''" "-03°28'09''"
Feb 8 2018 "12°Ge51'14''" "-03°28'09''"
Feb 9 2018 "12°Ge51'04''" "-03°28'08''"
Feb 10 2018 "12°Ge50'54''" "-03°28'07''"
Feb 11 2018 "12°Ge50'45''" "-03°28'06''"
Feb 12 2018 "12°Ge50'36''" "-03°28'05''"
Feb 13 2018 "12°Ge50'27''" "-03°28'04''"
Feb 14 2018 "12°Ge50'19''" "-03°28'03''"
Feb 15 2018 "12°Ge50'12''" "-03°28'02''"
Feb 16 2018 "12°Ge50'05''" "-03°28'01''"
Feb 17 2018 "12°Ge49'58''" "-03°28'00''"
Feb 18 2018 "12°Ge49'52''" "-03°27'59''"
Feb 19 2018 "12°Ge49'46''" "-03°27'58''"
Feb 20 2018 "12°Ge49'41''" "-03°27'57''"
Feb 21 2018 "12°Ge49'37''" "-03°27'56''"
Feb 22 2018 "12°Ge49'33''" "-03°27'55''"
Feb 23 2018 "12°Ge49'29''" "-03°27'54''"
Feb 24 2018 "12°Ge49'26''" "-03°27'53''"
Feb 25 2018 "12°Ge49'24''" "-03°27'52''"
Feb 26 2018 "12°Ge49'22''" "-03°27'51''"
Feb 27 2018 "12°Ge49'20''" "-03°27'50''"
Feb 28 2018 "12°Ge49'19''" "-03°27'49''"
Mar 1 2018 "12°Ge49'19''" "-03°27'48''"
Mar 2 2018 "12°Ge49'19'' D" "-03°27'47''"
Mar 3 2018 "12°Ge49'19''" "-03°27'46''"
Mar 4 2018 "12°Ge49'20''" "-03°27'45''"
Mar 5 2018 "12°Ge49'21''" "-03°27'44''"
Mar 6 2018 "12°Ge49'23''" "-03°27'43''"
Mar 7 2018 "12°Ge49'26''" "-03°27'42''"
Mar 8 2018 "12°Ge49'29''" "-03°27'41''"
Mar 9 2018 "12°Ge49'32''" "-03°27'40''"
Mar 10 2018 "12°Ge49'36''" "-03°27'39''"
Mar 11 2018 "12°Ge49'41''" "-03°27'38''"
Mar 12 2018 "12°Ge49'46''" "-03°27'37''"
Mar 13 2018 "12°Ge49'51''" "-03°27'36''"
Mar 14 2018 "12°Ge49'57''" "-03°27'35''"
Mar 15 2018 "12°Ge50'03''" "-03°27'34''"
Mar 16 2018 "12°Ge50'10''" "-03°27'33''"
Mar 17 2018 "12°Ge50'18''" "-03°27'32''"
Mar 18 2018 "12°Ge50'26''" "-03°27'31''"
Mar 19 2018 "12°Ge50'34''" "-03°27'30''"
Mar 20 2018 "12°Ge50'43''" "-03°27'29''"
Mar 21 2018 "12°Ge50'52''" "-03°27'28''"
Mar 22 2018 "12°Ge51'02''" "-03°27'27''"
Mar 23 2018 "12°Ge51'12''" "-03°27'26''"
Mar 24 2018 "12°Ge51'23''" "-03°27'25''"
Mar 25 2018 "12°Ge51'34''" "-03°27'25''"
Mar 26 2018 "12°Ge51'46''" "-03°27'24''"
Mar 27 2018 "12°Ge51'58''" "-03°27'23''"
Mar 28 2018 "12°Ge52'11''" "-03°27'22''"
Mar 29 2018 "12°Ge52'24''" "-03°27'21''"
Mar 30 2018 "12°Ge52'37''" "-03°27'20''"
Mar 31 2018 "12°Ge52'51''" "-03°27'19''"
Apr 1 2018 "12°Ge53'06''" "-03°27'18''"
Apr 2 2018 "12°Ge53'20''" "-03°27'18''"
Apr 3 2018 "12°Ge53'36''" "-03°27'17''"
Apr 4 2018 "12°Ge53'51''" "-03°27'16''"
Apr 5 2018 "12°Ge54'07''" "-03°27'15''"
Apr 6 2018 "12°Ge54'24''" "-03°27'15''"
Apr 7 2018 "12°Ge54'41''" "-03°27'14''"
Apr 8 2018 "12°Ge54'58''" "-03°27'13''"
Apr 9 2018 "12°Ge55'16''" "-03°27'12''"
Apr 10 2018 "12°Ge55'34''" "-03°27'12''"
Apr 11 2018 "12°Ge55'53''" "-03°27'11''"
Apr 12 2018 "12°Ge56'12''" "-03°27'10''"
Apr 13 2018 "12°Ge56'31''" "-03°27'10''"
Apr 14 2018 "12°Ge56'50''" "-03°27'09''"
Apr 15 2018 "12°Ge57'10''" "-03°27'09''"
Apr 16 2018 "12°Ge57'31''" "-03°27'08''"
Apr 17 2018 "12°Ge57'51''" "-03°27'07''"
Apr 18 2018 "12°Ge58'13''" "-03°27'07''"
Apr 19 2018 "12°Ge58'34''" "-03°27'06''"
Apr 20 2018 "12°Ge58'56''" "-03°27'06''"
Apr 21 2018 "12°Ge59'18''" "-03°27'05''"
Apr 22 2018 "12°Ge59'41''" "-03°27'05''"
Apr 23 2018 "13°Ge00'04''" "-03°27'05''"
Apr 24 2018 "13°Ge00'27''" "-03°27'04''"
Apr 25 2018 "13°Ge00'50''" "-03°27'04''"
Apr 26 2018 "13°Ge01'14''" "-03°27'03''"
Apr 27 2018 "13°Ge01'38''" "-03°27'03''"
Apr 28 2018 "13°Ge02'02''" "-03°27'03''"
Apr 29 2018 "13°Ge02'27''" "-03°27'02''"
Apr 30 2018 "13°Ge02'51''" "-03°27'02''"
May 1 2018 "13°Ge03'17''" "-03°27'02''"
May 2 2018 "13°Ge03'42''" "-03°27'02''"
May 3 2018 "13°Ge04'08''" "-03°27'01''"
May 4 2018 "13°Ge04'34''" "-03°27'01''"
May 5 2018 "13°Ge05'00''" "-03°27'01''"
May 6 2018 "13°Ge05'26''" "-03°27'01''"
May 7 2018 "13°Ge05'53''" "-03°27'01''"
May 8 2018 "13°Ge06'20''" "-03°27'01''"
May 9 2018 "13°Ge06'47''" "-03°27'01''"
May 10 2018 "13°Ge07'14''" "-03°27'01''"
May 11 2018 "13°Ge07'41''" "-03°27'01''"
May 12 2018 "13°Ge08'09''" "-03°27'01''"
May 13 2018 "13°Ge08'37''" "-03°27'01''"
May 14 2018 "13°Ge09'05''" "-03°27'01''"
May 15 2018 "13°Ge09'33''" "-03°27'01''"
May 16 2018 "13°Ge10'01''" "-03°27'01''"
May 17 2018 "13°Ge10'30''" "-03°27'01''"
May 18 2018 "13°Ge10'58''" "-03°27'02''"
May 19 2018 "13°Ge11'27''" "-03°27'02''"
May 20 2018 "13°Ge11'56''" "-03°27'02''"
May 21 2018 "13°Ge12'26''" "-03°27'02''"
May 22 2018 "13°Ge12'55''" "-03°27'03''"
May 23 2018 "13°Ge13'24''" "-03°27'03''"
May 24 2018 "13°Ge13'53''" "-03°27'03''"
May 25 2018 "13°Ge14'22''" "-03°27'04''"
May 26 2018 "13°Ge14'52''" "-03°27'04''"
May 27 2018 "13°Ge15'21''" "-03°27'05''"
May 28 2018 "13°Ge15'51''" "-03°27'05''"
May 29 2018 "13°Ge16'21''" "-03°27'06''"
May 30 2018 "13°Ge16'51''" "-03°27'06''"
May 31 2018 "13°Ge17'20''" "-03°27'07''"
Jun 1 2018 "13°Ge17'50''" "-03°27'07''"
Jun 2 2018 "13°Ge18'20''" "-03°27'08''"
Jun 3 2018 "13°Ge18'50''" "-03°27'09''"
Jun 4 2018 "13°Ge19'20''" "-03°27'09''"
Jun 5 2018 "13°Ge19'50''" "-03°27'10''"
Jun 6 2018 "13°Ge20'20''" "-03°27'11''"
Jun 7 2018 "13°Ge20'50''" "-03°27'11''"
Jun 8 2018 "13°Ge21'20''" "-03°27'12''"
Jun 9 2018 "13°Ge21'49''" "-03°27'13''"
Jun 10 2018 "13°Ge22'19''" "-03°27'14''"
Jun 11 2018 "13°Ge22'49''" "-03°27'15''"
Jun 12 2018 "13°Ge23'19''" "-03°27'16''"
Jun 13 2018 "13°Ge23'48''" "-03°27'17''"
Jun 14 2018 "13°Ge24'18''" "-03°27'18''"
Jun 15 2018 "13°Ge24'48''" "-03°27'18''"
Jun 16 2018 "13°Ge25'18''" "-03°27'19''"
Jun 17 2018 "13°Ge25'47''" "-03°27'21''"
Jun 18 2018 "13°Ge26'16''" "-03°27'22''"
Jun 19 2018 "13°Ge26'46''" "-03°27'23''"
Jun 20 2018 "13°Ge27'15''" "-03°27'24''"
Jun 21 2018 "13°Ge27'44''" "-03°27'25''"
Jun 22 2018 "13°Ge28'12''" "-03°27'26''"
Jun 23 2018 "13°Ge28'41''" "-03°27'27''"
Jun 24 2018 "13°Ge29'09''" "-03°27'29''"
Jun 25 2018 "13°Ge29'38''" "-03°27'30''"
Jun 26 2018 "13°Ge30'06''" "-03°27'31''"
Jun 27 2018 "13°Ge30'34''" "-03°27'32''"
Jun 28 2018 "13°Ge31'02''" "-03°27'34''"
Jun 29 2018 "13°Ge31'30''" "-03°27'35''"
Jun 30 2018 "13°Ge31'58''" "-03°27'37''"
Jul 1 2018 "13°Ge32'25''" "-03°27'38''"
Jul 2 2018 "13°Ge32'52''" "-03°27'39''"
Jul 3 2018 "13°Ge33'19''" "-03°27'41''"
Jul 4 2018 "13°Ge33'46''" "-03°27'42''"
Jul 5 2018 "13°Ge34'13''" "-03°27'44''"
Jul 6 2018 "13°Ge34'39''" "-03°27'45''"
Jul 7 2018 "13°Ge35'05''" "-03°27'47''"
Jul 8 2018 "13°Ge35'31''" "-03°27'49''"
Jul 9 2018 "13°Ge35'56''" "-03°27'50''"
Jul 10 2018 "13°Ge36'22''" "-03°27'52''"
Jul 11 2018 "13°Ge36'47''" "-03°27'54''"
Jul 12 2018 "13°Ge37'12''" "-03°27'55''"
Jul 13 2018 "13°Ge37'37''" "-03°27'57''"
Jul 14 2018 "13°Ge38'01''" "-03°27'59''"
Jul 15 2018 "13°Ge38'25''" "-03°28'00''"
Jul 16 2018 "13°Ge38'49''" "-03°28'02''"
Jul 17 2018 "13°Ge39'12''" "-03°28'04''"
Jul 18 2018 "13°Ge39'35''" "-03°28'06''"
Jul 19 2018 "13°Ge39'58''" "-03°28'08''"
Jul 20 2018 "13°Ge40'20''" "-03°28'10''"
Jul 21 2018 "13°Ge40'42''" "-03°28'12''"
Jul 22 2018 "13°Ge41'04''" "-03°28'13''"
Jul 23 2018 "13°Ge41'26''" "-03°28'15''"
Jul 24 2018 "13°Ge41'47''" "-03°28'17''"
Jul 25 2018 "13°Ge42'08''" "-03°28'19''"
Jul 26 2018 "13°Ge42'28''" "-03°28'21''"
Jul 27 2018 "13°Ge42'48''" "-03°28'23''"
Jul 28 2018 "13°Ge43'08''" "-03°28'25''"
Jul 29 2018 "13°Ge43'28''" "-03°28'27''"
Jul 30 2018 "13°Ge43'47''" "-03°28'29''"
Jul 31 2018 "13°Ge44'05''" "-03°28'32''"
Aug 1 2018 "13°Ge44'23''" "-03°28'34''"
Aug 2 2018 "13°Ge44'41''" "-03°28'36''"
Aug 3 2018 "13°Ge44'58''" "-03°28'38''"
Aug 4 2018 "13°Ge45'15''" "-03°28'40''"
Aug 5 2018 "13°Ge45'32''" "-03°28'42''"
Aug 6 2018 "13°Ge45'48''" "-03°28'44''"
Aug 7 2018 "13°Ge46'04''" "-03°28'47''"
Aug 8 2018 "13°Ge46'20''" "-03°28'49''"
Aug 9 2018 "13°Ge46'35''" "-03°28'51''"
Aug 10 2018 "13°Ge46'50''" "-03°28'53''"
Aug 11 2018 "13°Ge47'04''" "-03°28'56''"
Aug 12 2018 "13°Ge47'18''" "-03°28'58''"
Aug 13 2018 "13°Ge47'31''" "-03°29'00''"
Aug 14 2018 "13°Ge47'44''" "-03°29'03''"
Aug 15 2018 "13°Ge47'56''" "-03°29'05''"
Aug 16 2018 "13°Ge48'08''" "-03°29'07''"
Aug 17 2018 "13°Ge48'20''" "-03°29'09''"
Aug 18 2018 "13°Ge48'31''" "-03°29'12''"
Aug 19 2018 "13°Ge48'42''" "-03°29'14''"
Aug 20 2018 "13°Ge48'52''" "-03°29'17''"
Aug 21 2018 "13°Ge49'02''" "-03°29'19''"
Aug 22 2018 "13°Ge49'11''" "-03°29'21''"
Aug 23 2018 "13°Ge49'20''" "-03°29'24''"
Aug 24 2018 "13°Ge49'28''" "-03°29'26''"
Aug 25 2018 "13°Ge49'36''" "-03°29'29''"
Aug 26 2018 "13°Ge49'43''" "-03°29'31''"
Aug 27 2018 "13°Ge49'50''" "-03°29'33''"
Aug 28 2018 "13°Ge49'57''" "-03°29'36''"
Aug 29 2018 "13°Ge50'03''" "-03°29'38''"
Aug 30 2018 "13°Ge50'08''" "-03°29'41''"
Aug 31 2018 "13°Ge50'13''" "-03°29'43''"
Sep 1 2018 "13°Ge50'18''" "-03°29'46''"
Sep 2 2018 "13°Ge50'22''" "-03°29'48''"
Sep 3 2018 "13°Ge50'25''" "-03°29'51''"
Sep 4 2018 "13°Ge50'28''" "-03°29'53''"
Sep 5 2018 "13°Ge50'31''" "-03°29'55''"
Sep 6 2018 "13°Ge50'33''" "-03°29'58''"
Sep 7 2018 "13°Ge50'35''" "-03°30'00''"
Sep 8 2018 "13°Ge50'36''" "-03°30'03''"
Sep 9 2018 "13°Ge50'37''" "-03°30'05''"
Sep 10 2018 "13°Ge50'37'' R" "-03°30'08''"
Sep 11 2018 "13°Ge50'37''" "-03°30'10''"
Sep 12 2018 "13°Ge50'36''" "-03°30'13''"
Sep 13 2018 "13°Ge50'34''" "-03°30'15''"
Sep 14 2018 "13°Ge50'33''" "-03°30'18''"
Sep 15 2018 "13°Ge50'30''" "-03°30'20''"
Sep 16 2018 "13°Ge50'28''" "-03°30'23''"
Sep 17 2018 "13°Ge50'24''" "-03°30'25''"
Sep 18 2018 "13°Ge50'21''" "-03°30'27''"
Sep 19 2018 "13°Ge50'17''" "-03°30'30''"
Sep 20 2018 "13°Ge50'12''" "-03°30'32''"
Sep 21 2018 "13°Ge50'07''" "-03°30'35''"
Sep 22 2018 "13°Ge50'01''" "-03°30'37''"
Sep 23 2018 "13°Ge49'55''" "-03°30'40''"
Sep 24 2018 "13°Ge49'48''" "-03°30'42''"
Sep 25 2018 "13°Ge49'41''" "-03°30'44''"
Sep 26 2018 "13°Ge49'33''" "-03°30'47''"
Sep 27 2018 "13°Ge49'25''" "-03°30'49''"
Sep 28 2018 "13°Ge49'17''" "-03°30'52''"
Sep 29 2018 "13°Ge49'08''" "-03°30'54''"
Sep 30 2018 "13°Ge48'58''" "-03°30'56''"
Oct 1 2018 "13°Ge48'48''" "-03°30'59''"
Oct 2 2018 "13°Ge48'38''" "-03°31'01''"
Oct 3 2018 "13°Ge48'28''" "-03°31'03''"
Oct 4 2018 "13°Ge48'16''" "-03°31'06''"
Oct 5 2018 "13°Ge48'05''" "-03°31'08''"
Oct 6 2018 "13°Ge47'53''" "-03°31'10''"
Oct 7 2018 "13°Ge47'40''" "-03°31'12''"
Oct 8 2018 "13°Ge47'27''" "-03°31'15''"
Oct 9 2018 "13°Ge47'13''" "-03°31'17''"
Oct 10 2018 "13°Ge46'59''" "-03°31'19''"
Oct 11 2018 "13°Ge46'45''" "-03°31'21''"
Oct 12 2018 "13°Ge46'30''" "-03°31'24''"
Oct 13 2018 "13°Ge46'15''" "-03°31'26''"
Oct 14 2018 "13°Ge45'59''" "-03°31'28''"
Oct 15 2018 "13°Ge45'44''" "-03°31'30''"
Oct 16 2018 "13°Ge45'27''" "-03°31'32''"
Oct 17 2018 "13°Ge45'11''" "-03°31'34''"
Oct 18 2018 "13°Ge44'53''" "-03°31'36''"
Oct 19 2018 "13°Ge44'36''" "-03°31'38''"
Oct 20 2018 "13°Ge44'18''" "-03°31'40''"
Oct 21 2018 "13°Ge44'00''" "-03°31'42''"
Oct 22 2018 "13°Ge43'41''" "-03°31'44''"
Oct 23 2018 "13°Ge43'22''" "-03°31'46''"
Oct 24 2018 "13°Ge43'02''" "-03°31'48''"
Oct 25 2018 "13°Ge42'42''" "-03°31'50''"
Oct 26 2018 "13°Ge42'22''" "-03°31'52''"
Oct 27 2018 "13°Ge42'02''" "-03°31'54''"
Oct 28 2018 "13°Ge41'41''" "-03°31'56''"
Oct 29 2018 "13°Ge41'20''" "-03°31'58''"
Oct 30 2018 "13°Ge40'59''" "-03°32'00''"
Oct 31 2018 "13°Ge40'37''" "-03°32'01''"
Nov 1 2018 "13°Ge40'15''" "-03°32'03''"
Nov 2 2018 "13°Ge39'53''" "-03°32'05''"
Nov 3 2018 "13°Ge39'30''" "-03°32'07''"
Nov 4 2018 "13°Ge39'07''" "-03°32'08''"
Nov 5 2018 "13°Ge38'44''" "-03°32'10''"
Nov 6 2018 "13°Ge38'21''" "-03°32'12''"
Nov 7 2018 "13°Ge37'57''" "-03°32'13''"
Nov 8 2018 "13°Ge37'33''" "-03°32'15''"
Nov 9 2018 "13°Ge37'09''" "-03°32'16''"
Nov 10 2018 "13°Ge36'44''" "-03°32'18''"
Nov 11 2018 "13°Ge36'20''" "-03°32'20''"
Nov 12 2018 "13°Ge35'55''" "-03°32'21''"
Nov 13 2018 "13°Ge35'30''" "-03°32'22''"
Nov 14 2018 "13°Ge35'05''" "-03°32'24''"
Nov 15 2018 "13°Ge34'39''" "-03°32'25''"
Nov 16 2018 "13°Ge34'13''" "-03°32'27''"
Nov 17 2018 "13°Ge33'47''" "-03°32'28''"
Nov 18 2018 "13°Ge33'21''" "-03°32'29''"
Nov 19 2018 "13°Ge32'55''" "-03°32'31''"
Nov 20 2018 "13°Ge32'28''" "-03°32'32''"
Nov 21 2018 "13°Ge32'02''" "-03°32'33''"
Nov 22 2018 "13°Ge31'35''" "-03°32'34''"
Nov 23 2018 "13°Ge31'08''" "-03°32'35''"
Nov 24 2018 "13°Ge30'42''" "-03°32'36''"
Nov 25 2018 "13°Ge30'15''" "-03°32'38''"
Nov 26 2018 "13°Ge29'48''" "-03°32'39''"
Nov 27 2018 "13°Ge29'21''" "-03°32'40''"
Nov 28 2018 "13°Ge28'53''" "-03°32'41''"
Nov 29 2018 "13°Ge28'26''" "-03°32'42''"
Nov 30 2018 "13°Ge27'59''" "-03°32'43''"
Dec 1 2018 "13°Ge27'31''" "-03°32'43''"
Dec 2 2018 "13°Ge27'03''" "-03°32'44''"
Dec 3 2018 "13°Ge26'36''" "-03°32'45''"
Dec 4 2018 "13°Ge26'08''" "-03°32'46''"
Dec 5 2018 "13°Ge25'40''" "-03°32'47''"
Dec 6 2018 "13°Ge25'13''" "-03°32'47''"
Dec 7 2018 "13°Ge24'45''" "-03°32'48''"
Dec 8 2018 "13°Ge24'17''" "-03°32'49''"
Dec 9 2018 "13°Ge23'50''" "-03°32'50''"
Dec 10 2018 "13°Ge23'22''" "-03°32'50''"
Dec 11 2018 "13°Ge22'55''" "-03°32'51''"
Dec 12 2018 "13°Ge22'27''" "-03°32'51''"
Dec 13 2018 "13°Ge22'00''" "-03°32'52''"
Dec 14 2018 "13°Ge21'32''" "-03°32'52''"
Dec 15 2018 "13°Ge21'05''" "-03°32'53''"
Dec 16 2018 "13°Ge20'38''" "-03°32'53''"
Dec 17 2018 "13°Ge20'10''" "-03°32'54''"
Dec 18 2018 "13°Ge19'43''" "-03°32'54''"
Dec 19 2018 "13°Ge19'16''" "-03°32'54''"
Dec 20 2018 "13°Ge18'49''" "-03°32'55''"
Dec 21 2018 "13°Ge18'23''" "-03°32'55''"
Dec 22 2018 "13°Ge17'56''" "-03°32'55''"
Dec 23 2018 "13°Ge17'30''" "-03°32'55''"
Dec 24 2018 "13°Ge17'04''" "-03°32'55''"
Dec 25 2018 "13°Ge16'38''" "-03°32'56''"
Dec 26 2018 "13°Ge16'12''" "-03°32'56''"
Dec 27 2018 "13°Ge15'46''" "-03°32'56''"
Dec 28 2018 "13°Ge15'20''" "-03°32'56''"
Dec 29 2018 "13°Ge14'55''" "-03°32'56''"
Dec 30 2018 "13°Ge14'30''" "-03°32'56''"
Dec 31 2018 "13°Ge14'05''" "-03°32'56''"
Jan 1 2019 "13°Ge13'40''" "-03°32'56''"
Jan 2 2019 "13°Ge13'15''" "-03°32'56''"
Jan 3 2019 "13°Ge12'51''" "-03°32'56''"
Jan 4 2019 "13°Ge12'27''" "-03°32'55''"
Jan 5 2019 "13°Ge12'03''" "-03°32'55''"
Jan 6 2019 "13°Ge11'40''" "-03°32'55''"
Jan 7 2019 "13°Ge11'17''" "-03°32'55''"
Jan 8 2019 "13°Ge10'54''" "-03°32'54''"
Jan 9 2019 "13°Ge10'31''" "-03°32'54''"
Jan 10 2019 "13°Ge10'09''" "-03°32'54''"
Jan 11 2019 "13°Ge09'47''" "-03°32'54''"
Jan 12 2019 "13°Ge09'25''" "-03°32'53''"
Jan 13 2019 "13°Ge09'03''" "-03°32'53''"
Jan 14 2019 "13°Ge08'42''" "-03°32'52''"
Jan 15 2019 "13°Ge08'21''" "-03°32'52''"
Jan 16 2019 "13°Ge08'01''" "-03°32'51''"
Jan 17 2019 "13°Ge07'41''" "-03°32'51''"
Jan 18 2019 "13°Ge07'21''" "-03°32'50''"
Jan 19 2019 "13°Ge07'02''" "-03°32'50''"
Jan 20 2019 "13°Ge06'43''" "-03°32'49''"
Jan 21 2019 "13°Ge06'25''" "-03°32'49''"
Jan 22 2019 "13°Ge06'06''" "-03°32'48''"
Jan 23 2019 "13°Ge05'49''" "-03°32'48''"
Jan 24 2019 "13°Ge05'31''" "-03°32'47''"
Jan 25 2019 "13°Ge05'14''" "-03°32'46''"
Jan 26 2019 "13°Ge04'57''" "-03°32'46''"
Jan 27 2019 "13°Ge04'41''" "-03°32'45''"
Jan 28 2019 "13°Ge04'25''" "-03°32'44''"
Jan 29 2019 "13°Ge04'09''" "-03°32'43''"
Jan 30 2019 "13°Ge03'54''" "-03°32'43''"
Jan 31 2019 "13°Ge03'40''" "-03°32'42''"
Feb 1 2019 "13°Ge03'25''" "-03°32'41''"
Feb 2 2019 "13°Ge03'12''" "-03°32'40''"
Feb 3 2019 "13°Ge02'59''" "-03°32'39''"
Feb 4 2019 "13°Ge02'46''" "-03°32'39''"
Feb 5 2019 "13°Ge02'33''" "-03°32'38''"
Feb 6 2019 "13°Ge02'21''" "-03°32'37''"
Feb 7 2019 "13°Ge02'10''" "-03°32'36''"
Feb 8 2019 "13°Ge01'59''" "-03°32'35''"
Feb 9 2019 "13°Ge01'48''" "-03°32'34''"
Feb 10 2019 "13°Ge01'38''" "-03°32'33''"
Feb 11 2019 "13°Ge01'28''" "-03°32'32''"
Feb 12 2019 "13°Ge01'19''" "-03°32'31''"
Feb 13 2019 "13°Ge01'10''" "-03°32'30''"
Feb 14 2019 "13°Ge01'02''" "-03°32'29''"
Feb 15 2019 "13°Ge00'55''" "-03°32'29''"
Feb 16 2019 "13°Ge00'47''" "-03°32'28''"
Feb 17 2019 "13°Ge00'41''" "-03°32'27''"
Feb 18 2019 "13°Ge00'35''" "-03°32'26''"
Feb 19 2019 "13°Ge00'29''" "-03°32'25''"
Feb 20 2019 "13°Ge00'24''" "-03°32'23''"
Feb 21 2019 "13°Ge00'19''" "-03°32'22''"
Feb 22 2019 "13°Ge00'15''" "-03°32'21''"
Feb 23 2019 "13°Ge00'11''" "-03°32'20''"
Feb 24 2019 "13°Ge00'07''" "-03°32'19''"
Feb 25 2019 "13°Ge00'04''" "-03°32'18''"
Feb 26 2019 "13°Ge00'02''" "-03°32'17''"
Feb 27 2019 "13°Ge00'01''" "-03°32'16''"
Feb 28 2019 "12°Ge59'59''" "-03°32'15''"
Mar 1 2019 "12°Ge59'59''" "-03°32'14''"
Mar 2 2019 "12°Ge59'58'' D" "-03°32'13''"
Mar 3 2019 "12°Ge59'59''" "-03°32'12''"
Mar 4 2019 "12°Ge59'59''" "-03°32'11''"
Mar 5 2019 "13°Ge00'01''" "-03°32'10''"
Mar 6 2019 "13°Ge00'02''" "-03°32'09''"
Mar 7 2019 "13°Ge00'05''" "-03°32'08''"
Mar 8 2019 "13°Ge00'07''" "-03°32'07''"
Mar 9 2019 "13°Ge00'10''" "-03°32'06''"
Mar 10 2019 "13°Ge00'14''" "-03°32'05''"
Mar 11 2019 "13°Ge00'18''" "-03°32'04''"
Mar 12 2019 "13°Ge00'23''" "-03°32'02''"
Mar 13 2019 "13°Ge00'28''" "-03°32'01''"
Mar 14 2019 "13°Ge00'34''" "-03°32'00''"
Mar 15 2019 "13°Ge00'40''" "-03°31'59''"
Mar 16 2019 "13°Ge00'47''" "-03°31'58''"
Mar 17 2019 "13°Ge00'55''" "-03°31'57''"
Mar 18 2019 "13°Ge01'02''" "-03°31'56''"
Mar 19 2019 "13°Ge01'11''" "-03°31'55''"
Mar 20 2019 "13°Ge01'19''" "-03°31'54''"
Mar 21 2019 "13°Ge01'28''" "-03°31'53''"
Mar 22 2019 "13°Ge01'38''" "-03°31'52''"
Mar 23 2019 "13°Ge01'48''" "-03°31'51''"
Mar 24 2019 "13°Ge01'58''" "-03°31'50''"
Mar 25 2019 "13°Ge02'09''" "-03°31'49''"
Mar 26 2019 "13°Ge02'21''" "-03°31'48''"
Mar 27 2019 "13°Ge02'33''" "-03°31'48''"
Mar 28 2019 "13°Ge02'45''" "-03°31'47''"
Mar 29 2019 "13°Ge02'58''" "-03°31'46''"
Mar 30 2019 "13°Ge03'12''" "-03°31'45''"
Mar 31 2019 "13°Ge03'25''" "-03°31'44''"
Apr 1 2019 "13°Ge03'40''" "-03°31'43''"
Apr 2 2019 "13°Ge03'54''" "-03°31'42''"
Apr 3 2019 "13°Ge04'09''" "-03°31'41''"
Apr 4 2019 "13°Ge04'25''" "-03°31'41''"
Apr 5 2019 "13°Ge04'40''" "-03°31'40''"
Apr 6 2019 "13°Ge04'57''" "-03°31'39''"
Apr 7 2019 "13°Ge05'13''" "-03°31'38''"
Apr 8 2019 "13°Ge05'30''" "-03°31'37''"
Apr 9 2019 "13°Ge05'48''" "-03°31'37''"
Apr 10 2019 "13°Ge06'06''" "-03°31'36''"
Apr 11 2019 "13°Ge06'25''" "-03°31'35''"
Apr 12 2019 "13°Ge06'43''" "-03°31'35''"
Apr 13 2019 "13°Ge07'03''" "-03°31'34''"
Apr 14 2019 "13°Ge07'22''" "-03°31'33''"
Apr 15 2019 "13°Ge07'42''" "-03°31'33''"
Apr 16 2019 "13°Ge08'02''" "-03°31'32''"
Apr 17 2019 "13°Ge08'23''" "-03°31'31''"
Apr 18 2019 "13°Ge08'44''" "-03°31'31''"
Apr 19 2019 "13°Ge09'05''" "-03°31'30''"
Apr 20 2019 "13°Ge09'27''" "-03°31'30''"
Apr 21 2019 "13°Ge09'49''" "-03°31'29''"
Apr 22 2019 "13°Ge10'11''" "-03°31'29''"
Apr 23 2019 "13°Ge10'34''" "-03°31'28''"
Apr 24 2019 "13°Ge10'57''" "-03°31'28''"
Apr 25 2019 "13°Ge11'20''" "-03°31'27''"
Apr 26 2019 "13°Ge11'44''" "-03°31'27''"
Apr 27 2019 "13°Ge12'08''" "-03°31'27''"
Apr 28 2019 "13°Ge12'32''" "-03°31'26''"
Apr 29 2019 "13°Ge12'56''" "-03°31'26''"
Apr 30 2019 "13°Ge13'21''" "-03°31'26''"
May 1 2019 "13°Ge13'46''" "-03°31'25''"
May 2 2019 "13°Ge14'11''" "-03°31'25''"
May 3 2019 "13°Ge14'36''" "-03°31'25''"
May 4 2019 "13°Ge15'02''" "-03°31'25''"
May 5 2019 "13°Ge15'28''" "-03°31'25''"
May 6 2019 "13°Ge15'55''" "-03°31'24''"
May 7 2019 "13°Ge16'21''" "-03°31'24''"
May 8 2019 "13°Ge16'48''" "-03°31'24''"
May 9 2019 "13°Ge17'15''" "-03°31'24''"
May 10 2019 "13°Ge17'42''" "-03°31'24''"
May 11 2019 "13°Ge18'10''" "-03°31'24''"
May 12 2019 "13°Ge18'37''" "-03°31'24''"
May 13 2019 "13°Ge19'05''" "-03°31'24''"
May 14 2019 "13°Ge19'33''" "-03°31'24''"
May 15 2019 "13°Ge20'01''" "-03°31'24''"
May 16 2019 "13°Ge20'29''" "-03°31'24''"
May 17 2019 "13°Ge20'57''" "-03°31'25''"
May 18 2019 "13°Ge21'26''" "-03°31'25''"
May 19 2019 "13°Ge21'55''" "-03°31'25''"
May 20 2019 "13°Ge22'23''" "-03°31'25''"
May 21 2019 "13°Ge22'53''" "-03°31'25''"
May 22 2019 "13°Ge23'22''" "-03°31'26''"
May 23 2019 "13°Ge23'51''" "-03°31'26''"
May 24 2019 "13°Ge24'20''" "-03°31'26''"
May 25 2019 "13°Ge24'50''" "-03°31'27''"
May 26 2019 "13°Ge25'19''" "-03°31'27''"
May 27 2019 "13°Ge25'49''" "-03°31'28''"
May 28 2019 "13°Ge26'18''" "-03°31'28''"
May 29 2019 "13°Ge26'48''" "-03°31'28''"
May 30 2019 "13°Ge27'17''" "-03°31'29''"
May 31 2019 "13°Ge27'47''" "-03°31'30''"
Jun 1 2019 "13°Ge28'17''" "-03°31'30''"
Jun 2 2019 "13°Ge28'47''" "-03°31'31''"
Jun 3 2019 "13°Ge29'17''" "-03°31'31''"
Jun 4 2019 "13°Ge29'47''" "-03°31'32''"
Jun 5 2019 "13°Ge30'17''" "-03°31'33''"
Jun 6 2019 "13°Ge30'47''" "-03°31'33''"
Jun 7 2019 "13°Ge31'17''" "-03°31'34''"
Jun 8 2019 "13°Ge31'47''" "-03°31'35''"
Jun 9 2019 "13°Ge32'17''" "-03°31'36''"
Jun 10 2019 "13°Ge32'46''" "-03°31'37''"
Jun 11 2019 "13°Ge33'16''" "-03°31'37''"
Jun 12 2019 "13°Ge33'46''" "-03°31'38''"
Jun 13 2019 "13°Ge34'15''" "-03°31'39''"
Jun 14 2019 "13°Ge34'45''" "-03°31'40''"
Jun 15 2019 "13°Ge35'15''" "-03°31'41''"
Jun 16 2019 "13°Ge35'44''" "-03°31'42''"
Jun 17 2019 "13°Ge36'14''" "-03°31'43''"
Jun 18 2019 "13°Ge36'43''" "-03°31'44''"
Jun 19 2019 "13°Ge37'12''" "-03°31'45''"
Jun 20 2019 "13°Ge37'42''" "-03°31'46''"
Jun 21 2019 "13°Ge38'11''" "-03°31'48''"
Jun 22 2019 "13°Ge38'40''" "-03°31'49''"
Jun 23 2019 "13°Ge39'08''" "-03°31'50''"
Jun 24 2019 "13°Ge39'37''" "-03°31'51''"
Jun 25 2019 "13°Ge40'05''" "-03°31'52''"
Jun 26 2019 "13°Ge40'33''" "-03°31'54''"
Jun 27 2019 "13°Ge41'02''" "-03°31'55''"
Jun 28 2019 "13°Ge41'29''" "-03°31'56''"
Jun 29 2019 "13°Ge41'57''" "-03°31'58''"
Jun 30 2019 "13°Ge42'25''" "-03°31'59''"
Jul 1 2019 "13°Ge42'52''" "-03°32'01''"
Jul 2 2019 "13°Ge43'20''" "-03°32'02''"
Jul 3 2019 "13°Ge43'47''" "-03°32'03''"
Jul 4 2019 "13°Ge44'14''" "-03°32'05''"
Jul 5 2019 "13°Ge44'41''" "-03°32'06''"
Jul 6 2019 "13°Ge45'07''" "-03°32'08''"
Jul 7 2019 "13°Ge45'33''" "-03°32'10''"
Jul 8 2019 "13°Ge45'59''" "-03°32'11''"
Jul 9 2019 "13°Ge46'25''" "-03°32'13''"
Jul 10 2019 "13°Ge46'50''" "-03°32'14''"
Jul 11 2019 "13°Ge47'15''" "-03°32'16''"
Jul 12 2019 "13°Ge47'40''" "-03°32'18''"
Jul 13 2019 "13°Ge48'05''" "-03°32'20''"
Jul 14 2019 "13°Ge48'29''" "-03°32'21''"
Jul 15 2019 "13°Ge48'54''" "-03°32'23''"
Jul 16 2019 "13°Ge49'18''" "-03°32'25''"
Jul 17 2019 "13°Ge49'41''" "-03°32'27''"
Jul 18 2019 "13°Ge50'04''" "-03°32'29''"
Jul 19 2019 "13°Ge50'27''" "-03°32'30''"
Jul 20 2019 "13°Ge50'50''" "-03°32'32''"
Jul 21 2019 "13°Ge51'12''" "-03°32'34''"
Jul 22 2019 "13°Ge51'34''" "-03°32'36''"
Jul 23 2019 "13°Ge51'56''" "-03°32'38''"
Jul 24 2019 "13°Ge52'17''" "-03°32'40''"
Jul 25 2019 "13°Ge52'38''" "-03°32'42''"
Jul 26 2019 "13°Ge52'58''" "-03°32'44''"
Jul 27 2019 "13°Ge53'19''" "-03°32'46''"
Jul 28 2019 "13°Ge53'38''" "-03°32'48''"
Jul 29 2019 "13°Ge53'58''" "-03°32'50''"
Jul 30 2019 "13°Ge54'17''" "-03°32'52''"
Jul 31 2019 "13°Ge54'36''" "-03°32'54''"
Aug 1 2019 "13°Ge54'55''" "-03°32'57''"
Aug 2 2019 "13°Ge55'13''" "-03°32'59''"
Aug 3 2019 "13°Ge55'31''" "-03°33'01''"
Aug 4 2019 "13°Ge55'48''" "-03°33'03''"
Aug 5 2019 "13°Ge56'04''" "-03°33'05''"
Aug 6 2019 "13°Ge56'21''" "-03°33'07''"
Aug 7 2019 "13°Ge56'37''" "-03°33'10''"
Aug 8 2019 "13°Ge56'52''" "-03°33'12''"
Aug 9 2019 "13°Ge57'08''" "-03°33'14''"
Aug 10 2019 "13°Ge57'22''" "-03°33'16''"
Aug 11 2019 "13°Ge57'37''" "-03°33'19''"
Aug 12 2019 "13°Ge57'51''" "-03°33'21''"
Aug 13 2019 "13°Ge58'04''" "-03°33'23''"
Aug 14 2019 "13°Ge58'18''" "-03°33'26''"
Aug 15 2019 "13°Ge58'30''" "-03°33'28''"
Aug 16 2019 "13°Ge58'42''" "-03°33'30''"
Aug 17 2019 "13°Ge58'54''" "-03°33'33''"
Aug 18 2019 "13°Ge59'05''" "-03°33'35''"
Aug 19 2019 "13°Ge59'16''" "-03°33'38''"
Aug 20 2019 "13°Ge59'26''" "-03°33'40''"
Aug 21 2019 "13°Ge59'36''" "-03°33'42''"
Aug 22 2019 "13°Ge59'46''" "-03°33'45''"
Aug 23 2019 "13°Ge59'55''" "-03°33'47''"
Aug 24 2019 "14°Ge00'03''" "-03°33'50''"
Aug 25 2019 "14°Ge00'11''" "-03°33'52''"
Aug 26 2019 "14°Ge00'19''" "-03°33'55''"
Aug 27 2019 "14°Ge00'26''" "-03°33'57''"
Aug 28 2019 "14°Ge00'33''" "-03°33'59''"
Aug 29 2019 "14°Ge00'39''" "-03°34'02''"
Aug 30 2019 "14°Ge00'45''" "-03°34'04''"
Aug 31 2019 "14°Ge00'50''" "-03°34'07''"
Sep 1 2019 "14°Ge00'55''" "-03°34'09''"
Sep 2 2019 "14°Ge00'59''" "-03°34'12''"
Sep 3 2019 "14°Ge01'03''" "-03°34'14''"
Sep 4 2019 "14°Ge01'06''" "-03°34'17''"
Sep 5 2019 "14°Ge01'09''" "-03°34'19''"
Sep 6 2019 "14°Ge01'11''" "-03°34'22''"
Sep 7 2019 "14°Ge01'13''" "-03°34'24''"
Sep 8 2019 "14°Ge01'15''" "-03°34'27''"
Sep 9 2019 "14°Ge01'16''" "-03°34'29''"
Sep 10 2019 "14°Ge01'16''" "-03°34'32''"
Sep 11 2019 "14°Ge01'16'' R" "-03°34'34''"
Sep 12 2019 "14°Ge01'15''" "-03°34'37''"
Sep 13 2019 "14°Ge01'14''" "-03°34'39''"
Sep 14 2019 "14°Ge01'13''" "-03°34'42''"
Sep 15 2019 "14°Ge01'10''" "-03°34'44''"
Sep 16 2019 "14°Ge01'08''" "-03°34'47''"
Sep 17 2019 "14°Ge01'05''" "-03°34'49''"
Sep 18 2019 "14°Ge01'01''" "-03°34'52''"
Sep 19 2019 "14°Ge00'57''" "-03°34'54''"
Sep 20 2019 "14°Ge00'53''" "-03°34'57''"
Sep 21 2019 "14°Ge00'48''" "-03°34'59''"
Sep 22 2019 "14°Ge00'42''" "-03°35'02''"
Sep 23 2019 "14°Ge00'36''" "-03°35'04''"
Sep 24 2019 "14°Ge00'30''" "-03°35'07''"
Sep 25 2019 "14°Ge00'23''" "-03°35'09''"
Sep 26 2019 "14°Ge00'16''" "-03°35'11''"
Sep 27 2019 "14°Ge00'08''" "-03°35'14''"
Sep 28 2019 "14°Ge00'00''" "-03°35'16''"
Sep 29 2019 "13°Ge59'51''" "-03°35'19''"
Sep 30 2019 "13°Ge59'42''" "-03°35'21''"
Oct 1 2019 "13°Ge59'32''" "-03°35'23''"
Oct 2 2019 "13°Ge59'22''" "-03°35'26''"
Oct 3 2019 "13°Ge59'11''" "-03°35'28''"
Oct 4 2019 "13°Ge59'00''" "-03°35'30''"
Oct 5 2019 "13°Ge58'49''" "-03°35'33''"
Oct 6 2019 "13°Ge58'37''" "-03°35'35''"
Oct 7 2019 "13°Ge58'24''" "-03°35'37''"
Oct 8 2019 "13°Ge58'12''" "-03°35'40''"
Oct 9 2019 "13°Ge57'58''" "-03°35'42''"
Oct 10 2019 "13°Ge57'45''" "-03°35'44''"
Oct 11 2019 "13°Ge57'30''" "-03°35'47''"
Oct 12 2019 "13°Ge57'16''" "-03°35'49''"
Oct 13 2019 "13°Ge57'01''" "-03°35'51''"
Oct 14 2019 "13°Ge56'45''" "-03°35'53''"
Oct 15 2019 "13°Ge56'29''" "-03°35'55''"
Oct 16 2019 "13°Ge56'13''" "-03°35'57''"
Oct 17 2019 "13°Ge55'57''" "-03°36'00''"
Oct 18 2019 "13°Ge55'40''" "-03°36'02''"
Oct 19 2019 "13°Ge55'22''" "-03°36'04''"
Oct 20 2019 "13°Ge55'05''" "-03°36'06''"
Oct 21 2019 "13°Ge54'47''" "-03°36'08''"
Oct 22 2019 "13°Ge54'28''" "-03°36'10''"
Oct 23 2019 "13°Ge54'10''" "-03°36'12''"
Oct 24 2019 "13°Ge53'50''" "-03°36'14''"
Oct 25 2019 "13°Ge53'31''" "-03°36'16''"
Oct 26 2019 "13°Ge53'11''" "-03°36'18''"
Oct 27 2019 "13°Ge52'50''" "-03°36'20''"
Oct 28 2019 "13°Ge52'30''" "-03°36'22''"
Oct 29 2019 "13°Ge52'09''" "-03°36'24''"
Oct 30 2019 "13°Ge51'47''" "-03°36'25''"
Oct 31 2019 "13°Ge51'26''" "-03°36'27''"
Nov 1 2019 "13°Ge51'04''" "-03°36'29''"
Nov 2 2019 "13°Ge50'42''" "-03°36'31''"
Nov 3 2019 "13°Ge50'20''" "-03°36'33''"
Nov 4 2019 "13°Ge49'57''" "-03°36'34''"
Nov 5 2019 "13°Ge49'34''" "-03°36'36''"
Nov 6 2019 "13°Ge49'10''" "-03°36'38''"
Nov 7 2019 "13°Ge48'47''" "-03°36'39''"
Nov 8 2019 "13°Ge48'23''" "-03°36'41''"
Nov 9 2019 "13°Ge47'59''" "-03°36'43''"
Nov 10 2019 "13°Ge47'34''" "-03°36'44''"
Nov 11 2019 "13°Ge47'10''" "-03°36'46''"
Nov 12 2019 "13°Ge46'45''" "-03°36'47''"
Nov 13 2019 "13°Ge46'20''" "-03°36'49''"
Nov 14 2019 "13°Ge45'55''" "-03°36'50''"
Nov 15 2019 "13°Ge45'29''" "-03°36'52''"
Nov 16 2019 "13°Ge45'04''" "-03°36'53''"
Nov 17 2019 "13°Ge44'38''" "-03°36'54''"
Nov 18 2019 "13°Ge44'12''" "-03°36'56''"
Nov 19 2019 "13°Ge43'46''" "-03°36'57''"
Nov 20 2019 "13°Ge43'20''" "-03°36'58''"
Nov 21 2019 "13°Ge42'53''" "-03°36'59''"
Nov 22 2019 "13°Ge42'27''" "-03°37'01''"
Nov 23 2019 "13°Ge42'00''" "-03°37'02''"
Nov 24 2019 "13°Ge41'33''" "-03°37'03''"
Nov 25 2019 "13°Ge41'06''" "-03°37'04''"
Nov 26 2019 "13°Ge40'39''" "-03°37'05''"
Nov 27 2019 "13°Ge40'12''" "-03°37'06''"
Nov 28 2019 "13°Ge39'45''" "-03°37'07''"
Nov 29 2019 "13°Ge39'17''" "-03°37'08''"
Nov 30 2019 "13°Ge38'50''" "-03°37'09''"
Dec 1 2019 "13°Ge38'23''" "-03°37'10''"
Dec 2 2019 "13°Ge37'55''" "-03°37'11''"
Dec 3 2019 "13°Ge37'28''" "-03°37'12''"
Dec 4 2019 "13°Ge37'00''" "-03°37'13''"
Dec 5 2019 "13°Ge36'32''" "-03°37'13''"
Dec 6 2019 "13°Ge36'04''" "-03°37'14''"
Dec 7 2019 "13°Ge35'37''" "-03°37'15''"
Dec 8 2019 "13°Ge35'09''" "-03°37'16''"
Dec 9 2019 "13°Ge34'41''" "-03°37'16''"
Dec 10 2019 "13°Ge34'14''" "-03°37'17''"
Dec 11 2019 "13°Ge33'46''" "-03°37'17''"
Dec 12 2019 "13°Ge33'19''" "-03°37'18''"
Dec 13 2019 "13°Ge32'51''" "-03°37'18''"
Dec 14 2019 "13°Ge32'24''" "-03°37'19''"
Dec 15 2019 "13°Ge31'57''" "-03°37'19''"
Dec 16 2019 "13°Ge31'30''" "-03°37'20''"
Dec 17 2019 "13°Ge31'02''" "-03°37'20''"
Dec 18 2019 "13°Ge30'35''" "-03°37'21''"
Dec 19 2019 "13°Ge30'08''" "-03°37'21''"
Dec 20 2019 "13°Ge29'41''" "-03°37'21''"